Text Retrieval & Text Mining Journal Club
Fall 2013
Time: Mondays 1 to 3 pm
Place: B11 MacLean Hall
Link to Previous Years' Readings
Goal: To study current papers from journals and conference proceedings in text retrieval and text mining. Examples of problems include topic models, web retrieval and web mining, ranking strategies, ambiguity resolution, knowledge discovery, web phenomenon including social networks, information extraction and text classification. The reading group is lead by Professor Padmini Srinivasan. Interested students (from beginning to advanced students) and faculty are invited to participate in the reading group. Participation format is informal with individuals taking turns to present an overview of the selected paper and lead the discussion. This forum has resulted in collaborative projects and published papers.
September 2: Labor Day Holiday
September 9: (Sanmitra Bhattacharya)
- 1. Winklemann & Zimmerman. Recent developments in count data modelling: theory and application. Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol 9(1), 1995
- 2. King-wa Fu & Michael Chau. Reality Check for the Chinese Microblog Space: A Random Sampling Approach. PLOS One. Vol 8(30), March 2013.
- 1. Winklemann & Zimmerman. Recent developments in count data modelling: theory and application. Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol 9(1), 1995
- September 16: (Bob Boynton)
- Boynton et al. The Political Domain Goes to Twitter: Hashtags, Retweets and URLs. Working Paper.
September 23: (Padmini Srinivasan & Dang Tran)
Zhang et al. Automatic extraction of biomolecular interactions: an empirical approach. BMC Bioinformatics, 14:234, 2013
- September 30: (Dang Tran)
- Raykar, Yu, Zhao et al. Learning From Crowds. Journal of Machine Learning Research 11 (2010) 1297-1322
- October 7: (Talal Riaz)
Ryen W. White. Beliefs and Biases in Web Search. SIGIR, pp. 3-12, 2013.
October 14: (Michael Rechenthin)
Brzezinski and Stefanowski. Reacting to Different Types of Concept Drift: The Accuracy Updated Ensemble Algorith. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
October 21: (Sanmitra Bhattacharya)
Siddhartha Reddy Jonnalagadda, Guilherme Del Fiol, Richard Medlin, Automatically extracting sentences from Medline citations to support clinicians'information needs. JAMIA 2013, 995-1000. -
October 29: (Kang Zhao)
Wang et al. Whom to Mention: Expand the Diffusion of Tweets by @ Recommendation on Micro-blogging System. WWW 2013.
November 4: (Talal Riaz)
Wang et. al. Cross-lingual Knowledge Linking Across Wiki Knowledge Bases, WWW 2012
November 11: (Chao Yang)
Wei, Z., He, Y., Gao, W., Li, B., Zhou, L., & Wong, K. F. (2013). Mainstream media behavior analysis on Twitter: a case study on UK general election. Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '13).
November 18: (Chuanming Yu)
Guo, L., & Wan, X. (2012). Exploiting syntactic and semantic relationships between terms for opinion retrieval. Journal Of The American Society For Information Science And Technology (JASIST), 63(11), 2269-2282. WILEY-BLACKWELL.
December 2: (Dang Tran)
Wang, Shuo, Leandro L. Minku, and Xin Yao. A learning framework for online class imbalance learning. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). 2013.
December 9: (Chao Yang)
Park, J., Barash, V., Fink, C., & Cha, M. (2013). Emoticon Style : Interpreting Differences in Emoticons Across Cultures. Proceedings of the 7th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM).
- December 16: Final Exam Week ()