Assignment 9, Solutions
Part of
the homework for 22C:60 (CS:2630), Fall 2011
unsigned int mod3(unsigned int x) { while (x > 3) { x = sum of base 4 digits of x } if (x == 3) x = 0; return x; }
A problem: Translate the above to Hawk code. You will have to work out how to do the loop body, perhaps with an inner loop, although there are tricks that may be even faster. (1 point)
First, the obvious solution:MOD3: ; given x in R3, returns x mod 3 in R3 ; uses R4, R5 as tempories y and z MOD3L1: ; for (;;) { CMPI R3,3 BLEU MOD3Q1 ; if (x ≤ 3) break; MOVE R4,R3 ; y = x; -- t guaranteed to be nozero LIS R3,0 ; x = 0 MOD3L2: ; do { -- x = sum of base 4 digits in y MOVE R5,R4 TRUNC R5,2 ADD R3,R3,R5 ; x = x + (y % 4) SRU R4,2 ; y = y / 4 BZR MOD3L2 ; } while (y != 0) BR MOD3L1 MOD3Q1: ; } ; CMPI R3,3 ; -- note, this instruction not needed BNE MOD3QT ; if (x == 3) { ADDSI R3,-3 ; x = x - 3 MOD3QT: ; }Now, a tricky solution that has a much faster worst case, using strange logic with no loops and only one forward conditional branch:
MOD3: ; given x in R3, returns x mod 3 in R3 ; uses R4, R5 as tempories y and z LIW R5,#33333333 MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,2 AND R4,R5 ; y = (x >> 2) & #33333333 AND R3,R5 ; x = x & #33333333 ADD R3,R3,R4 ; x = x + y; ; -- each 4-bit chunk sums 2 base-4 digits ; -- the maximum value of each chunk is 6 LIW R5,#07070707 MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,4 AND R4,R5 ; y = (x >> 4) & #07070707 AND R3,R5 ; x = x & #07070707 ADD R3,R3,R4 ; x = x + y; ; -- each 8-bit chunk sums 4 base-4 digits ; -- the maximum value of each chunk is 12 LIW R5,#000F000F MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,8 AND R4,R5 ; y = (x >> 4) & #000F000F AND R3,R5 ; x = x & #000F000F ADD R3,R3,R4 ; x = x + y; ; -- each 16-bit chunk sums 8 base-4 digits ; -- the maximum value of each chunk is 24 MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,16 ; y = (x >> 16) TRUNC R3,5 ; x = x & #0000001F ADD R3,R3,R4 ; x = x + y; ; -- x sums 16 base-4 digits ; -- the maximum value is 48 (16 digits times 3) ; -- this has no more than 3 base-4 digits MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,2 TRUNC R4,2 ; y = (x >> 2) & #00000003 MOVE R5,R3 SRU R5,4 TRUNC R5,2 ; z = (x >> 4) & #00000003 TRUNC R3,2 ; x = x & #00000003 ADD R3,R3,R4 ADD R3,R3,R5 ; x = x + y + z ; -- x sums the 3 base-4 digits of the previous sum ; -- the maximum value is now 8 (< 3 digits times 3) ; -- this has no more than 2 base-4 digits MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,2 TRUNC R4,2 ; y = (x >> 2) & #00000003 TRUNC R3,2 ; x = x & #00000003 ADD R3,R3,R5 ; x = x + y ; -- x sums the 2 base-4 digits of the previous sum ; -- the maximum value is now 4 (< 2 digits times 3) CMPI R3,3 BLT MOD3QT ; if (x >= 3) { ADDSI R3,-3 ; x = x - 3; MOD3QT: ; } JUMPS R1 ; return x -- the original value mod 3!Yet another solution. This one doesn't sum the base 4 digits; instead, it relies on the fact that not only is i mod 3 the same as the sum of the base 4 digits mod 3, but also the sum of the base 4i digits, for all integer values of i. So, we can sum the base 16 digits or sum the base 64 digits or sum the base 256 digits. Specifically, we'll first sum the base 216 digits (that is, 48), then the base 28 digits (that is), 44, then the base 24 digits, etc.
