Core Sites

There are six core sites in the XR for Youth Ethics Consortium: University of Iowa, Northeastern University, University of Maryland, Boise State University, University of Minnesota, and University of Baltimore. In addition, the University of Washington is participating in an advisory role.

University of Iowa

As the lead site, the University of Iowa coordinates the consortium. It focuses its research on adult stakeholders (e.g., parents, teachers, health professionals), rural populations, and young children (ages 2-5).

Juan Pablo Hourcade
Juan Pablo Hourcade

Juan Pablo Hourcade is a Professor at The University of Iowa's Department of Computer Science and Director of Graduate Studies for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Informatics.

Amy Gilhoi
Amy Gilhoi

Amy Gilhoi is a PhD student in Computer Science.

Delaney Norris
Delaney Norris

Delaney Norris is a graduate research assistant majoring in Informatics.

Northeastern University

Northeastern University's focus is on neurodivergent populations.

Meryl Alper
Meryl Alper

Meryl Alper is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Northeastern University, where she studies the social and cultural implications of communication technologies, with a focus on disability, digital media, and children and families' technology use.

Tal Aaron Benami
Tal Aaron Benami

Tal Aaron Benami is an undergraduate research assistant majoring in Business Administration and Communication Studies.

University of Maryland

The University of Maryland's focus is on pre-teens.

Elizabeth (Beth) Bonsignore
Elizabeth (Beth) Bonsignore

Beth Bonsignore is an assistant research scientist at the University of Maryland's College of Information Studies and Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL).

Tamara Clegg
Tamara Clegg

Tamara Clegg is an Associate Professor and Program Director for the BA in Tech & Info Design at the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland.

Elana Blinder
Elana Blinder

Elana Blinder is a doctoral student at UMD’s iSchool, with a background in elementary education and the design and evaluation of technology-enriched learning experiences.

Boise State University

Boise State University's focus is on families.

Jerry Alan Fails
Jerry Alan Fails

Jerry Alan Fails is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho.

Shrutee Dwa
Shrutee Dwa

Shrutee Dwa is a Computer Science graduate research assistant.

The University of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota is focused on conducting research activities during the Minnesota State Fair, reaching a broad range of stakeholders.

Svetlana 'Lana' Yarosh
Svetlana "Lana" Yarosh

Svetlana "Lana" Yarosh is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science & Engineering Department at University of Minnesota.

University of Baltimore

The University of Baltimore is focusing on low-income urban populations.

Greg Walsh
Greg Walsh

Greg Walsh is an Associate Professor in the Division of Science, Information Arts and Technologies in The University of Baltimore's Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences.

Advisory Sites

University of Washington

The University of Washington is participating in an advisory role.

Jason Yip
Jason Yip

Jason Yip is an Associate Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington. He is also a Senior Research Fellow for the Joan Ganz Cooney Center. His research examines how technologies can support parents and children learning together.