The course meets 10.30--11.20 am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 427 EPB. Each student is also registered for and will attend a weekly discussion section conducted by one of our TAs.
In brief, the course will be about problem solving using data structures, with Java as the language for expressing our ideas. See this previous offering to get a rough idea of the course.
Here is an "official" course description: The second course required for computer science majors and minors emphasizes the design, implementation, and analysis of common data structures and algorithms. The goal is to teach how data structures provide the necessary data abstraction for the development of large software systems and their central role in software engineering. Data structures covered include sets, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, heaps, and graphs. Students are introduced to algorithms for searching, sorting, and data structure manipulation and learn the techniques to analyze program efficiency. Programming using recursion and dynamic data structures are covered. The programming language is Java.
For our textbook, we will use "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 2/E" by Weiss, ISBN 0321370139. After the first couple of weeks of lectures and discussion sections, this book will become quite readable.
Computer Science I (22C:016). Discrete Structures (22C:019) is a corequisite if not taken as a prerequisite.
The grading will be based on several homeworks (50 percent), a midterm exam (20 percent), and the final (30 percent). Most of the homeworks will involve programming in Java.
The midterm will be in class on wednesday Mar 10. The final will be during finals week as scheduled. So it is on Monday, May 10, at 2.15 pm in the classroom.
Section Time Location TA A01 10:30-11:20 Th 118 MLH Afroza A02 3:30-4:20 Th 214 MLH Raaj A04 9:30-10:20 Th 113 MLH Varsha
Kasturi 1.30-2.30 Mon, 1.30-2.30 Tue, 2.30-3.30 Wed 101E MLH Afroza 10.30-11.30 Tue, 2.30-3.30 Fri B20J MLH Raaj 11.30-12.30 Mon, 11.30-1.30 Wed B20J MLH Varsha 2.15-4.15 Tue B20J MLH