2. Basic Syntax
Part of
the SMAL Manual
At the syntactic level, a SMAL32 programs consists of a sequence of lines, each of which may contain any number of labels, an assembly directive, and a comment. Each of these fields is optional, and each may begin anywhere on the line, as long as they appear in the required order. Comments are defined at the lexical level and so are not formally treated here.
<program> ::= { <line> } <end of file> <line> ::= { <label> } [ <directive> ] <line end>
Unlike some older assembly languages, indenting and blank lines are allowed.
A label is an indentifier followed by a colon. The effect of using a particular identifier as a label is that the value of that identifier is set to the value of the assembly location counter and it becomes illegal to alter that value in any way. The location counter determines where in memory the assembled code will be put; it is initialized to relocatable zero and is incremented once per byte assembled. See Chapter 3.
<label> ::= <identifier> :
Any attempt to redefine a label will result in a "multiple label definition" error. If the value of the location counter differs between the two passes of the assembler, for example, as the result of a macro expanding differently on the two passes, a "label differed in pass 1" error will result. The following are legal lines of SMAL code containing labels:
Note the lack of column restrictions and the use of optional spaces between identifier and colon.
There are two kinds of assembler directives: The first takes the form of an assignment statement and is used to assign values to identifiers. The second takes the form of a symbolic directive name or instruction name followed by appropriate operands.
<directive> ::= <assignment> | <symbolic directive>
The forms of each of the symbolic directives will be documented in later sections. In general, each begins with an identifier which is either an op-code name or the name of some assembly operation. If an illegal identifier is used in this context, an "invalid directive" error will result. Directive names are not reserved words; that is, the name of a directive may be used as a label without any conflict of meaning. On systems allowing the use of both upper and lower case, directive names must be in upper case.
The assignment directive assigns the value of an arbitrary expression to an identifier.
<assignment> ::= <identifier> = [ : ] <expression>
Assignments take two forms. Identifiers defined using = (a simple equals sign) may be redefined at will but must not be used elsewhere as a label. Identifiers defined using =: must (like labels) have a single point of definition and may not be redefined. The following lines of legal SMAL32 code demonstrate the use of assignment:
Note that spaces are ignored before and after the equals sign, and that labels may be used on the same line as an assignment. The symbols SIXTEENTHOUSAND and L may not be redefined, while NEG1 and THISLOC may be redefined. The following lines demonstrate illegal assignments:
In the first case, the error is that an identifier used in a label cannot be assigned to. In the second and third cases, the definition is circular.
A special form of the assignment directive is used to modify the location counter. This is used, for example, to set the assembly origin.
<assignment> ::= . = <expression>
Here, the special symbol "." (period) is used as if it were an identifier standing for the location counter. See Chapter 3. The location counter can be set to any value, absolute or relocatable, but the value must resolve to a legal memory address by the time the program is loaded.
If some part of a program is to be loaded at an absolute memory address, assign an absolute value to the location counter, for example, a numeric constant. Code to be loaded in a common area may be loaded by first assigning the common name to the location counter, and code to be stored at a fixed address relative to an external symbol may be loaded by first assigning that address to the location counter.
By default, the location counter is initialized to relocatable zero, and it is incremented once for each byte assembled. The following lines of legal SMAL code demonstrate the use of assignments to the location counter:
BLOCK: .=.+5 ; BLOCK labels 5 bytes of uninitialized memory ; other code may go here A = . . = BLOCK ; code here may initialize BLOCK . = A
In the first line above, the location counter is incremented by 5 bytes. The remainder of the lines demonstrate how the current value of the location counter can be saved, changed to a different area, for example, a location named BLOCK, and then restored to where it was originally. Note that the assignment A=:. and the label A: define the symbol A identically.
