import math import pylab # try plotSquares(7), ... 100, 1000 # def plotSquares(maxNum=20): pylab.clf() xlist, ylist = [], [] for x in range(1,maxNum+1): xlist.append(x) ylist.append(x*x) pylab.plot(xlist, ylist) # plot linear, n log n, and quadratic functions on the same chart # try plotThree() # def plotThree(maxNum=200): pylab.clf() xlist, linlist, nlognlist, sqlist = [], [], [], [] for x in range(1,maxNum+1): xlist.append(x) linlist.append(50*x) nlognlist.append(25 * x * math.log(x,2)) sqlist.append(x*x) pylab.plot(xlist, linlist, linestyle = '-', color = 'b') pylab.plot(xlist, nlognlist, linestyle = '--', color = 'r') pylab.plot(xlist, sqlist, linestyle = ':', color = 'g') pylab.savefig('plotTwoImage') # a simple bar chart def barChartTest(): pylab.clf() # clears the current chart[0,1,2,3], [5,10,12,2]) # use xticks to specify bar labels pylab.xticks([v + 0.45 for v in range(4)], ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D') )