MOD3: ; given x in R3, returns x mod 3 in R3 ; uses R4, R5 as tempories y and z MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,16 TRUNC R3,16 ADD R3,R3,R4 ; x = (x & 0xFFFF) + (x >> 16); ; -- sum the base 2**16 digits ; -- the maximum value is 0x1FFFE MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,8 TRUNC R3,8 ADD R3,R3,R4 ; x = (x & 0xFF) + (x >> 8); ; -- sum the base 2**8 digits ; -- the maximum value is 0x2FD MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,4 TRUNC R3,4 ADD R3,R3,R4 ; x = (x & 0xF) + (x >> 4); ; -- sum the base 2**4 digits ; -- the maximum value is 0x3C MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,2 TRUNC R3,2 ADD R3,R3,R4 ; x = (x & 0x3) + (x >> 2); ; -- sum the base 2**2 digits ; -- the maximum value is 0x18 ; -- this has no more than 3 base-4 digits MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,2 TRUNC R4,2 ; y = (x >> 2) & #00000003 MOVE R5,R3 SRU R5,4 TRUNC R5,2 ; z = (x >> 4) & #00000003 TRUNC R3,2 ; x = x & #00000003 ADD R3,R3,R4 ADD R3,R3,R5 ; x = x + y + z ; -- x sums the 3 base-4 digits of the previous sum ; -- the maximum value is now 8 (< 3 digits times 3) ; -- this has no more than 2 base-4 digits MOVE R4,R3 SRU R4,2 TRUNC R4,2 ; y = (x >> 2) & #00000003 TRUNC R3,2 ; x = x & #00000003 ADD R3,R3,R5 ; x = x + y ; -- x sums the 2 base-4 digits of the previous sum ; -- the maximum value is now 4 (< 2 digits times 3) CMPI R3,3 BLT MOD3QT ; if (x >= 3) { ADDSI R3,-3 ; x = x - 3; MOD3QT: ; } JUMPS R1 ; return x -- the original value mod 3!
There's quite a bit missing from the above specification: How do you create new windows? How does an application determine the size of a window? Ignore this, but do assume that there may be multiple output devices, perhaps a character-only device such as the default Hawk display and also a graphic output device more akin to what you expect on a modern computer. This means that the class window is inherently polymorphic.
a) Give an appropriate interface specification file window.h to be used by SMAL Hawk programs. (0.5 points)
; window.h -- the interface spec for the window manager ; every window object w begins with the following fields: PUTCHAR = 0 ; pointer ot the w.putchar(ch) routine ; expects R3 -- pointer to object w ; expects R4 -- the character ch PUTAT = 4 ; pointer ot the w.putat(x,y) routine ; expects R3 -- pointer to object w ; expects R4,R5 -- x and y coordinates
b) Give code for w.putat(x,y) assuming that w, x and y are all local variables of the calling subroutine. (1.0 points)
LOAD R3,R2,W ; -- get w, object pointer LOAD R4,R2,X ; -- get parameter x LOAD R5,R2,Y ; -- get parameter y ADDI R2,R2,ARSIZE LOAD R1,R2,PUTAT ; -- get w.putat() method pointer JSRS R1,R1 ; w.putat(x,y) ADDI R2,R2,-ARSIZE
b) (0.5 points).
LIL R1,FPENAB + FPSEL COSET R1,COSTAT ; enable floating point single precision COSET R4,FPA0 ; -- given R4 holds x COSET R4,FPMUL+FPA0 ; a0 = x * x COSET R5,FPA1 ; -- given R5 holds y COSET R5,FPMUL+FPA1 ; a1 = y * y COGET R3,FPA0 COSET R3,FPADD+FPA1 ; a1 = x*x + y*y COGET R3,FPA1 COSET R3,FPSQRT+FPA0 ; a0 = sqrt( x*x + y*y ) COGET R3,FPA0 ; -- get result into R3, as required COSET R1,COSTAT ; disable floating point