Spring 2005: Computing Equilibria in Markets and Games
Spring 2005: Computing Equilibria in Markets and Games
22c:196, Sec 003
Time and Place: 3.55--5.10, TTh, 217 MLH
The notion of equilibria in markets and in games is a distinguished
and well-studied concept. We will introduce these notions along with
the required background and study the classical proofs of existence
and computational procedures (Lemke-Howson, Scarf, etc.) for computing
these equilibria. We will also study some applications of solution concepts
for cooperative games and of mechanism design.
Since these classical algorithms may take exponential time in the
worst case, computer scientists have recently begun to investigate
the situations under which polynomial-time algorithms are possible.
We will study several recent methods that have been developed
in this context. These include methods based on convex programming,
as well as combinatorial methods. We will also review some
applications, developed by computer scientists, of the concept of
The classical material (a third of the course) will be drawn from
textbooks, and the more recent algorithms (two-thirds of the course)
from research papers. The course is aimed at computer science
students, so the main prerequisite is the graduate/undergraduate
algorithms course.
- For basic concepts in game theory -- noncooperative games,
Nash equilibria, correlated equilibria, coalitional game theory -- we will
refer to the text by Osborne and Rubinstein: A course in game theory.
Selfish Load balancing and Atomic Congestion Games , by
Suri, Toth, And Zhou.
How bad is selfish routing? , by Roughgarden and Tardos.
- On the core of the multicommodity flow game, by Markakis
and Saberi, in EC 03.
- Minimum cost spanning tree games, by Granot and Huberman,
in Mathematical Programming, 1991.
- For the Lemke-Howson algorithm, which not only computes an
equilibrium for a 2-person game but also shows its existence,
Bernhard von Stengel's survey:
Computing equilibria for two-person games
On the complexity of pure Nash equilibria , by Fabrikant, Papadimitriou,
and Talwar.
- On complexity as bounded rationality, Papadimitriou and Yannakakis,
STOC 1994.
Computing correlated equilibria in multiplayer games , by Papadimitriou.
On the value of private information , by Kleinberg, Papadimitriou,
and Raghavan.