The following lines illustrate one approach to halfword and word alignment, applicable only in absolute assembly mode:
. = .+(.&1) ; align to a halfword boundary . = .+(.&2) ; then align to a word boundary
The first adds one to the location counter if the counter is odd, forcing an even value. The second operates similarly on the next least significant bit. Both must be used, in this order, to align to a 32 bit boundary.
Alignment in relocatable object code relies on the linker's cooperation in aligning the entire object code block on an appropriate boundary. Assuming that the linker aligns each object file to a word boundary, the following lines will align the following section of the object file to a word boundary:
. = .+(ABS(.)&1) ; align to a halfword boundary . = .+(ABS(.)&2) ; then align to a word boundary
These are ugly, but in practice, an ALIGN macro can be used to hide this. (See Section 6.4.)
Expressions are composed of a sequence of terms separated by binary operators. There is no operator precidence hierarchy, so the terms are evaluated and combined in a strict left to right order unless parentheses are used to alter the order of evaluation. (see Section 2.5.)
<expression> ::= <term> { <binary operator> <term> }
The allowed binary operators are:
<binary operator> ::= + | - | * | / | < | > | < = | > = | = | & | ! | | | < < | > > | > > >
These stand for, respectively, the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the comparison operations less than, greater than, less than or equal, greater than or equal, and equal to, the boolean operations and and or, and the operatons left and right shift. Right shifts are either signed or unsigned. The following lines of legal SMAL32 code demonstrate the use of expressions:
FOUR = 3 - 2 + 3 MINUSTWO = 3 - (2 + 3) TRUE = 5 = (3 + 2) NONSENSE = 5 = 3+2
In the final example, the value of NONSENSE is not the same as TRUE because of left to right evaluation. Spaces (or the lack of spaces) around operators have no effect on the value.
The arithmetic operations are computed using 32 bit binary numbers. When adding or subtracting, these may be treated as either signed two's complement values or as unsigned values. Overflow and underflow are not detected because it is impossible for the assembler to determine which operands were intended to be signed or whether or not the result should be interpreted as signed. The following rules govern the type of the result when adding or subtracting values of various types:
absolute + absolute ==> absolute absolute + relocatable ==> relocatable relocatable + absolute ==> relocatable relocatable + relocatable ==> error absolute - absolute ==> absolute absolute - relocatable ==> error relocatable - absolute ==> relocatable relocatable - relocatable ==> absolute or error
Note that, in the last case, the difference of two relocatable values will only be defined if both are relocated relative to the same relocation base. A "misuse of relocation" error will result whenever an illegal combination of operands is used.
For multiplication and division, the operands are interpreted as signed two's complement 32-bit values and only the least significant 32 bits of the result are given. This means that any operands over 2,147,483,647 will be interpreted as negative numbers.
The comparison operations are computed using 32 bit signed two's complement numbers. As a result, operands over 2,147,483,647 will be treated as being negative. The results of the comparison operations will be -1, 0 and 1, corresponding respectively to true, false and incomparable. It is illegal to compare values of different types; thus, absolute values may only be compared with other absolute values, and relocatable values are only comparable if they are relocated relative to the same base. Comparing incomprable values will give a "misuse of relocation" error and a value of 1. Spaces are allowed between the characters of multi-character operators, so >= and > = are the same.
The boolean and & and or ! (also |) operators are computed by applying the basic operation to pairs of corresponding bits of the operands to produce each bit of the result, so 10&12 (which is 2#1010&2#1100) gives 8 (which is 10002). Similarly 10!12 gives 14 (which is 11102). Thus, these may be used for bit setting and testing as well as for combining results from comparison operations in a boolean expression. These operations may only be applied to absolute values; using them with relocatable values will give a "misuse of relocation" error.
