Extended Reality and Children: Risks, Opportunities, and Ethics

IDC 2025 Workshop, June 23, 2025, Reykjavík, Iceland

The primary goal of this full-day workshop is to bring together researchers interested in research on the risks, opportunities, and ethics of extended reality technologies for children. The workshop will be an opportunity to discuss ongoing research on XR applications and the ethics of XR technologies for children. We are also interested in learning about ideas for future research and reasons why researchers are considering or have preferred not to pursue research involving children’s use of XR. All participants will have an opportunity to present their work and ideas, but we will also welcome attendees who do not plan to present. From these presentations, we will select emerging themes to discuss.

The workshop will also be an opportunity to begin creating a community around this topic. There are specific challenges to this line of research that could significantly benefit from collaboration and coordination across multiple research sites. The workshop will therefore be an opportunity to discuss research collaborations.

Position statements should not be anonymized and should be in ACM's Interim Template, must not exceed three pages, should be submitted as a PDF file to EasyChair and should answer the following questions:

  1. Why do you want to participate?
  2. What can you contribute?
  3. What do you want to get out of the workshop?
At least one author of each accepted position statement must attend the workshop and all participants must register for the workshop and the conference.

older child wearing smart glasses

Image generated by Microsoft Copilot.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 7, 2025
Acceptance notification: April 14, 2025
Final version: May 18, 2025
Workshop: June 23, 2025


ACM Interim Template, should not exceed 3 pages


Submit through EasyChair

If you have any questions, please email Juan Pablo Hourcade at juanpablo-hourcade@uiowa.edu.