James F. Cremer

101P MacLean Hall
Computer Science Department
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
(319) 321-1893
email: james-cremer@uiowa.edu


(circa 1996 :))

Department Chair, 2002-2010
PhD, Cornell, 1989
BS, Cornell, 1982

Co-founder, Tutor Universe, Inc., 2011 (now GotIt!)
Co-founder, CTO, Digital Artefacts, LLC, 2000-2009

Research interests: sensor-based and mobile apps for healthcare, virtual environments, simulation, integration of numeric and symbolic computing, geometric modeling, problem solving environments.

Selected Publications

Research Projects:

Computational Epidemiology Research at UI

HANK, our immersive virtual bicycling and driving simulator for use in studying human behavior and VE validation.

The Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature project mobile app (free download from iTunes store)

Virtual historical environments This Old Digital City. Officially called Timequest, the project created a real-time immersive virtual historical environment in which visitors to Cedar Rapids' History Center can explore the city as it was 100 years ago. An variant of the exhibit was on display at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History in summer 2002.

The National Advanced Driving Simulator and Simulation Center: dynamic terrain for real-time off-road ground vehicle simulation, database modeling, and scenario control

Iowa Driving Simulator (no longer operational, as of 1/00) scenario control and experiment authoring for real-time operator-in-the-loop virtual environments. Work in cooperation with Iowa's Center for Computer Aided Design.

Programming environments for development of physical systems simulators. Originally had close ties to larger-scope SimLab project at Cornell University: SimLab project at Cornell.