(Fall 2016) 2:30-3:20PM, 101 BBE
Teaching Assistants and their Office Hours
Discussion Sections
Each student is also enrolled in a discussion section that meets once a week, and will be led a TA as listed below:
Course Webpage
homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/∼ghosh/2116.html This page is also accessible from ICON
During a computation, programs often store, query, and update large volumes of information. There are usually different ways to design a program to do this information processing, some of which are efficient, and others are not. The objective of this course is to learn about the different ways of doing this information processing, and to learn the distinction between the good and the bad ways from the perspective of usability and efficiency. The topics to be covered are as follows:
Goodrich, Tamassia, and Goldwasser: Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (sixth edition), Wiley, ISBN 978-1-118-77133-4.
Computer Science I (CS: 1210 / 22C:016/ ENGR 2730), Discrete Structures (CS: 2210 /22C: 019) is a corequisite if not taken as a prerequisite.
A+ = 95-100 B+ = 80-84 C+ = 65-69 D+ = 50-54 F = 0-39 A = 90-94 B = 75-79 C = 60-64 D = 45-49 A- = 85-89 B- = 70-74 C- = 55-59 D- = 40-44
The instructor reserves the right to make minor modifications in the above grading scale.
August 22-27, 2016 Introductory Materials |
August 29-September 02, 2016 Arrays and Linked List |
September 5-9, 2016 Inheritance (Lecture by Kyle Diederich, see ICON) |
September 12-16, 2016 Complexity of Algorithms |
September 19-23, 2016 Complexity of Algorithms (continued) |
September 26-30, 2016 Abstract Data Types Doubly Linked List (see the files under ICON) |
October 3-7, 2016 Stack and Queue |
October 10-14, 2016 Tree |
October 17-21, 2016 Priority Queue Iterators (Lecture by Kyle Diederich) |
October 24-28, 2016 Sorting: Heapsort, Quicksort etc. |
October 31 - November 4, 2016 Hash table Collections (Lecture by Kyle Diederich) |
November 7-11, 2016 Sets, Binary Search Tree Huffman Coding |
November 14-18, 2016 AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree |
November 28 - December 2, 2016 Graphs |