22C:30, 22C:115 Project 2

Due date: Friday, 11/7, 5 pm



This project builds on Project 1. The main difference between this project and Project 1 is that you will now build a larger dictionary and will therefore have to use more sophisticated data structures to provide efficient insertion and search. This project will attempt to give you more practice building and using classes, force you to use pointers, and introduce you to the hash table data structure.


As in Project 1, you will have to write two separate programs: buildDict and spellCheck. As in Project 1, the program buildDict builds a dictionary of words, while the program spellCheck uses this dictionary of words to determine which words in a given document are misspelled. The program buildDict builds a dictionary by extracting words from a document known to be free of spelling errors. However, in this project, buildDict also keeps track of the frequency of occurrence of each word that it extracts from the document. When buildDict completes extracting all the words from the document, it writes the extracted words onto a text file called words.dat. In particular, buildDict starts by writing the 500 most frequent words (in any order) into words.dat and then writes the remaining words into words.dat in alphabetical order. The spellCheck program reads words.dat and creates not one, but two dictionaries: a primary dictionary containing the 500 most frequent words and a secondary dictionary containing the remaining words. The primary dictionary will be stored in a hash table data structure while the secondary dictionary will be stored as before in a sorted Vector of string objects. A hash table is used for the primary dictionary because it provides almost instantaneous search capabilities. For each word in the document that is being checked for spelling errors, the program spellCheck first consults the primary dictionary and if the word is not found there, it consults the secondary dictionary. The motivation for this two-level organization of the dictionary is that many empirical studies have found that 80% of the words in an average document come from a list of about 500 words!

Building a Dictionary

For this project I am making available a single compressed file called novel.txt.gz (approximately 1300 Kbytes in size). This file can be found in the directory: ~sriram/.public-html/17spring97/project2. If you copy this file and uncompress it using gunzip you should get a text file called novel.txt (approximately 3400 Kbytes in size). I ran a Unix program called wc (short for ``word count'') on novel.txt and found out that it has: 132734 lines, 602027 words, and 3412107 characters. For this project, I want you to use the same definition of ``word'' as in Project 1. Since this definition of a ``word'' is probably different from the Unix definition of a ``word'' and since buildDict throws out duplicates and certain other words, the number of distinct words that buildDict extracts from novel.txt will be much less than 602027. As before I want you to throw out words of length 1, but in addition I also want you to throw out capitalized words that do not start a sentence. A word is said to be capitalized, if its first letter is in upper case and the rest of the letters are in lower case. A word is said to begin a sentence, if the non-whitespace character immediately preceding the first letter of the word is a period. The reason for throwing out capitalized words that do not begin a sentence is that such words are likely to be proper nouns. It is possible that throwing out words as described above may not remove all proper nouns and may in fact remove some words that are not proper nouns.

Data Structure used by buildDict

For this project buildDict needs to keep track of the frequency of occurrence of the words it is extracting from novel.txt. In particular, I want buildDict to maintain a list extracted words that is sorted alphabetically as well as in non-increasing order of frequency. In order to maintain a list of words that is simultaneously sorted by two keys, I would like you to maintain two extra pieces of information corresponding to each word: (a) the position of the word in the list of words sorted in alphabetical order and (b) the position of the word in the list of words sorted in non-increasing order of frequency. Thus, corresponding to each word, you will maintain three pieces of information: frequency, alphabeticalPosition, and frequencyPosition. Note that for the word that comes first in alphabetical order among the list of words, alphabeticalPosition will be 1 and for the word with highest frequency of occurring, frequencyPosition will be 1. Thus the data structure that buildDict maintains can be thought of as a table with four columns: word, frequency, frequencyPosition, and alphabeticalPosition and as many rows as the number of words extracted. Define a class called wordList that represents this data structure. There are various ways of organizing the table described above, but I want you to organize the data in the following manner. Define a pointer:

row * myList;

in the private portion of the wordList class. The class row that you see in the above definition represents each row of the table. Thus, each object belonging to class row contains 4 pieces of information: word, frequency, frequencyPosition, and alphabeticalPosition. The member functions of the class row will be determined by how this class is used by the wordList class. Clearly, besides some number of constructors, the class row needs to provide certain accessor member functions and also member functions to update values. The member functions of the wordList class will be determined by how this class is used by the buildDict program. Besides a certain number of constructor functions, wordList might have to provide member functions for inserting a word, searching for a word, updating the frequencyPosition of words, and updating the alphabeticalPosition of words. I will leave the details of these functions to you and your program will be graded based on the choices you make and how clearly you justify these choices in the documentation you provide. I hope you will not forget to provide copy constructors for these classes and a destructor for the wordList class. In keeping with our convention, you will define the row class in the files: row.h and row.cc and the class wordList in files: wordList.h and wordList.cc.

