) package. The next section presents an outline of the
interface and some examples. The implementation is given in the
following sections.
Eventually this interface will be folded into the standard
distribution. For now, it is made available as a zip file,
This file should be unpacked in the Autoload subdirectory of
the Xlisp-Stat tree. This will insure that the interface is loaded
when it is used. Be sure to preserve the directory structure when
unpacking the zip file. You will also need the
support library.
If you want to install the COM server, you need to run the following command after unpacking the code. This command will need to be run again if you move the location of the Lisp-Stat directory.
wxls32.exe Autoload/win32com/server -RegServerFor now, the
flag must use the -
flag, not /
and is case sensitive. This installs the server for the ProgID
described in Section
[->]. To unregister the server, run
wxls32.exe Autoload/win32com/server -UnregServer
This writeup still needs lots of work but is hopefully enough to get you started. Almost everything in this interface should be viewed as preliminary and subject to change.
create-object cls-spec &key :server
Creates a new object on the specified server; the default server is
the local machine. The cls-spec can be a ProgID
string or
a class GUID
. For example,
(create-object "Excel.application")creates a new Excel server and returns its application object.
takes a few additional keyword arguments but these
are currently not particularly useful.
get-object moniker
Creates a new object as specified by the moniker string. Typically this string will be a file name. For example,
(get-object "...\\cars.xls")starts an Excel server, opens the workbook in the
file, and returns the workbook object.
get-active-object class-spec
Returns the active object for cls-spec if one is registered.
class-spec can be a ProgID
or a class GUID
invoke object name &rest args
Invokes method name of object on the arguments and returns the resulting value. name can be a string or a symbol; method names are not case sensitive. For example,
(invoke engine :OpenDatabase "Northwind.mdb")invokes the
method on a data base engine object. This
takes a string naming the database file as its argument.
invoke-no-value object name &rest args
The same as invoke
, but no value is returned.
Using invoke-no-value can be more efficient since it avoids the overhead of transferring the value from the server back to the client. It can also avoid errors if the server does not return a value---this seems to be the case for some methods in Word.
Returns the value of the property name of object. name can be a string or a symbol; property names are not case sensitive. For example,
(property app :visible)returns the current value of the
property of app
Additional arguments may be specified for index properties: The
(property wb :worksheets 1)returns the first worksheet in the Excel workbook
(setf (property object name {arg}*) value)
Assigns value to property name in object. The expression
(setf (property add :visible) t)sets the
property of app
to True
. This should
cause the application object app
to present a user interface if
one is not already visible; servers usually are started without a
visible user interface.
which is available from the Downloads section of the
MS COM web page.
contains some data on cars as an Excel
workbook. The expression
<excel client example>= [D->] (setf wb (get-object "...\\cars.xls"))
starts an Excel server and opens the workbook. These two steps can also be done separately by
<excel client example>+= [<-D->] (setf xl (create-object "Excel.application")) (setf wb (invoke (property xl :workbooks) :open "...\\cars.xls"))
<excel client example>+= [<-D->] (setf sheet (property wb :worksheets 1))
obtains a reference to the first worksheet in the workbook and assigns
it to the variable sheet
Excel allows the rectangular region containing a specified cell
and bordered by empty cells to be obtained by the CurrentRegion
property of the cell. Thus, assuming that all the data are in a
contiguous rectangular region, the data can be read from Excel
into Lisp-Stat with the expression
<excel client example>+= [<-D->] (let ((range (property (property sheet :cells 1 1) :CurrentRegion))) (setf data (property range :value)))
The result contained in the data
variable is a Lisp-Stat matrix:
> data #2A(("Mazda RX4" 21.0 6.0 160.0 110.0 ...) ("Mazda RX4 Wag" 21.0 6.0 160.0 110.0 ...) ...)This matrix can then be used with any Lisp-Stat commands; for example a selection of three columns of the data can be placed in a rotatable plot with
<excel client example>+= [<-D] (let ((cols (column-list data))) (setf car-spin (spin-plot (select cols '(1 3 4)))))
<database client example>= [D->] (let* ((engine (create-object "DAO.DBEngine.35")) (db (invoke engine :OpenDatabase <database file name>)) (rs <open database record set>)) (unwind-protect <operate on the record set> (invoke rs :close) (invoke db :close)))
This example uses the sample data base supplied with MS Access,
<database file name>= (<-U U->) "\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Samples\\Northwind.mdb"
The record set used corresponds to the UnitPrice
variable in the
table of the data base.
