22C:16 (CS:1210) More on Project 1
- And here is the final sample input file for Project 1, Stage 3: cipher8.txt.
Here is the file containing the key that goes with the one-time pad cipher.
- Here is another sample input file for Project 1, Stage 3: cipher7.txt.
Here is one sample input file for Project 1, Stage 3: cipher6.txt and here is
a file, test.txt, that you will need to use to decode the monoalphabetic
cipher used in the input file.
More sample files will be added today (Monday) and tomorrow.
Here are two sample input files you can use: cipher1.txt and cipher2.txt.
Here is the output we got when we ran our solution on these two files.
These sample files should help clarify how the input is formatted.
Also, note that the output is simply being sent to the terminal, and not to a file.
You can assume that every line in the secret message ends with an end-of-line (return) character.
The blank line separating consecutive stanzas consists of of 0 or more spaces.
This project is meant to provide more practice (like HW3) of primitive list and string manipulations.
So you will be violating the spirit of the project by using "advanced" string methods, not covered in
class. As a general rule of thumb, you can use anything covered in class before the spring break.
If you are unsure if you can use a certain method, ask by e-mail or posting on Project 1 discussion board.
You can assume that there are no errors in file format or in the instruction line.
Thus you do not have to check for errors in your code.
Last updated: April 2nd