The shift operators return the shifted value of their left operand, shifted as many places as indicated by their right operand. If the shift count is zero or negative, no shift will be done. Both operands must be absolute; a "misuse of relocation" error will result if relocatable values are used. Note that the operator symbols consist of 2 or 3 lexemes; thus, left shift may be written >> or > > with no change in meaning. For right shifts, >> is a signed shift operaiton, so -2>>1 has the value FFFFFFFF16 or -1. Signed shifts preserve the sign of the operand. The unsigned right shift >>> will always produce a positive result for nonzero shift counts, so -2>>>1 has the value 7FFFFFFF16 or 2,147,483,647.
The terms of an expression consist of an optional unary operatior preceding a value. Thus, unary operators may be included before any operand used in an expression.
<term> ::= [ <unary operator> ] <value> <unary operator> ::= + | - | \ | ~
The allowed unary operators are a leading plus sign, a leading minus sign, and a leading not sign \ (also ~). The following examples demonstrate legal use of terms in SMAL32 expressions:
TRUE = ( +1 = 1 ) FALSE = \ TRUE FALSE = ~ TRUE THREE = - 3 - - 6 NEGNINE = -(3 - - 6)
The final two examples demonstrate that unary operators have a higher precedence than binary operators.
The unary plus operator is always legal and has no effect on the associated value.
The unary minus operator is used to negate the given value by taking the two's complement. It may only be applied to absolute values; it's use with relocatable values will result in a "misuse of relocation" error.
The unary not operator is used to take the one's complement of the given value. As such, it may be used for bit manipulation or to invert the sense of a boolean value resulting, for example, from a comparison operation. As with unary minus, unary not may only be applied to absolute values. Note that unary not, when applied to the result of an illegal comparison, returns a value which is neither true nor false.
Note that -A is the same as ~A+1.
The values used to compose the terms of expressions may either be simple values such as identifiers, numbers, strings, and references to the current value of the location counter, or they may be complex forms such as parenthesized expressions and predefined functions.
<value> ::= <identifier> | <number> | <quoted string> | . | ( <expression> ) | <function>
When an identifier is used as a value, it must have a value assigned to it somewhere in the program. Simple forward references are allowed, and are processed using two passes. Thus, if an expression contains a forward reference to some symbol, that symbol must have been defined by the end of the first pass for that reference to be valid. References to undefined identifiers will result in an "undefined symbol" error. When a dot is used as a value in an expression, it is taken to stand for the current value of the location counter. An "unbalanced parentheses" error will be raised if the parentheses on an expression do not balance.
When a quoted string is used as a value in a term of an expression,
the ASCII values of the characters will be used. If the string contains
only one character, it will be stored in the least significant 8 bits
of the value. If the string contains more characters, the rightmost will be
stored in the least significant 8 bits of the value.
Unused bits of the value will be set to zero. Using
a string longer than 4 characters as a value will result in a
"value out of bounds" error.
Special functions are provided to test whether or not a symbol is defined, to test whether it is a forward reference, to test the type of an expression, and to test the length of a text fragment. These functions are used almost exclusively in the context of conditional assembly and macros.
<function> ::= DEF ( <identifier> ) | FWD ( <identifier> ) | TYP ( <expression> ) | ABS ( <expression> ) | REL ( <expression> ) | LEN ( <balanced string> )
Note that the form of the argument lists for these functions depends on the particular function used. An "invalid function" error will result if any other identifier is used in a context where a function name is allowed. Function names are not reserved words; the use of an identifier as a function name is determined by the fact that it is followed by a begin parenthesis. On systems allowing both upper and lower case letters, function names must be in upper case.
The DEF function returns true (-1) if its argument has been defined previously in the text of the program, either as a label or as the object of an assignment. Otherwise, if the argument is an identifier which has not been previously defined, it returns false (0). A "symbolic name expected" error will be raised if the argument is not an identifier; in this case, the value returned will be ambiguous (+1). The following fragment of a SMAL32 assembler listing (see Section 10.2) demonstrates the use of the DEF function:
1 DEF = 0 +000000: 00000000 2 W DEF(UNDEF) +000004: FFFFFFFF 3 W DEF ( DEF ) 4 UNDEF = 0
Note that spaces have no effect, and that the DEF function responds to whether or not its argument was previously defined in the text and thus will return true only if it is defined earlier. Thus, DEF will always have the same effect during both passes of the assembler.
