Assignment 12, due Dec. 2
Part of
the homework for 22C:60 (CS:2630), Fall 2011
On every assignment, write your name legibly as it appears on your University ID card! Homework is due on paper at the start of class on the day indicated (usually Friday). Exceptions will be made only by advance arrangement (excepting "acts of God"). Late work must be turned in to the TA's mailbox (ask the CS receptionist in 14 MLH for help). Never push homework under someone's door!
r) (1.0 points)
SL: ; given R3 a value to be shifted left ; given R4 is an integer between 1 and 16 (inclusive) ; returns R3 shifted left R4 places ; wipes out R4,R5 TRUNC R4,4 SL R4,8 ; put R4 into the shift-count field LIL R5,#00A3 ; SL R3,16 OR R4,R5 ; compose an instruction that does SL R3,R4 STORE R4,SLINST ; put it in RAM BR SLINST ; go execute it ALIGN 4 SLINST: SL R3,16 ; this instruction will be changed NOP JUMPS R1
a) Why is the ALIGN directive required and why is the NOP required? There is one explanation for both of these. (0.4 point)
b) This code used to work on a bottom-of-the-line HAWK processor. Then you bought a machine that had a simple write-through L1 cache between the CPU and memory. Would you expect it to continue working? Why? (0.4 point)
c) This code used to work on a bottom-of-the-line HAWK processor. Then you bought a machine that had separate I-cache and D-cache. Would you expect it to continue working? Why? (0.4 point)
a) How can we prevent the user program from changing the contents of the MMU? Major parts of the answer to this question depend on material presented in previous chapters of the notes. (0.4 point)
b) Suppose we wanted to be able to specifically allow user programs to access just some Hawk devices but not others, with a different subset of the devices accessible to each program. If we did not have this constraint, each device register could be arbitrarily assigned any unused 32-bit address above FF00000016. How should addresses be assigned to the different device registers of each device in order to conform to this constraint. (0.4 point)