<open database record set>= (<-U) (invoke db :OpenRecordset "SELECT UnitPrice FROM Products")
The operation performed is to construct a histogram of the prices. This is done by first looping through the record set and extracting the prices into a list, and then making a histogram of the list.
<operate on the record set>= (<-U) (let ((prices nil)) (loop (when (property rs :EOF) (return)) (push (property (property rs :fields "UnitPrice") :value) prices) (invoke rs :MoveNext)) (histogram prices))
An alternative way to open the database is to use get-object
start an Access server with the data base, and then obtain a
reference to the database object as the CurrentDB
property of the
server object:
<database client example>+= [<-D->] (property (get-object <database file name>) :currentdb)
Record sets can be created from any SQL query supported by the engine. Some more examples:
<database client example>+= [<-D] (invoke db :OpenRecordset "SELECT * FROM Employees ORDER BY LastName, FirstName")) (invoke db :OpenRecordset (concatenate 'string "SELECT CompanyName,Region,Country FROM Customers " "WHERE Country = 'Canada' ORDER BY CompanyName"))
Table [->] shows the MS IDL for the IAgent
interface, which can be obtained from the OleView
[ odl, uuid(A7B93C91-7B81-11D0-AC5F-00C04FD97575), helpstring("IAgent Interface"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAgent : IDispatch { [id(0x60020000)] HRESULT _stdcall Load( [in] VARIANT vLoadKey, [out] long* pdwCharID, [out] long* pdwReqID); [id(0x60020001)] HRESULT _stdcall Unload([in] long dwCharID); [id(0x60020002)] HRESULT _stdcall Register( [in] IUnknown* punkNotifySink, [out] long* pdwSinkID); [id(0x60020003)] HRESULT _stdcall Unregister([in] long dwSinkID); [id(0x60020004)] HRESULT _stdcall GetCharacter( [in] long dwCharID, [out] IDispatch** ppunkCharacter); [id(0x60020005)] HRESULT _stdcall GetSuspended([out] long* pbSuspended); };
MS IDL for the IAgent
it is accessible from
automation. One of the first methods we will need to use is the
method. Unlike most methods used in automation, it has two
parameters and neither is marked as retval
. This means
that when called with Automation's invoke mechanism it will return no
values but must be given two variant reference arguments through which
the values for the out
parameters are returned.
To start off, we need an agent server:
<MS Agent example>= [D->] (setf agent-server (create-object "Agent.Server.2"))
Next, we need to load one of the standard characters. The function
<MS Agent example>+= [<-D->] (defun load-agent-character (server character-name) (let ((v1 (make-variant-ref nil VT_I4)) (v2 (make-variant-ref nil VT_I4))) (invoke-no-value server :load character-name v1 v2) (let ((char-ref (variant-ref-value v1)) (v3 (make-variant-ref nil VT_DISPATCH))) (invoke-no-value server :getcharacter char-ref v3) (values (variant-ref-value v3) char-ref))))
(links are to index).
