java SpellCheck Enter source file to spell check: check3.txt The word: "tihs" is unknown. Do you want to replace (R), replace all (P), ignore (I), ignore all (N), or abort (A)? > R (0) this (1) ties (2) tins (3) tips (4) tis (5) stirs (6) tails (7) thighs (8) toils (9) tries (10) Use my replacement 0 The word: "tests" is unknown. Do you want to replace (R), replace all (P), ignore (I), ignore all (N), or abort (A)? > N The word: "sentnce" is unknown. Do you want to replace (R), replace all (P), ignore (I), ignore all (N), or abort (A)? > P (0) sentence (1) sentenced (2) sentences (3) penance (4) entice (5) Use my replacement 0 The word: "tesssts" is unknown. Do you want to replace (R), replace all (P), ignore (I), ignore all (N), or abort (A)? > P (0) resists (1) tests (2) Use my replacement 1 The word: "midle" is unknown. Do you want to replace (R), replace all (P), ignore (I), ignore all (N), or abort (A)? > P (0) middle (1) mille (2) idle (3) mile (4) bridle (5) smile (6) meddle (7) muddle (8) fiddle (9) riddle (10) Use my replacement 0 The word: "tihs" is unknown. Do you want to replace (R), replace all (P), ignore (I), ignore all (N), or abort (A)? > P (0) this (1) ties (2) tins (3) tips (4) tis (5) stirs (6) tails (7) thighs (8) toils (9) tries (10) Use my replacement 0 The word: "fnu" is unknown. Do you want to replace (R), replace all (P), ignore (I), ignore all (N), or abort (A)? > P (0) fun (1) feu (2) fans (3) fan (4) fen (5) find (6) fine (7) fond (8) font (9) fund (10) Use my replacement 0