The FWD function has the same form and syntactic requirements as the DEF function, but it returns true when there is an unresolved forward reference to the argument. Thus, FWD will be false before the first reference to the argument and false after the argument is defined, but true between a reference to the argument and the later definition. The following fragment of a SMAL32 assembler listing demonstrates the use of the FWD function.
+000000: 00000000 1 W FWD(FWD) 2 REF = FWD +000004: FFFFFFFF 3 W FWD(FWD) 4 FWD = 0 +000008: 00000000 5 W FWD(FWD)
Note that the use of an identifier as an argument to the DEF or FWD function does not constitute a reference to that identifier from the point of view of the FWD function.
The TYP function returns, as an absolute integer, the type of its argument. As a general rule, the particular value returned by TYP will be meaningless, except that it will be the same for all values relocated relative to the same relocation base. The only exception to this rule is that the TYP applied to any absolute expression will return zero. The following fragment of an assembler listing demonstrates the use of the TYP function:
1 EXT X +000000: 00000000 2 L: W TYP(0) +000004: FFFFFFFF 3 W TYP(.) = TYP(L) +000008: 00000000 4 W TYP(X) = TYP(L)
Note the use of comparisons with the TYP function to see if the different expressions are in fact comparable. The TYP function operates by evaluating the expression given as an argument, thus, use of an as yet undefined identifier as an argument to it constitutes a forward reference to that identifier.
The ABS function returns, as an absolute integer, the value of the expression relative to its relocation base. For absolute symbols, ABS is the identity function. For external symbols and common names, ABS returns 0. For values computed by the addition of constants to external symbols, ABS returns the added constant. The following fragment of an assembler listing demonstrates the use of the ABS function:
1 EXT X +000000: 00000000 2 W ABS(X) +000004: 00000004 3 L: W ABS(L) +000008: 00000005 4 W ABS(5) +00000C: 00000009 5 W ABS(L+5) +000010: 00000005 6 W ABS(X+5) +000014:+00000000 7 W L-ABS(L)
The final example above illustrates how any relocation base can be computed: the relocation base is the difference between a relocatable symbol and the absolute value of that symbol. For expressions relocated relative to external symbols or common names, this difference has the same value as that external symbol or common name.
The REL function converts the value of an expression to a relocatable value relocated relative to the default relocation base. The following example assembly listing illustrates the use of the REL function.
+000018:+00000000 8 W REL(0) +00001C:+00000000 9 W .-ABS(.) +000020:+00000021 10 W REL(ABS(.)+1) +000024:+00000025 11 W .+1
The first two lines above both compute the first relocatable address, the default relocation base itself. The final two lines compute similar relocatable values but the values are relocatable for different reasons; the final line uses a relocatable value because the location counter was relocatable, while the line before it cancels the relocatability of the location counter with the ABS function and then adds relocatability back in to the sum with the REL function.
The LEN function returns, as an absolute integer, the length, in characters, of its argument. This is useful for testing, for example, whether a macro parameter is present or absent. The only constraint on the parameter to the LEN function is that it must be lexically valid (contain no illegal numbers or strings), and if it contains any parentheses, they must be properly balanced. The length of the parameter will not be interpreted as including any spaces before or after the parameter, but it will include any spaces within the parameter. The following fragment of an assembler listing demonstrates the use of the LEN function:
+000000: 00000000 1 W LEN() +000004: 00000001 2 W LEN(0) +000008: 00000002 3 W LEN('') +00000C: 00000004 4 W LEN( A B ) +000010: 00000006 5 W LEN("A B") +000014: 00000007 6 W LEN(0 (0) 0)
Note that LEN, when applied to quoted strings, includes the quote marks in its count.