22C:21: Computer Science II: Data Structures

Project 2. Posted 10/29. Due 11/15


This project mainly consists of three, fairly independent parts. These parts will involve modifying the myListGraph class and the City class.
  1. Modify the myListGraph class so that it can represent edge-weighted graphs and modify the City class so that it can make edge-weighte graphs.
  2. Add TSP methods to the edge-weighted graph class.
  3. Add a method to compute a minimum spanning tree to the edge-weighted graph class.
After these three tasks have been performed, you will have to perform experiments that involve building minimum spanning trees and travelling salesman tours using selected cities and selected edges. As in the case of Project 1, your data comes from the file miles.dat.

The myWeightedGraph class

Starting from myListGraph, construct a class called myWeightedGraph that allows to to store and manipulate edge-weighted graphs. We will assume that edge weights are real numbers. The unweighted graphs we have been dealing with thus far can be viewed as graphs in which each edge has weight 1.0. To be able to store edge weights, we have to modify the adjacency list representation just a bit. Details of how this should be done are discussed in the Lab 10 document. Some code has also been provided to help you get started.

The myWeightedGraph class needs to have a few extra methods that allow the user to deal with edge weights.

TSP methods

Add methods to the myWeightedGraph class that compute a traveling salesman's tour of this graph. Note that these methods are not in the City class, but in the myWeightedGraph class. Add the versions of the TSP method, given below.
  1. String[] GreedyTSP(String v): This function returns a traveling saleman's tour starting from the vertex v. The tour is just a sequence of vertex names and is therefore returned as a String[]. The tour is computed by using the greedy algorithm described in homework 8.
  2. String[] BruteForceTSP(String v): This function is like the above function, except that it uses the "search with backtracking" algorithm described in homework 8.
  3. String[] GreedyTSP(): This is like the first function except that it starts the tour at an arbitrary vertex.
  4. String[] BruteForceTSP(): This function is like the second function except that it starts the tour at an arbitrary vertex.
A few remarks about these methods are in order.

Computing a Minimum Spanning Tree:

Let G be a connected, edge-weighted graph. A minimum spanning tree of G is a subgraph of G that is satisfies the following properties:

graph 1
For example, the above picture shows an edge-weighted graph along with its minimum spanning tree (made up of the thick edges). Notice that the graph made up of the thick edges is indeed a tree (it is connected and has no cycles) and it is spanning (has all vertices in it). It is just a bit harder to verify that it is also a spanning tree with smallest possible weight (3 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 37). As you can imagine, minimum spanning trees are very important to telephone companies, cable companies, transportation companies, etc.

Algorithms for computing a minimum spanning tree have been around for a long time and here I will describe an algorithm known as Prim's Algorithm. The nice thing about minimum spanning trees is that a greedy strategy works for computing these. Prim's algorithm starts with an arbitrary vertex, let us call this s. At this point imagine that we have a tree just containing the vertex s. The algorithm performs a "greedy" step repeatedly, growing the tree by one vertex in each repitition of the greedy step. Let S be the set of vertices in the current tree. If S is not the set of all vertices, then the tree is grown by adding a vertex u and an edge {u, v} to the tree where u is outside of S and {u, v} is the edge with smallest weight that connects a vertex in S to a vertex outside S. In this way the tree would grow by one vertex in each step and the algorithm would terminate when all vertices are included in the tree. There is a nice example here showing Prim's algorithm in action. Prim's algorithm can be expressed quite simply in the following pseudocode.

	Pick an arbitrary vertex s;
	Mark s visited;

	Repeat n-1 times
		Let {u, v} be an edge with smallest weight among all edges of
		the kind in which u is a visited vertex and v is not;

		Mark v visited;

		Add {u, v} to the tree;

Add the following methods to the myWeightedGraph class to compute a minimum spanning tree of this graph.

  1. int[] MST(): This methods computes a minimum spanning tree and returns it as tree rooted at the starting vertex s. As we saw in the context of breadth-first search, such a tree can be represented in an int[] by just keeping track of the parent pointers.
  2. myWeightedGraph MST(): This method computes a minimum spanning tree and returns it as an edge-weighted graph.
  3. double costMST(): This method returns the total weight of a minimum spanning tree.


To test your implementation, write code to answer the following questions. Place this code in programs called CityTester1.java, CityTester2.java, CityTester3.java, and CityTester4.java.
  1. What is the cheapest traveling salesman tour you can compute of the set of all cities? As you know from an earlier homework, computing an optimal tour of 128 cities may take too long, and so using the greedy algorithm may be the best approach.
  2. What is an optimal traveling salesman tour of the cities in the upper midwest (i.e., between latitudes 40 N and 50 N and longitudes 85 W and 100 W)?
  3. What is a minimum spanning tree of the cities in the upper midwest? Print out all the edges this minimum spanning tree and also print out its cost.
  4. An airline company decides to create "hubs" in all cities (in the data set) with population at least 200,000. It decides to fly all routes in a minimum spanning tree of the hubs. In addition, it decides to fly routes the connect each of the remaining cities to the nearest hub. Enumerate all the routes that the airline company will fly. Also, print out (i) the average number of routes that visit a city (the average being taken over all cities) and (ii) the average number of hops between a source and a destination (with the average being taken over all source destination pairs).

What to submit:

Submit your java programs: City.java, myWeightedEdgeGraph.java, CityTester1.java, CityTester2.java, CityTester3.java, and CityTester4.java. In addition you should submit City.readme. As usual this should mention all known errors, gross inefficiencies, all required methods that are unimplemented, and documentation for all "extra" methods that were implemented. Also, submit Project2.pdf; this should describe the answers you got from running the four experiments.