22C:30, 22C:115 Homework 1
Due date: Monday, 9/15
Problem 1
The rational class discussed in class this week is contained in the
following two files: rational.h and
Add two accessor member functions to this class: ceiling() and floor().
If s is a rational object then the function call s.ceiling() should return
the smallest integer greater than or equal to s.
Similarly, the function call s.floor() should return the largest integer
less than or equal to s.
Now overload the operators +, -, *, and / so that they each take two rational arguments
and return a rational result.
So for example, the signature of the function that overloads the + operator would be:
rational operator +(const rational & left, const rational & right)
Note that these functions are not member functions of the rational class.
Overload the insert operator << and the extract operator >> so that these operators
can be used to input and output rational objects.
Specifically, the if s is a rational object, then the statement cin >> s;
should read input of the form:
[white space] [an integer] [white space] / [white space] [an integer]
and update s so that its numerator is the first integer in the input and
its denominator is the second integer in the input.
Similarly, the statement cout << s; should produce output of the form
[numerator of s] / [denominator of s]
Add the implementation of the operators mentioned in parts (2) and (3) above to the
file rational.cxx.
Turn in your enhanced rational class by submitting printouts of the new
rational.h and rational.cxx.
Problem 2
In class we discussed a greedy algorithm for the Egyptian fraction problem.
Recall that this is the problem of expressing a given non-negative rational number as the sum of
distinct unit fractions.
Implement the greedy algorithm for the Egyptian fraction problem
in C++ making use of the rational class.
Turn in a printout of your C++ implementation.
Your implementation will be judged on how well you have used the rational class.
Use your implementation to pruduce a set of distinct unit fractions whose sum is 5/21.
Report this set of unit fractions.
Is it possible to express 5/21 as the sum of fewer distinct unit fractions?
If so, report this smaller set distinct unit fractions that add up to 5/21.
As you run the greedy algorithm for the Egyptian fraction problem, sometimes
the size of the denominator of the unit fractions grows quite quickly.
For example, for 4/17, the greedy algorithm produces 1/5, 1/29, 1/1233, and 1/3039345
as the answer.
This makes integer overflow a problem for our implementation.
To solve this problem, I provide the interface and implementation of the BigInt class:
bigint.h and bigint.cxx (downloaded
from Owen Astrachan's website at Duke University).
This class allows us to define and use integers with an arbitrary number of digits.
Enhance the rational class further by defining the numerator and denominator
of a rational as BigInt objects, rather than as int variables.
It is possible that you might have to make other changes to the rational class so that
it works correctly with BigInt objects.
Submit a printout of your new rational class.
Also, use your new rational class to report a set of distinct unit fractions that add up
to 4/3889.