Time line for your research papers.
- April 1: First draft of your paper due by midnight. We will read your papers and give
you feedback. Your papers should be in the format of your target conference or journal. Along
with your paper, you should send us the URL to the conference, as well as the URL to instructions
for authors.
- April 22: Second draft of your paper due by midnight. We will assign 3 peer reviewers
to each paper. In other words, each of you will be assigned 3 papers to review. You should make
sure that this version of your paper is ready for "blind" review.
- April 29: Reviews due by midnight. We will distribute these immediately.
- May 7-11: Final version of your paper is due at the time of the "22C:196 Conference."
Each of you will have 10 minutes to present your work. We will pick times for the conference
that work for all of us.