does this. make-variant-ref
takes an initial value, here nil
and a type specification and returns a variant reference object. Two
are needed for the call to the Load
method of the server. The
first receives the character reference index, which is extracted with
. The second out
parameter receives the
request ID and is ignored by this function. Many methods that
initiate an asynchronous action return a request ID; I think this
allows cancellation. Once the character index is available, a
reference to the character itself is obtained by the GetCharacter
method. Again the result is returned in a variant reference. The
function returns both the character object
reference and the index since the index is needed to unload the
The character Merlin
is loaded by
<MS Agent example>+= [<-D->] > (load-agent-character agent-server "Merlin.acs")) #<IDISPATCH IAgentCharacterEx> 258
Other standard characters that may be installed are Genie
, and Peedy
Most of the operations on a character return a request ID through an
parameter. It is therefore more convenient to write some
functions for them. This, and the wrapping of the Load
above, could and should be done automatically based on the IDL itself
or on a Lisp-like IDL declaration, but for now you need to do it by
hand. One approach to automating this is shown later in this section.
<MS Agent example>+= [<-D->] (defun agent-character-show (char &optional fast) (let ((v (make-variant-ref nil VT_I4))) (invoke-no-value char :show (if fast t nil) v) (variant-ref-value v))) (defun agent-character-speak (char text &optional (url "")) (let ((v (make-variant-ref nil VT_I4))) (invoke-no-value char :speak text url v) (variant-ref-value v))) (defun agent-character-play (char action) (let ((v (make-variant-ref nil VT_I4))) (invoke-no-value char :play action url v) (variant-ref-value v))) (defun agent-character-move-to (char x y speed) (let ((v (make-variant-ref nil VT_I4))) (invoke-no-value char :moveto x y speed v) (variant-ref-value v))) (defun agent-character-think (char text) (let ((v (make-variant-ref nil VT_I4))) (invoke-no-value char :think text v) (variant-ref-value v))) (defun agent-character-hide (&optional fast) (let ((v (make-variant-ref nil VT_I4))) (invoke-no-value char :hide (if fast t nil) v) (variant-ref-value v)))
The following expressions make use of these functions. They assume
that a character is stored in the variable c
<MS Agent example>+= [<-D->] (agent-character-show c) (agent-character-speak c "Hello") (agent-character-play c "Greet") (agent-character-speak c "Hello, World!") (agent-character-play c "Wave") (agent-character-move-to c 700 100 50) (agent-character-think c "Hello") (agent-character-think c "Hello") (invoke agent-server :unload 258)
Another approach to handling an interface like this would be to wrap references in Lisp-Stat objects. A prototype for the server wrapper could be defined to contain a slot for the COM reference.
prototype>= (U->) [D->]
(export 'agent-server)
(defproto agent-server '(com-reference))
(links are to index).
The initialization method creates a new COM server and installs its reference.
prototype>+= (U->) [<-D->]
(defmeth agent-server :isnew ()
(setf (slot-value 'com-reference) (create-object "Agent.Server.2")))
(links are to index).
To simplify connecting Lisp-Stat methods to the COM methods we can
define a macro define-agent-method
. Using this macro, which is
given below, the Load
method and the GetCharacter
method from
the IDL are connected to methods for agent-server
prototype>+= (U->) [<-D->]
(define-agent-method agent-server base-load
(file (:out char-ref VT_I4) (:out req-id VT_I4))
(define-agent-method agent-server get-character
(char-ref (:out char VT_DISPATCH))
(links are to index).
The names for these methods are internal symbols in the MS-AGENT
package rather than keyword symbols since they are intended to be
used only within the package.
A method that combines these two and also wraps the COM character reference in a Lisp-Stat object is defined as
prototype>+= (U->) [<-D]
(defmeth agent-server :load-character (file)
(let* ((char-ref (send self 'base-load file))
(char (send self 'get-character char-ref)))
(send agent-character :new char char-ref self)))
(links are to index).
This is the public character loading method.
Loading a character that is already loaded does not seem to work; it
might be a good idea to have the server keep track of which characters
are loaded and only load new ones if they are not loaded already.
This sort of thing would probably require a reference/lock count on
the character. The server might also provide a higher level character
naming interface so users would not need to remember the .acs
name extension.
