22C:21: Computer Science II: Data Structures
Problem Set 8. Posted 3/23
Notes: Of the three problems given below, one will be solved by the
TAs in next week's discussion section, you will have to solve one in class,
and the remaining problem is due in the lecture on Friday, 3/31.
Write the following functions:
A function called missingLetter that takes a String
called word and returns a String array containing all
strings that can be obtained by deleting one character from word.
For example, if dog is the given string, then the function
should return an array containing og, dg, and
do (not necessarily in this order).
A function called extraLetter that takes a String
called word and returns a String array containing all
strings that can be obtained by adding one letter to word.
The new letter can be inserted at any position in word.
Only add lower case letters.
For example, if dog is the given string, then the function
should return an array containing adog, daog,
doag, doga, and then words obtained by inserting
the letter "b" in all positions, then the letter "c" and so on.
A function called substitutedLetter that takes a String
called word and returns a String array containing all
strings that can be obtained by substituting one character in word
by a letter.
The substitution can occur at any position in word.
Only use lower case letters for substitution.
For example, if dog is the given string, then the function
should return an array containing aog, dag,
doa and then words obtained by substituting "b" for each
of the letters in dog, and then the letter "c" and so on.
A function called swappedLetter that takes a String
called word and returns a String array containing all
strings that can be obtained by swapping two adjacent characters in
For example, if dog is the given string, then the function
should return an array containing odg and dgo.
Write a function called replacements that takes a string called
word and returns an array containing all
strings that are at most two hops away from word in the graph of
strings defined in Project 2.
You can assume that word only contains lower case letters.
Note that in this problem, there is no "dictionary" and therefore there
is no notion of correctly spelled words and incorrectly spelled words.
Here is a high level description of the algorithm you might want to use
to solve this problem:
- Call each of the 4 functions, missingLetter, extraLetter,
substitutedLetter, and swappedLetter and suppose that
the String arrays returned by the functions are
S1, S2, S3, and S4.
Together, these arrays contain all strings that are 1 hop away from word.
Now we need to obtain strings that are 2 hops away from word.
Put the strings in S1, S2, S3, and S4
into a single string array S.
For each string x in S, do the following two steps:
- Call each of the 4 functions
missingLetter, extraLetter,
substitutedLetter, and swappedLetter with x
as the parameter.
Again, suppose that the String arrays returned by the functions are
S1, S2, S3, and S4.
- Append the contents of S1, S2, S3, and S4
into a string array called L.
After the loop has executed for all strings in S, the array
L will contain all strings that are 2 hops away from word.
Note that L may also contain words that are 1 hop away and
it will even contain word itself.
This problem is on the sorting algorithms, merge sort and quick sort,
discussed in class this week (3/20-3/24).
First consider recursiveMergeSort.
Let us suppose that we insert an output statement immediately
after each of the two calls to recursiveMergeSort.
The output statement is meant to print out the entire array that is being
Write down the output you would see when you call recursiveMergeSort
with the following 6 element array:
8 3 11 2 1 25.
Make sure that the lines of output appear in the correct order.
Solve exactly the same problem for recursiveQuickSort.