This directory contains the implementation of closette from the AMOP book modified for use with XLISP-PLUS 2.1gbc or XLISP-STAT 3.44 or later. The .lisp files in this directory are the original files from in pub/pcl/mop. The .lsp files closette.lsp and newcl.lsp are modified to work with xlisp or xlispstat. To compile them, do (compile-file "newcl") (load "newcl") (load "closette.lsp") ; this is needed to define macros and (compile-file "closette"); macroexpansion functions Once the code is compiled, doing (load "newcl") (load "closette") should bring in the compiled code. You can then run the tests with (load "closette-tests.lisp") The changes needed to closette.lisp are very minor. They are Change the use of in-package from CLtL1 to CLtL2 conventions Modify a defstruct to not use BOA constructors, which are not supported in xlisp yet. A future release of xlispstat will add support for BOA structure constructors; the second change can then be omitted. Luke Tierney School of Statistics University of Minnesota