Supporting Children with Complex Communication Needs

CHI 2014 Workshop, April 27, 2014, Toronto, Canada

Photo by Lars Plougmann
A toddler and a girl communicating. Photo by Lars Plougmann, available at

Important Dates

Submission deadline: January 17, 2014

Acceptance notification: February 20, 2014

Final version: March 20, 2014

Workshop: April 27, 2014


ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format, should not exceed 3 pages


Submit through EasyChair

This workshop's goal is to bring together researchers and stakeholders concerned with supporting children with complex communication needs (children who have communication difficulties due to significant speech, language, and/or cognitive impairments) through interactive technologies. Topics include:

The workshop will also be an opportunity to begin creating a community around this topic. There are specific challenges to this line of research that could significantly benefit from collaboration and coordination across multiple research sites. The workshop will therefore be an opportunity to discuss the possibility of a research consortium.

Position statements should be in ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format, must not exceed three pages, should be submitted as a PDF file through EasyChair and should answer the following questions:

At least one author of each accepted position statement must attend the workshop and all participants must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.