A standard set of subcircuits is provided with the logic simulator for designing logic circuits using standard TTL chips. The TTL family of integrated circuits was introduced about 20 years ago by Texas Instruments. TTL stands for Transistor Transistor Logic, which signifies that two transistors are used to drive each output of each chip, one for pulling the output down to a low level, and one for pulling the output up to a high level. Chips made using TTL technology are faster than the older RTL (Resistor Transistor Logic) and DTL (Diode Transistor Logic) families of integrated circuits, and they consume more power than the MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology used in most VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated circuit) chips.
The TTL family has at least 6 subfamilies which offer different speed/power tradeoffs. These are summarized in the following table, where they are listed in roughly the order in which they were introduced:
family | delay (ns) | power (mW) | |
basic | 10 | 10 | |
low-power | L | 35 | 1 |
Schottky | S | 3 | 18 |
low-power Schottky | LS | 9 | 2 |
advanced Schottky | AS | 1.5 | 10 |
advanced low-power Schottky | ALS | 4 | 1 |
All manufacturers of TTL chips use a common naming system, as exemplified
by the chip name ``SN74LS00''. The prefix SN indicates that the chip
was made by Texas Instruments; other manufacturers have their own prefix
codes, but if the remainder of the chip name matches, the chips should
perform exactly the same function. Additional one letter codes may be
added as prefixes or suffixes to this code, for example, RSN indicates
radiation hardened chips made by Texas Instruments, and SNM indicates
the use of quality control procedures specified by the military specification
MIL-STD-883. The numeric code 74 indicates that
the chip conforms to the requirements of the civilian computer industry,
being able to operate over a temperature range of to
while the code 54 indicates the ability to operate over the more extreme
temperature range of
C required by many military
and industrial applications.
The letters LS indicate which subfamily the chip belongs to.
Finally, the last two digits indicate the logical function performed by the
Each Iowa Logic Specification Language TTL subcircuit description corresponds
to one standard chip, and these chips are packaged one per file, in a form
appropriate for inclusion using the use
statement. The actual file
names of these circuits will depend on your installation, but in general,
the prefix indicating the manufacturer and military rating will
not be included in the name, since it conveys nothing about the
logical function of the chip. The following circuit descriptions are currently
available (listed in numeric order):
Each circuit description in the TTL collection follows a common scheme.
The input and output pins of the chip have numeric names corresponding
to the pin numbers used for a dual-in-line package; for example,
for a 14 pin chip, these are p1
, p2
, p3
, and so on
up to p14
. For any given chip, 2 of these pins are reserved for
power (+5 volts) and ground (0 volts); these pins are not included in the
chip descriptions,
since they serve electronic purposes below the level of
abstraction with which the logic simulator deals. The remaining pins
are divided between input and output connections.
For example, consider the SN74LS00 chip; this has 4 nand gates. The inputs
of the first nand gate are p1
and p2
, and its output
is p3
. The inputs of the second nand gate are p4
and p5
and its output is p6
. The remaining nand gates are connected to
through p13
, and pins 7 and 14 are power and ground,
and so are not given names in the specification.
The input and output pins of the various chips are documented in the following sections, where the gates are listed in order by function. When a group of chips all have similar input and output connections, a diagram is given for only one of them, with the others listed below it. The diagrams on these pages are abbreviated and somewhat simplified compared with those in the data books; the data books should be used whenever an authoritative chip description is needed and these descriptions should only be used as a guide.
