Homework 4
22C:80 Programming for Informatics
Due Friday, February 13, 2009
10 points
1. Write a program that creates an animated "scrolling banner" :
- the main function of your program should be called scrollBanner(text, mode, speed)
- text is a string to be scrolled across the window.
- if mode is 0, then when the banner reaches the right hand end of the window it should start again
at the left side. If mode is 1, when the banner reaches the right hand side, it should "bounce" back
to the left, scrolling leftward until if reaches the left edge, then bounce to right, etc.
- speed a number that influences scolling speed. Higher numbers should yield faster scrolling.
(Make sure your README explains the range of numbers your program expects/supports and what
numbers represent a "usual" or "normal" speed).
SUGGESTED EXTENSIONS: add the ability to "cut" your text in parts so that when part of it
goes off the right hand side, that part immediately appears on the right (rather than
waiting til the whole thing disappears from right and then popping whole thing immediately
on the left). Add the ability to have a background image behind the text. Add other modes
(e.g vertical/random movement on a big window), etc.