Definition 5.1.3: for PDA M = (S, _______, s0, Z, R) we define the run-step relation for IDs as follows: ID directly leads to ID , written _ , provided _____ {_}, X__, and (s', _)__(s, _, X).
Definition 5.1.4: for PDA M we define the run relation for IDs I and J, written I _* J, if there exist IDs K0, K1, , Kn (n0) so that I=K0, J=Kn, and Ki _ Ki+1 for 0i
Definition 5.1.5: for PDA M we define
the language recognized by final state as L(M) = {w__* |
and the language recognized by empty stack as Null(M) = {w__* | for some s_S}.
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