The character representation is defined by a prototype containing
slots for a COM reference, the server that produced the character, and
the character reference index returned by the server Load
This prototype is not exported since new characters should only be
created by the sending a server a :load-character
prototype>= (U->) [D->]
(defproto agent-character '(com-reference server char-ref))
(links are to index).
prototype>+= (U->) [<-D->]
(defmeth agent-character :isnew (comref char-ref server)
(setf (slot-value 'com-reference) comref)
(setf (slot-value 'char-ref) char-ref)
(setf (slot-value 'server) server))
(links are to index).
Since the character contains a reference to its server as well as its reference index, unloading can now be handled by a character method:
prototype>+= (U->) [<-D->]
(defmeth agent-character :unload ()
(let ((server (send (slot-value 'server) :slot-value 'com-reference)))
(invoke-no-value server :unload (slot-value 'char-ref))))
(links are to index).
Here are some basic character methods:
prototype>+= (U->) [<-D]
(define-agent-method agent-character :show
((:optional fast nil) (:out req-id VT_I4)))
(define-agent-method agent-character :hide
((:optional fast nil) (:out req-id VT_I4)))
(define-agent-method agent-character :position
((:out x VT_I4) (:out y VT_I4)) :GetPosition)
(define-agent-method agent-character :set-position (x y) :SetPosition)
(define-agent-method agent-character :move-to
(x y speed (:out req-id VT_I4)) :MoveTo)
(define-agent-method agent-character :think (text (:out req-id VT_I4)))
(define-agent-method agent-character :play (action (:out req-id VT_I4)))
(define-agent-method agent-character :speak
(text (:optional url "") (:out req-id VT_I4)))
(links are to index).
<MS Agent example>+= [<-D] (setf s (send ms-agent:agent-server :new)) (setf c (send s :load-character "Merlin.acs")) (send c :show) (send c :speak "Hello") (send c :play "Greet") (send c :speak "Hello, World!") (send c :play "Wave") (send c :position) (send c :set-position 100 100) (send c :move-to 700 100 50) (send c :think "Hello") (send c :unload)
Finally we need to define the define-agent-method
macro. This
definition illustrates how the information available in IDL can be
used to construct a Lisp interface. The macro is called with the
object, the Lisp-Stat method name, an argument list, and an optional
COM method name as arguments; the COM method name defaults to the
Lisp-Stat one.
macro>= (U->) (defmacro define-agent-method (object name args &optional (comname name)) (let ((invars nil) (optargs nil) (outargs nil) (callargs nil)) <processargs
, andcallargs
> (let ((arglist <construct the agent method lambda list>) (binds <construct bindings for theout
parameters>) (vals <construct the agent method value expressions>)) `(defmeth ,object ,name ,arglist (let ,binds (invoke-no-value (slot-value 'com-reference) ',comname ,@callargs) (values ,@vals))))))
(links are to index).
The argument list entries can be symbols or lists. Symbols are
treated as standard in
arguments. Lists must start with :out
or :optional
. :out
lists represent out
parameters; the
symbol must be followed by a variable symbol and a
type. :optional
lists represent optional parameters;
the second term in the list must be a symbol naming the variable and
the third must be an expression for the default value. :out
arguments can appear anywhere; all arguments following an
argument must be either :out
or :optional
. None
of this is checked. The argument list is processed into the standard
arguments and the out
and optional arguments; the arguments
for the COM method invocation are also accumulated.
