12:30-1:20 M 132 MH (Macbride Hall)
Sriram V. Pemmaraju
101G MLH, sriram-pemmaraju@uiowa.edu, 319-353-2956
Office Hours: 1:30-2:00 M, 10:30-11:30 W, 2:00-3:00 F (and by appointment)
Alberto M. Segre
14D MLH, alberto-segre@uiowa.edu, 319-335-1713
Office Hours: by appointment
Course website: http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~sriram/5980/spring19/
Department website: http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/
Course Syllabus: Syllabus
Main Reading:
Additional Reading:
Assignment: Email your Online Training certificates for the three courses mentioned in the syllabus.
Week 3: 1/28-2/1 The Ethics of Authorship, Peer Reviewing, and Collaborative Research: Part I
Main Reading:
Week 4: 2/4-2/8 The Ethics of Authorship, Peer Reviewing, and Collaborative Research: Part II
Main Reading:
Week 4: 2/11-2/15 Rights and Responsibilities of Graduate Students as Advisees and Faculty as Advisors including Conflicts of Interest/Commitment
Main Reading:
Additional Reading:
Week 5: 2/18-2/22 Algorithmic Bias and Algorithmic Fairness: Part I
Main Reading:
Additional Reading: Lots of additional reading at the FAT* 2019 conference program: https://fatconference.org/2019/program.html,
Week 6: 2/25-3/1 Algorithmic Bias and Algorithmic Fairness: Part II
Main Reading:
Week 7: 3/4-3/8 Ethics of Software Engineering
Main Reading:
Week 8: 3/11-3/15 Issues in Data Management: Anonymity and Privacy
Main Reading:
Week 9: 3/25-3/29 Autonomy, Agency, and Liability
Main Readings:
Week 10: 4/1-4/5 Prof. Omar Chowdhury on the "Ethics of Computer Security and Privacy Research"
Main Readings:
Week 11: 4/8-4/12 Prof. Rishab Nithyanand on the "Ethis of Online Advertising vs Privacy"
Main Readings:
Week 12: 4/15-4/19 The ethics of using animals in research
Main Reading: