
This is the main site for this course. Lecture schedule and summaries, reading material, exercises, and other resources will be made available here during the semester. We will also use these additional sites as follows:

  • Homework, homework solutions and grades will be posted on ICON.
  • All announcements and class discussion will be done on Piazza.
  • Recorded lectures will be available on UICapture.

Piazza is a class discussion service highly catered to getting students help fast and efficiently from classmates as well as the teaching staff. Your are encouraged to post your class-related questions on Piazza (publicly or privately, as appropriate) rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff.

UICapture is the university's lecture recording service. Recorded lectures from section CS:5810:0001 will be available there to (distance education) students in section CS:5810:0EXW about one hour after each lecture.

Copyright: Cesare Tinelli, The University of Iowa, 2014   Credits