, andcallargs
>= (<-U) (dolist (a args) (if (symbolp a) (progn (push a invars) (push a callargs)) (case (first a) (:optional (push (rest a) optargs) (push (second a) callargs)) (:out (push (rest a) outargs) (push (second a) callargs))))) (setf invars (nreverse invars)) (setf optargs (nreverse optargs)) (setf outargs (nreverse outargs)) (setf callargs (nreverse callargs))
The invocation is contained in a let
binding that creates
references for returning the out
parameters. The bindings are
constructed by
<construct bindings for the out
parameters>= (<-U)
(mapcar (lambda (x)
`(,(first x) (make-variant-ref nil ,(second x))))
The lambda list for the method definition is built by
<construct the agent method lambda list>= (<-U) (if optargs `(,@invars &optional ,@optargs) invars)
and the expressions for the values to be returned by the method are constructed by
<construct the agent method value expressions>= (<-U) (mapcar (lambda (x) `(variant-ref-value ,(first x))) outargs)
The agent interface is contained in the file
<msagent.lsp>= (defpackage "MICROSOFT-AGENT" (:nicknames "MS-AGENT") (:use "XLISP" "COM")) (in-package "MS-AGENT") <define-agent-method
macro> <agent-server
prototype> <agent-character
Here is a function that lists all the methods (actually methods and properties) the interface of an Automation object exposes.
<reflection>= [D->] (defun com-methods (ref &optional full) (let ((info (idispatch-type-info ref))) (unless info (error "no type information available")) (com-info-methods info full)))
(links are to index).
It uses the function com-info-methods
to get the information it needs from a type information object.
<reflection>+= [<-D->] (defun com-info-methods (info full) (let* ((desc (itypeinfo-function-descriptions info)) (names (mapcar #'ninth desc))) (if full names (mapcar #'first names))))
(links are to index).
The function com-info-methods
returns either a list of method
names or a list of lists with each list containing the method name
followed by its arguments.
As an example, suppose we open an Excel workbook and ask it for information on its methods.
> (setf wb (get-object "...\\cars.xls")) #<IDISPATCH _Workbook> > (com-methods wb) ("QueryInterface" "AddRef" "Release" "GetTypeInfoCount" "GetTypeInfo" "GetIDsOfNames" "Invoke" "Application" "Creator" "Parent" "AcceptLabelsInFormulas" "AcceptLabelsInFormulas" "Activate" ...)The first seven methods are not actually Automation-callable methods; they are part of the Automation interface. (I'm not sure if they are always in the first seven positions; if so,
just drop them).
Instead of using the full
argument, we could extract the
signature. One (inefficient) way to do this uses
<reflection>+= [<-D->] (defun com-method-signature (ref name) (let ((info (idispatch-type-info ref))) (unless info (error "no type information available")) (com-info-method-signature info name))) (defun com-info-method-signature (info name) (ninth (find (string name) (itypeinfo-function-descriptions info) :test #'string-equal :key #'(lambda (x) (first (ninth x))))))
For the Activate
method of our workbook this gives
> (com-method-signature wb "Application") ("Application")So the method takes no arguments.
A similar set of functions can be used to extract the method names (i.e. the events) or signatures for an event source:
<reflection>+= [<-D] (defun com-events (object &optional full) (let* ((lib (itypeinfo-type-lib (idispatch-type-info object))) (iid (first (get-source-interfaces object)))) (when iid (let ((info (itypelib-type-info-of-guid lib iid))) (when (eq :dispatch (itypeinfo-kind info)) (com-info-methods info full)))))) (defun com-event-signature (object name) (let* ((lib (itypeinfo-type-lib (idispatch-type-info object))) (iid (first (get-source-interfaces object)))) (when iid (let ((info (itypelib-type-info-of-guid lib iid))) (when (eq :dispatch (itypeinfo-kind info)) (com-info-method-signature info name))))))
(links are to index).
