22C:21 Computer Science II: Data Structures
10:30-11:20 MWF Room 221 CB
Sriram V. Pemmaraju
101G MLH, sriram@cs.uiowa.edu, 319-353-2956
Office Hours: 1 pm to 2 pm, MWF
This is the second in the sequence of core undergraduate computer science
courses and is required for all computer science majors and minors.
It builds on the first courses, Computer Science I: Fundamentals (22C:16) and
and is concerned mainly with the design and implementation of data structures,
algorithms for accessing and manipulating data structures,
and the application and uses of data structures.
Java is the programming language of choice for this course.
Syllabus document,
Information about TAs,
Quizzes, Projects, and Exams,
Sample code,
Online Resources
Final Grades
There are two TAs for the course: Gregory Nichols and Zhihong Wang.
They will lead 2 discussion sections each.
Section Time Location TA
A02 10:30-11:20 Tuesday 118 MLH Zhihong Wang
A03 9:30-10:20 Tuesday 218 MLH Zhihong Wang
A04 3:30-4:20 Tuesday 3321 SC Gregory Nichols
A05 11:30-12:20 Thursday 114 MLH Gregory Nichols
Contact information and office hours for the TAs are as follows:
Name Email Office and Phone Hours
Gregory Nichols gbnichol@cs.uiowa.edu 201C MLH, 353 2546 11am-12:30pm T, 2:30pm-4pm Th
Zhihong Wang zhihwang@cs.uiowa.edu 101K MLH, 353 2542 4pm-5pm, TW, 3pm-4pm F
Shridhar Dighe sdighe@cs.uiowa.edu 201C MLH, 353 2546 2:30pm-3:30pm, MTWThF
- There will be no meetings of the discussion sections in the first week of classes (8/23-8/27).
- There will be no class on Wednesday (9/1).
- Reading for the week 8/23-8/27: Chapter 2 (including Section 2.5 on
Javadoc), Sections 3.1-3.5.
- Reading for the week 8/30-9/3: Sections 3.6-3.10. (Posted 9/1)
- One of our TAs, Zhihong Wang, has a course page that you should regularly visit.
It contains notes and code from her discussion section meetings. (Posted 9/1)
- Zhihong Wang has changed her office hours on Friday from 4pm-5pm to 3pm-4pm
because her old office hours clashed with the CS departmental colloquium
series. (Posted 9/9)
- Reading for the week 9/6-9/10: Sections 4.1 and 5.1. (Posted 9/9)
- Discussion sections for the week of 9/13-9/17 will overview Project 1 and
the SparseMatrix class. Project 1 will be posted on Friday, 9/10 and
will be due back 3 weeks later on Friday, 10/1. (Posted 9/9)
- Greg Nichols has also set a course page for his discussion sections that
you should visit. (Posted 9/20)
- Reading for the week 9/20-9/24: Sections 4.2, 5.4, and 5.5
(recursion, induction, merge sort and quick sort). (Posted 9/22)
- Here is my suggestion for how to time your programs. (Posted 9/24)
- Zhihong Wang has posted a test program for testing your SparseMatrix class. (Posted 9/27)
- How to submit your projects. (Posted 9/27)
- The directory c021/project1 is now ready to receive your projects. (Posted 9/27)
- Project 1 due date is now on Monday, October 4th. You have an extra
weekend to finish the project. (Posted 9/27)
- Discussion sections do not meet this week (10/4-10/8). (Posted 10/5)
- As mentioned in the syllabus, the midterm is on 10/13. More details will be posted this week. (Posted 10/5)
More details on the upcoming midterm. (Posted 10/8)
- Our official tutor for the class is Shridhar Dighe. Office: 201 C, MLH.
E-mail: sdighe@cs.uiowa.edu. Walk-in office hours: 2:30-3:30 pm,
all 5 days of the working week. Shridhar is also available for 5 additional
hours by appointment. (Posted 10/11)
- Some clarifications on the extra credit homework 1. (Posted 10/11)
- Reading for the week 10/18-10/22: Sections 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6. (Posted 10/15)
- Quiz 5 will be given on Friday, Oct 22nd. You will be tested on linked lists (singly linked, doubly linked, and circular). (Posted 10/20)
- clarifications on the extra credit homework 1, updated. (Posted 10/20)
- Tentative midterm grades. (Posted 10/21)
- Project 2 is due in three parts. Part 1 due on Wednesday, Nov 3rd, 5 pm.
Part 2 due on Monday, Nov 8th, 5 pm. Part 3 due on Monday, Nov 15th, 5 pm. (Posted 10/25)
- Some students have pointed out errors in Bailey's Matrix class.
Here is the fixed version of the Matrix.java. (Posted 10/28)
- Our TA Greg Nichols has kindly provided a program to test your graph class: graphTest.java. (Posted 11/1)
- Here is a preliminary version of depthFirstTraversal: MyAbstract.java. (Posted 11/1)
- A submit directory called project2.1 is now ready to accept your electronic
submission of Part I of Project 2. (Posted 11/1)
- A submit directory called project2.2 is now ready to accept your electronic submission of Part II of Project 2. (Posted 11/7)
- Solution to Part I of Project 2: MyGraph.java and MyMatrix.java. (Posted 11/7)
- Our classroom will be 107 EPB starting on 11/15. (Posted 11/11)
- There will be no class on 11/19, Friday. (Posted 11/11)
- Solution to Part II of Project 2: MyListGraph.java. (Posted 11/11)
- Solution to Project 2: MyGraph.java,
(Posted 11/16)
- Solution to Project 3.1: ladders.c
and the output it produces.
(Posted 12/5)
- Teacher evaluations in class on Wednesday, 12/8. (Posted 12/5)
- Latest grades are here. (Posted 12/10)
- Final exam in 107 EPB on December 15th, 9:45 am to 11:45 am.
More details are here . (Posted 12/10)