Participatory Approaches to the Ethics of Emerging Technologies for Children

IDC 2023 Workshop, June 19, 2023, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Summer Schmuecker, Flannery Currin, and Delaney Norris, The University of Iowa, Opinions of Rural Stakeholders on the Ethics of Extended Reality Technologies for Children

Franceli L. Cibrian, Chapman University, and Lizbeth Escobedo, Dalhousie University, Challenges with the participatory design of digital assessment of child handwriting skills: Can children be jury and judge?

Alissa Antle, Alexandra Kitson, and Sadhbh Kenny, Simon Fraser University, From Making to Moving: Co-Design Methods with Youth from Workshops on Biowearables and Virtual Reality

Michael Wendell, Benjamin Bettencourt, Assoumer Redempta Manzi Muneza, and Jerry Alan Fails, Boise State University, The Ethics of Emerging Technologies for Children Means Using a Participatory Approach that Gives Family Members an Authentic Voice

Larissa Schwartz, Yaoyao Wu, and Tom Yeh, University of Colorado Boulder, Generative AI Art

Gail Collyer-Hoar, Lancaster University, AI, Ethics, and Children

If you have any questions, please email Juan Pablo Hourcade at