LS04 | : | Hex inverters. | 9.5ns |
LS00 | : | Quad 2-input nand gates. | 9.5ns | |
LS08 | : | Quad 2-input and gates. | 9.0ns | |
LS32 | : | Quad 2-input or gates. | 14ns | |
LS86 | : | Quad exclusive or gates. | 10ns |
LS02 | : | Quad 2-input nor gates. | 10ns |
LS10 | : | Triple 3-input nand gates. | 9.5ns | |
LS11 | : | Triple 3-input and gates. | 9.0ns | |
LS27 | : | Triple 3-input nor gates. | 10ns |
LS20 | : | Dual 4-input nand gates. | 9.5ns | |
LS21 | : | Dual 4-input and gates. | 9.0ns |
LS30 | : | Single 8-input nand gates. | 10.5ns |
S133 | : | Single 13-input nand gates. | 6ns |
4c||inputs | 2coutput Y | |||||
G | S | A | B | LS157 | LS158 | |
H | x | x | x | L | H | |
L | L | L | x | L | H | |
L | L | H | x | H | L | |
L | H | x | L | L | H | |
L | H | x | H | H | L |
LS157 | : | Quad 2-line to 1-line multiplexers. | 9ns | |
LS158 | : | Quad 2-line to 1-line inverting multiplexers. | 7ns |
3c||inputs | 2coutput Y | ||||
G | B | A | LS153 | LS352 | |
H | x | x | L | H | |
L | L | L | C0 | ![]() |
L | L | H | C1 | ![]() |
L | H | L | C2 | ![]() |
L | H | H | C3 | ![]() |
LS153 | : | Dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexers. | 22ns | |
LS352 | : | Dual 4-line to 1-line inverting multiplexers. | 22ns |
3c||inputs | 4coutputs | |||||||||
G | B | A | Y0 | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | ||||
H | x | x | H | H | H | H | ||||
L | L | L | L | H | H | H | ||||
L | L | H | H | L | H | H | ||||
L | H | L | H | H | L | H | ||||
L | H | H | H | H | H | L |
LS139 | : | Dual 2-line to 4-line decoders. | 22ns |
4c||inputs | c@ c@ | 10coutputs | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | ||
D | c@ c@ | C | B | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | A |
L | c@ c@ | L | L | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | L |
L | c@ c@ | L | L | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | H |
L | c@ c@ | L | H | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | L |
L | c@ c@ | L | H | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | H |
L | c@ c@ | H | L | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | L |
L | c@ c@ | H | L | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | H |
L | c@ c@ | H | H | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | L |
L | c@ c@ | H | H | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | H |
H | c@ c@ | L | L | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | L |
H | c@ c@ | L | L | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | H |
H | c@ c@ | L | H | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | x |
H | c@ c@ | H | x | c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ c@ | x |
LS42 | : | BCD-to-decimal or binary-to-octal decoder. | 17ns |
To use the LS42 as a binary-to-octal decoder, ignore outputs Y8 and
Y9, apply the binary input to C, B and A, and use input D as
a negative-logic enable signal.
3c||inputs | 2coutputs | ||||||
A | B | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
L | L | L | L | L | |||
L | L | H | H | L | |||
L | H | L | H | L | |||
L | H | H | L | H | |||
H | L | L | H | L | |||
H | L | H | L | H | |||
H | H | L | L | H | |||
H | H | H | H | H |
LS183 | : | Dual full adders. | 15ns |
LS85 | : | 4-bit binary magnitude comparators | 24ns |
In A and B, the two words to be compared, bit 0 is the least
significant bit, and positive logic is used.
The <, =, and > inputs to the least significant end of a chain of
comparators should be L, H, and L respectively; the outputs from the
most significant end are positive logic.
3c||select | output | ||||
S2 | S1 | S0 | F | ||
L | L | L | 0000 | ||
L | L | H | B minus A | ||
L | H | L | A minus B | ||
L | H | H | A plus B | ||
H | L | L | A xor B | ||
H | L | H | A or B | ||
H | H | L | A and B | ||
H | H | H | 1111 |
LS381A | : | 4-bit ALU slice with look-ahead carry outputs. | 17ns | |
LS382 | : | 4-bit ALU slice with ripple carry outputs. | 17ns |
In A and B, the two operands, as well as in F, the result, bit 0 is the least significant bit, and positive logic is used. The delay given is from A and B to F; the function select input S must typically be set up at least 38ns prior to examining the outputs, while the carry input Cn typically takes only 16ns to reach the outputs.
