About the final
When and where:
Wednesday, May 9, 2001, 12-2 pm, 1505 Seaman's Center
Material to read:
- Chapters 10 (Selection) and 12 (Hashing).
Sections 17.1, 17.2, and 17.3 (Greedy Algorithms),
Sections 23.1 and 23.2 (Graph Traversals), and
Sections 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, and 25.4 (Shortest Paths).
- Solutions to Homeworks 4-8.
Problems in the exam may refer
to homework problems or their solutions, so bring these along to the exam.
- Solutions to Practice Problems.
Problems in the exam may refer
to practice problems or their solutions, so bring these along to the exam.
Format of the exam:
The exam is open notes and open book. It is worth 350 points
(35% of your entire grade).
It contains 5 problems, each worth 70 points.
Each problem has 2 parts, each worth 35 points.
- Problem 1 is on the selection problem: There are many interesting
problems in the book on selection and median finding. Working on these
problems before the finals will be good practice.
- Problem 2 is on hashing: You should know what makes a good hash function.
In particular, what is a simple uniform hash function? When is a hash function
used for open addressing good? What conditions ensure that a hash function
used in open addressing yields a probe sequence that is a permutation?
- Problem 3 is on the greedy method: Review all the examples of the
greedy method we studied in class. Practice constructing counterexamples
to wrong greedy algorithms. Review the proofs of correctness of greedy
- Problem 4 is on graph representation and traversal: How does BFS work?
What proparties do the d-values and pi-values have?
- Problem 5 is on shortest path algorithms: Think about how to improve
Dijkstra's algorithm and the Bellman-Ford algorithm for special cases of
the shortest path problem.