import java.math.*; import*; public class FastFibonacci { // BigInteger is a class defined in java.math that allows the use of arbitrarily // large integers without having to worry about overflow. This class makes sense // for Fibonacci numbers because these become HUGE very quickly. // answers is an array that stores already computed answers, thus preventing // multiple calls to fibonacci with the same argument. This is the key // to speeding up Fibonacci. Fibonacci(n) is stored in slot n-1 in answers private static BigInteger[] answers; private static BigInteger one; private static BigInteger zero; private static BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ) ); // The "fast" Fibonacci computation function. This is also recursive, but // it consults the table of answers *before* making the recursive call, thus // saving a huge amount of time. public static BigInteger fastFibonacci(int n) { // answers[0] is initialized to 1. if((n == 1) || (n == 2)) return answers[0]; // If answers[n-1] is non-zero, then the answer has already been // computed, so just return the value in this slot; no need to // make a recursive call. if(answers[n-1].compareTo(zero) != 0) return answers[n-1]; // Otherwise, find fibonacci(n-1), either by // looking it up in answers[n-2] or computing it for the first time if(answers[n-2].compareTo(zero) == 0) answers[n-2] = fastFibonacci(n-1); // Find fibonacci(n-2), either by // looking it up in answers[n-3] or computing it for the first time if(answers[n-3].compareTo(zero) == 0) answers[n-3] = fastFibonacci(n-2); return answers[n-2].add(answers[n-3]); } public static void main(String[] args) { int n; long time, newTime; BigInteger answer; // Prompt the user System.out.println("Type a positive integer." ); try{ // Read a line of text from the user. String input = stdin.readLine(); // converts a String into an int value n = Integer.parseInt( input ); zero = new BigInteger("0"); one = new BigInteger("1"); // Initializing answers answers = new BigInteger[n]; answers[0] = new BigInteger("1"); answers[1] = new BigInteger("1"); for(int i = 2; i < n; i++) answers[i] = new BigInteger("0"); time = System.currentTimeMillis(); answer = fastFibonacci(n); newTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("The "+n+"th Fibonacci number is "+ answer); System.out.println("It took " + (newTime-time) + " milliseconds to compute it."); } catch( e) { System.out.println(e); } } // end of main } // end of class