The LS381A produces and
outputs on pins
14 and 13 which can be used as inputs to S182 chips for look-ahead carry
generation. When
is low, the 4-bit slice will propagate
a carry, while when
is low, the 4-bit
slice will generate a carry.
The LS382 produces Cn+4 on pin 14, allowing ripple carry between
4-bit slices. The OVR output on pin 13 indicates signed two's complement
overflow; effectively, it indicates that .
Note that when using either ALU to perform subtraction, both the carry in
and carry out signals indicate the absence of a borrow. Thus, C0 (the
carry in to the least significant bit) should be 1 during subtraction.
S182 | : | Look-ahead carry generators. | 6ns |
The S182 look-ahead carry generator can provide look-ahead carry propagation for as many as 4 ALUs such as the LS381A, and a tree of 5 S182 chips will serve to provide fast carry across 16 LS381A ALUs, allowing 64 bit arithmetic operations in typically 45ns (from data inputs to data outputs, assuming that the ALU function has been selected in advance).
For both inputs and outputs,
will be low if an ALU or group of ALUs will
propagate a carry, and
will be low
if an ALU or group of ALUs will generate a carry.
are inputs from ALUs or groups of ALUs, with
increasing subscripts indicating more significant ALUs.
are outputs from this
group of ALUs to higher levels in the tree.
The Cn input (positive logic) indicates carry in to this group of
ALUs, and it should be the same as the carry in to the least significant
ALU in the group. Cn+x, Cn+y and Cn+z are outputs to the
3 more significant ALU's in the group, in order of increasing significance.
These do not depend on or
, so
the most significant ALU used for a full word operation need not produce
look-ahead signals.
LS125A | : | Quadruple non-inverting three-state buffers. | 9ns |
LS240 | : | Octal inverting three-state buffers. | 10.5ns | |
LS244 | : | Octal non-inverting three-state buffers. | 12ns |
LS74A | : | Dual D positive-edge-triggered flipflops. | 25ns |
LS109A | : | Dual J-![]() |
24ns |
LS175 | : | Quad D positive-edge-triggered flipflops. | 20ns |
LS174 | : | Hex D positive-edge-triggered flipflops. | 20ns |
LS273 | : | Octal D flipflops with clear. | 18ns | |
LS374 | : | Octal D flipflops with three-state outputs. | 20ns |
LS161A | : | Synchronous 4-bit binary counter. | 14ns |
The LS161A binary counter has a positive edge triggered clock input CLK,
and a negative logic asynchronous clear input .The value stored in
the counter is continuously presented on the Q outputs (
is least
significant, positive logic is used).
When is held low, data from the D inputs will be loaded
into the counter when it is clocked. When
are all held high, the counter will increment when clocked.
Holding either
inputs low will inhibit counting.
output indicates that the counter holds the value 1111
and the
input is high.
To build high precision synchronous counters, wire the
output of each stage to the
input of the next
more significant stage, and wire the CLK,
inputs in parallel across all stages.
LS164 | : | 8-bit serial to parallel shift register. | 28ns |
The LS164 shift register has a positive edge triggered clock CLK and
a negative logic asynchronous clear .All 8 bits stored in the register are continuously displayed on the
data outputs
, where
was the most
recent value shifted into the register.
The serial data inputs and
are anded together; both
must be high to shift a high into the register; either or both may be low to
shift a low into the register.
To make a longer shift register, wire the output of one stage
to the serial data inputs of the next stage, and wire all clock and clear
inputs in parallel across all stages.
LS166 | : | 8-bit parallel to serial shift register. | 28ns |
The LS166 shift register has a positive edge triggered clock CLK and
a positive logic clock-inhibit input CI. CI should not change from low to high
except when CLK is already high.
is a negative logic asynchronous clear.
The value stored in the 8th bit of the register is
continuously presented on the output
When is held low, data from the inputs
will be loaded into the register when it is clocked.
is held high,
the register will shift when it is clocked, with new data entering stage A
of the register from the serial data input
Longer shift registers can be made by chaining the output
of one stage to the
input of the next, and connecting
the CLK, CI,
, and
inputs in
parallel across all stages.