/* 22c22: Object Oriented Software Development Fall 2013 The University of Iowa Instructor: Cesare Tinelli */ /* Scala examples seen in class */ /* Testing with Scalacheck */ // adds scalacheck package to the class path :cp scalacheck.jar :cp /Users/tinelli/22/Fall12/Scala/scalacheck def conc[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): List[T] = l1 match { case Nil => l2 case h ::t => h :: conc(t, l2) } // Properties of the concatenation conc for integer lists // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // 1) the size of conc(l1, l2) is the sum of the sizes of l1 and l2 // 2) conc(l1, l2) and l1 have the same head // 3) the last element of conc(l1, l2) is the last element of l2 // 4) every element of l1 is in conc(l1, l2) // 5) every element of conc(l1, l2) is in l1 or in l2 // 6) for all i from 0 to the size of l1, // the ith element of conc(l1, l2) equals the ith element of l1 // Scala check has a methods called Prop.forAll that // that takes a predicate ((x1:T1, ..., xn:Tn) => e) and // constructs a corresponding property p // p.check can then be used to test that the property holds. import org.scalacheck.Prop._ // NOTE: 'forAll' is not the same as the method 'forall' // defined for Scala collections! // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // the size of conc(l1, l2) is the sum of the sizes of l1 and l2 val p1 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => conc(l1, l2).size == l1.size + l2.size } p1.check // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // conc(l1, l2) and l1 have the same head val p2 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => conc(l1, l2).head == l1.head } // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // if l1 is non-empty, then conc(l1, l2) and l1 have the same head val p2 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => (l1 != Nil) ==> (conc(l1, l2).head == l1.head) } p2.check // you can understand (e1 ==> e2) as syntactic sugar for // (if e1 then e2 else true) // or, equivalently, for // (!e1 || e2) // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // the last element of conc(l1, l2) is the last element of l2 val p3 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => conc(l1, l2).last == l2.last } p3.check // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // the last element of conc(l1, l2) is the last element of l2 val p3 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => (l1 != Nil) ==> (conc(l1, l2).last == l2.last) } p3.check // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // the last element of conc(l1, l2) is the last element of l2 val p3 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => (l2 != Nil) ==> (conc(l1, l2).last == l2.last) } p3.check // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // every element of l1 is in conc(l1, l2) val p4 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => forAll { (n: Int) => (l1 contains n) ==> (conc(l1, l2) contains n) } } p4.check // more compact formulation val p4 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int], n: Int) => (l1 contains n) ==> (conc(l1, l2) contains n) } val p4 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int], n: Int) => (l1 contains n) == (conc(l1, l2) contains n) } p4.check // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // every element of conc(l1, l2) is in l1 or in l2 val p5 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int], x: Int) => (conc(l1, l2) contains x) ==> ((l1 contains x) || (l2 contains x)) } } p5.check // for all integer lists l1 and l2, // for all i from 0 to the size of l1, // the ith element of conc(l1, l2) equals the ith element of l1 val p6 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int], i: Int) => (0 <= i && i < l1.size) ==> (conc(l1, l2)(i) == l1(i)) } // intermediate variables can be used for readability, as usual val p6 = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int], i: Int) => { val l = conc(l1, l2) (0 <= i && i < l1.size) ==> (l(i) == l1(i)) } } // several properties can be put together (conjunctively) using 'all' // 'all' takes in one or more properties separated by commas val p = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => { val l = conc(l1, l2) all( l.size == l1.size + l2.size, (l1 != Nil) ==> (l.head == l1.head), (l2 != Nil) ==> (l.last == l2.last), forAll {(n: Int) => (l1 contains n) ==> (l contains n)}, forAll {(n: Int) => (l contains n) ==> ((l1 contains n) || (l2 contains n))} ) } } // Individual properties can be given a name in 'all' val p = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => { val l = conc(l1, l2) all( "size" |: l.size == l1.size + l2.size, "head" |: (l1 != Nil) ==> (l.head == l1.head), "last" |: (l2 != Nil) ==> (l.last == l2.last), "contains1" |: forAll {(n: Int) => (l1 contains n) ==> (l contains n)}, "contains2" |: forAll {(n: Int) => (l contains n) ==> ((l1 contains n) || (l2 contains n))} ) } } // Given a positive integer, sum(n) computes the sum // of all values from 1 to n def sum(n: Int): Int = { var i = n var s = 0 while (i > 0) { s = s + i i = i - 1 } s } val sumProps = forAll { (n: Int) => all( "base case" |: (n == 1) ==> (sum(n) == 1), "step case" |: (n > 1) ==> (sum(n) == n + sum(n - 1)) ) } sumProps.check def avg(m: Int, n: Int) = (m + n) / 2 val avgProps = forAll { (m: Int, n: Int) => { val a = avg(m, n) all( "avg >= min" |: (a >= math.min(m, n)), "avg >= max" |: (a <= math.max(m, n)), "avg <= sum" |: (a <= m + n) ) } } avgProps.check val avgProps = forAll { (m: Int, n: Int) => { val a = avg(m, n) (m >= 0 && n >= 0) ==> all( "avg >= min" |: (a >= math.min(m, n)), "avg >= max" |: (a <= math.max(m, n)), "avg <= sum" |: (a <= m + n) ) } } avgProps.check def avg(m: Double, n: Double) = (m + n) / 2 val fpAvgProps = forAll { (m: Double, n: Double) => { val a = avg(m, n) (m >= 0 && n >= 0) ==> all( "avg >= min" |: (a >= math.min(m, n)), "avg >= max" |: (a <= math.max(m, n)), "avg <= sum" |: (a <= m + n) ) } } fpAvgProps.check def rev[T](l: List[T]): List[T] = l match { case Nil => Nil case h :: t => rev(t) ++ List(h) } // case h1 :: h2 :: t if h1 == h2 => rev(h2 :: t) val revProps = forAll { (l: List[Int]) => { val rl = rev(l) all( // all elements of l are in rev(l) "p1" |: forAll { (n: Int) => (l contains n) ==> (rl contains n) }, // all elements of rev(l) are in l "p2" |: forAll { (n: Int) => (rl contains n) ==> (l contains n) }, // l and rev(l) have exactly the same set of elements [equivalent to (p1 and p2)] "p3" |: l.toSet == rl.toSet, // reversing rev(l) gives you back l "p4" |: rev(rl) == l, // l and rev(l) have the same length "p5" |: l.length == rl.length, // for each position i of l, the element occurs at position i in l // iff it occurs at position (l.length - 1 - i) in rl "p6" |: forAll { (i: Int) => (0 <= i && i < l.length) ==> (l(i) == rl(l.length - 1 - i)) } ) } } revProps.check