Supporting Children with Complex Communication Needs

CHI 2014 Workshop, April 27, 2014, Toronto, Canada


Aurora Constantin, University of Edinburgh. Interactive Technologies for Children with Complex Communication Needs.

Micah Eckhardt and Rosalind Picard, MIT Media Lab. StoryScape: A Platform for Supporting Communication and Language

Kyra Frederiks and Misha Croes, Eindhoven University of Technology. Biofeedback system for parents and children with Prader Willi syndrome

Franca Garzotto, Mirko Gelsomini, Matteo Valoriani and Luigi Oliveto, Politecnico di Milano. Combining Touchless Interfaces, Robots, and Storytelling for ASD Children

Alexis Hiniker and Julie Kientz, University of Washington. Workshopping Expressive Language Games for Children with Autism

Sebastian Marwecki, Roman Rädle and Harald Reiterer, University of Konstanz. Enhancing Motivation in Hybrid Therapy Games for ASD

Roisin McNaney, Newcastle University. Position Statement for Roisin McNaney for CHI'14 Workshop: Supporting Children with Complex Communication Needs

Kathryn Ringland and Gillian Hayes, University of California, Irvine. Virtual Worlds: An Alternative Method of Communication for Children with Autism

Kiley Sobel and Julie A. Kientz, University of Washington. Interactive Technology for Inclusive Play

Abigale Stangl, University of Colorado. Request to participate in Supporting Children with Complex Communication Needs Workshop

Andrea Tartaro and Andrea Binz, Furman University. Transitioning to Independent Living with Complex Communication Needs

Karl Wiegand and Rupal Patel, Northeastern University. Towards More Intelligent and Personalized AAC