Inserting a word

As you know, the buildDict program repeatedly extract words from the document novel.txt and attempts to insert them into an object belonging to the wordList class. Suppose that dictionary is the name of the wordList object into which the extracted words are inserted. In this section, I will give a brief overview of the task of inserting a word into dictionary. After buildDict extracts a word from the file novel.txt, it searches (using binary search, since the words are in alphabetical order) dictionary to see if the the newly extracted word already exists in dictionary. If so, buildDict increments the frequency of this word. This means that the position of the word in the list of words sorted by frequency might change. Thus buildDict will have to update frequencyPosition for some of the words in dictionary. You should do this as efficiently as possible and your program will be graded based on the algorithm you use. If the word extracted from novel.txt does not occur in dictionary, it should be inserted into dictionary with its frequency set equal to 1. This newly inserted word should therefore be last in the list of words sorted by non-increasing frequency, but it can be anywhere in the list of words sorted in alphabetical order. Thus, as a result of inserting this new word, alphabeticalPosition of certain words in dictionary might change. You should make this change as efficiently as possible and your program will be graded on the algorithm you use.

Writing output:

After buildDict finishes its task of extracting the words from novel.txt, it has a list of words that are sorted in alphabetical order and are sorted in non-increasing order of frequency. The program buildDict should write these words into a file called words.dat. The output should contain the 500 most frequent words first (in any order) followed by the remaining words sorted in alphabetical order. Each word should be written in a separate line. The file words.dat will be read by the spellCheck program which creates a primary dictionary for the first 500 words and a secondary dictionary for the remaining words. As stated earlier the primary dictionary is stored in a hash table and the secondary dictionary is stored in a Vector of string objects sorted in alphabetical order.

The spellCheck program

After the buildDict program completes its task and creates a dictionary file words.dat, the spellCheck program is ready to take over. This program starts by reading the first 500 words from the file words.dat and stores then in a hash table. This is the primary dictionary. The hash table data structure will be described in the next section. It then reads the remaining words from words.dat and stores them in a list sorted in alphabetical order. This is the secondary dictionary. Then, as in Project 1, spellCheck sorts the words in the document it is spellchecking and removes duplicates. For each word in this resulting list, spellCheck searches the primary dictionary first. If the word is not found in the primary dictionary, spellCheck searches in the secondary dictionary. Any word not found in both dictionaries gets written to the file errors.dat. So for the program spellCheck you will have to define two classes: hashTable and sortedTable. I will leave the task of designing these classes to you.

What is a hash table?

The idea of a hash table is simple. Let U be the set of all possible strings of lower case letters. Let be a function that maps each string in U to a number in the range 0 through M-1. Then any subset of strings can be stored in a Vector called table of size M by storing a string in slot . To determine whether a given string is also in S, we simply compute and determine if contains . The only problem with this method is that there can be collisions between strings. For example suppose that for two distinct strings s and in S, and are both equal to some integer . This means that both s and have to be stored in slot . To handle such a situation, table should be defined not as a Vector of string objects, but as a Vector of string pointers. The only aspect of a hash table left to discuss is the hash function h itself.

The following paragraph contains the definition of a possible hash function h. Any string of lower case letters can be thought of as a number in base-26 by thinking of each letter as the number obtained by subtracting 97 (the ASCII value of 'a') from the ASCII value of the letter. For example, the string next can be thought of as the following base-26 number: 13 4 23 19. Thus a string has an equivalent decimal value defined as:

where equals the ASCII value of minus 97 for each i, . Now for any string S define a function as follows:

Thus the function h maps any string onto the range 0 though M-1. The only thing left to decide is the value of M. It is common practice to use a hash table whose size is approximately 10 times the number of items being stored in it. It is also common practice to choose the size of the hash table to be a prime number. These two considerations led me to pick 5003 (the smallest prime larger than 5000) as the value for M.

What (and when) to submit:

You are required to submit your work for this project in two parts. The first part of the submission contains the files: buildDict.C, row.h, row.cc, wordList.h, and wordList.cc. These files essentially constitute the buildDict program. These files need to be electronically submitted by 5 pm on Friday, 3/21. The rest of the files ( spellCheck.C, hashTable.h, hashTable.cc, sortedTable.h, and sortedTable.cc) that constitute the program spellCheck are due by 5 pm on Monday 3/31. As for Project 1 you should submit your files using the submit program.

A final word:

While I have specified quite a few details, I have left enough unspecified so as to leave you with a few design decisions to make. These decisions will affect the efficiency, robustness, and readability of your program. So make your choices with care.

This project is more complicated than Project 1 along many dimensions. I suspect it will take most of you all of three weeks; so please do not wait for two more weeks to start!

In general the graders of your program will look for several things besides the correctness of your program. The overall organization of your program, the partitioning of various tasks into functions, and program documentation will be taken into account while grading.

Sriram Pemmaraju
Mon Mar 3 08:03:11 CST 1997