CS:5430 Machine LearningComputer Science, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of IowaInstructor: Tianbao Yang Email: [first-name]-[last-name] at uiowa.edu Office: 101E MacLean Hall Office hours: 10:30am - 12:00pm Monday, Friday or by appointment TA Office hours: Rishabh Singh, TBA |
Week | Date | Topic | Note |
Tue - Jan. 19 | Introduction | ||
Week 1 | Thu - Jan. 24 | Review: Linear Algebra | |
Tue - Jan. 26 | Review: Probability | Ch. 1&2 PRML | |
Week 2 | Thu - Jan. 28 | Linear Regression | Ch. 3 PRML |
Tue - Feb. 2 | Linear Regression | Homework 1 due | |
Week 3 | Thu - Feb. 4 | Linear Regression | |
Tue - Feb. 9 | Linear Classification (KNN) | ||
Week 4 | Thu - Feb. 12 | Linear Classification (KNN) | |
Tue - Feb. 16 | Linear Classification (Generative Models) | Homework 2 due | |
Week 5 | Thu - Feb. 18 | Linear Classification (Generative Models) | |
Tue - Feb. 23 | Linear Classification (Discriminative Models) | ||
Week 6 | Thu - Feb. 25 | Linear Classification (Discriminative Models) | |
Tue - Mar. 1 | Linear Classification (SVM) | Homework 3 due | |
Week 7 | Thu - Mar. 3 | Linear Classification (SVM) | |
Tue - Mar. 8 | Kernel Methods | ||
Week 8 | Th - Mar. 10 | Kernel Methods | |
Tue - Mar. 15 | No Class | Spring Break | |
Week 9 | Thu - Mar. 17 | No Class | Spring Break |
Tue - Mar. 22 | Clustering: K-means | Homework 4 due | |
Week 10 | Thu - Mar. 24 | Clustering: Spectral Clustering | |
Tue - Mar. 29 | Clustering: NMF | Project Proposal Due | |
Week 11 | Thu - Mar. 31 | Enemble Learning | |
Tue - Apr. 5 | Ensemble Learning | Homework 5 due | |
Week 12 | Thu - Apr. 7 | Bayesian Learning | |
Tue - Apr. 12 | Bayesian Learning | ||
Week 13 | Tu - Apr. 14 | Selected Topics | |
Tue - Apr. 19 | Selected Topics: Online Learning | Homework 6 due | |
Week 14 | Thu - Apr. 21 | Selected Topics: Stochastic Optimization | |
Tue - Apr. 26 | Selected Topics: Distance Metric Learning | ||
Week 15 | Thu - Apr. 28 | Selected Topics: Deep Learning | |
Tue - May. 3 | Selected Topics: Deep Learning | ||
Week 16 | Thu - May. 5 | Presentation | |
Tue - May. 10 | No class | Exam week | |
Week 17 | Thu - May. 12 | No class | Project Report Due |