Kasturi Varadarajan's Home Page

Kasturi R. Varadarajan

Department of Computer Science
101D, Maclean Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1419, USA
Phone: (319) 335-0732
FAX: (319) 335-3624

Research Interests

In principle, all of theoretical computer science. In practice, a subset that includes primarily parts of computational geometry, but also optimization problems on graphs and the like and polynomial time computability of equilibria in games and some economic models.

A selection of
some papers that I have placed online should give a better idea. For a more complete list, check out DBLP's list of my publications.

Former Students

Benton McCune, Erik Krohn, Matt Gibson, Gaurav Kanade, Xin Xiao, Santanu Bhowmick, Sayan Bandyapadhyay, Tanmay Inamdar

Current Students

No PhD students at the moment

Prospective Students


In Fall 2020, I am teaching undergraduate algorithms (CS:3330). The material is all within ICON, I am not able to maintain a public webpage.

Courses I have taught since Spring 2005:

Office Hours (Fall 2020)

2:30--4:00 Mon, 1:00--2:30 Tue. Email me for Zoom Info.

Kasturi Varadarajan ( firstname-lastname AT uiowa DOT edu )