import tkinter # callback functions def buttonPushed(): textInEntry = textEntry.get() textEntry.delete(0, tkinter.END) print(textInEntry) # Create main window mainWindow = tkinter.Tk() # Create a Frame (called 'container') to hold two side-by-side widgets, the label and the entry container = tkinter.Frame(mainWindow) container.pack() label = tkinter.Label(container, text="Enter some text:") label.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) textEntry = tkinter.Entry(container) textEntry.pack() # Create a button and put it beneath the container. # Specify buttonPushed as "callback" function that gets called when the button is pressed. button = tkinter.Button(mainWindow, text="Print entry text in shell", command=buttonPushed) button.pack() # GO! mainWindow.mainloop()