22C:16 Computer Science I: Fundamentals.
Exam 1 Information
Exam 1 will be held on Friday, Frb 18th from 9:30 to 10:20 am (our
regular class time).
Students in discussion sections A1 and A2 should come to our regular classroom
(W151 PBB) and students in the remaining sections (A3-A6) should go to
room W10 PBB.
This is an open notes exam that is 50 minutes long.
It is worth 15% of your grade and will be marked out of 150 points.
There will be six problems on the test and details of these problems are
given below.
- Problem 1. [20 points]
You will be given a 10 Python expressions and asked to
specify the type and the value of these.
This will be similar to Problem 2 in Quiz 1, Problem 4 in Homework 2,
and Problem 2 in Homework 3.
- Problems 2 and 3. [25 points each]
You will be given two code fragments and you will
be asked questions on how these behave.
For example, you may be asked to specify the various values that variables take
over the course of the program.
Problems 1 and 3 in Homework 1, Problems 1 and 5(a) in Hoemwork 2,
Among other things, these code fragments will contain
while-statements and if-statements
and you will have to demonstrate your understanding of how these statements
- Problems 4 and 5. [25 points each]
You will be given a two incomplete programs and
asked to complete them so as to make the programs behave in certain ways.
For example, I might provide a while-loop with a missing boolean
condition. I'll tell you what the while-loop needs to achieve and
you'll have to provdide the appropriate while-loop condition.
Note that this is just an example of what might be on the exam.
- Problem 6. [30 points] You will be asked to write a program from scratch.
This will be similar in spirit (though not necessarily in content)
to Problem 4 in Homework 1, Problems 6 and 7 in
Homework 2, and Problems 4 and 5 in Homework 3.