For the workbook:
> (com-events wb) ("QueryInterface" "AddRef" "Release" "GetTypeInfoCount" "GetTypeInfo" "GetIDsOfNames" "Invoke" "Open" "Activate" "Deactivate" "BeforeClose" "BeforeSave" "BeforePrint" "NewSheet" "AddinInstall" "AddinUninstall" "WindowResize" "WindowActivate" "WindowDeactivate" "SheetSelectionChange" "SheetBeforeDoubleClick" "SheetBeforeRightClick" "SheetActivate" "SheetDeactivate" "SheetCalculate" "SheetChange") > (com-event-signature wb :newsheet) ("NewSheet" "Sh")
. These are self-describing structures containing
a type specifier and a value, much like Lisp values. The set of
possible types places some restrictions on data that can be
transferred (at least currently; COM+ will alleviate some of these
restrictions [cite eddon99:_insid_com]) but also allows many types of
values to be converted automatically from Lisp to VARIANT
values, e.g. method results, to
Description Variant Type Lisp Type Array VT_ARRAY
(array t)
(eql :empty)
(eql :null)
1-Byte unsigned int VT_UI1
2-Byte signed int VT_I2
4-Byte signed int VT_I4
4-Byte real VT_R4
8-Byte real VT_R8
Currency VT_CY
String VT_BSTR
Error Code VT_ERROR
Boolean VT_BOOL
(or null (eql t))
Automation Object VT_DISPATCH
to Lisp Conversion [*]
types fit reasonably into Lisp types. One slightly
problematic point is the handling of the VT_EMPTY
types. This is discussed further in Section
Default conversion from Lisp values to VARIANT
values is shown in
Table [->].
Lisp to
Description Lisp Type Variant Type Array (and array (not string))
Symbol nil
Symbol t
(eql t)
Fixnum fixnum
Float float
String string
Automation Object Reference idispatch
Variant variant
COM Object Reference iunknown
COM Server Object inherits from com-server
Conversion [*]
as nil
, but this would conflict with representing the
boolean False
value as nil
. I'm not sure what the best
approach is, but here is what I do for now. The conversions for
actually use the values of the special
(i.e. dynamically scoped) variables *null-variant-value*
. The default values are the keyword symbols
and :empty
. To change this you could re-bind these
variables. For example, to return the keyword symbol :missing
empty cells in a spread sheet you could use something like
(let ((*empty-variant-value* :missing)) (property sheet :cells i j))
type. This can be done using the functions
described here.
make-variant arg &optional type
Constructs a VARIANT
with value arg and type type.
If type is omitted, then the default from Table
[<-] is used.
variant-value var
Returns the Lisp value of VARIANT
var as given in Table
variant-change-type var type
Creates a new VARIANT
with type type and value
corresponding to the value of the VARIANT
variant-value-as var type
This is shorthand for (variant-value (variant-change-type var type)).
As one example, VT_DATE
values are stored as a floating point
number containing days since December 30, 1899 (i.e. for that date the
value is zero):
> (variant-value-as (make-variant "12/30/1899") VT_DATE) 0.0 > (variant-value-as (make-variant "January 17, 2000") VT_DATE) 36542.0
Another case where explicit variant creation may be useful is for
currency (VT_CY
) values. A currency value is stored as a 64-bit
integer n that represents n/10,000 currency units. On conversion
to Lisp VT_CY
values are converted to rationals using bignum
if necessary, so any VT_CY
value is representable in Lisp. Small
currency values can be passed as fixnum
arguments or float
arguments; the server will convert them to currency values. But large
currency values requiring bignum
s will not be handled by automatic
conversion; here again explicit variants can be used.
> (variant-value (make-variant 100000000000 VT_CY)) 100000000000
is stored in sheet
and a spin-plot
of the data is made and stored in car-spin
<events example>= [D->] (setf xl (create-object "Excel.application")) (setf wb (invoke (property xl :workbooks) :open "...\\cars.xls")) (setf (property xl :visible) t) (setf sheet (property wb :worksheets 1)) (let* ((range (property (property sheet :cells 1 1) :CurrentRegion)) (data (property range :value)) (cols (column-list data))) (setf car-spin (spin-plot (select cols '(1 3 4)))))
At this point we might like to edit the data in the spread sheet, and
it would be nice if the plot of the data could be updated
automatically to reflect any changes we make. This can be arranged by
registering an event listener with the sheet
object. An event
listener for sheet
is constructed and connected with
<events example>+= [<-D->] (setf sheet-listener (send event-server :new sheet)) (send sheet-listener :connect)
Once connected, this object receives notifications from sheet
whenever certain events occur as a result of user interaction or
executing a program. These events include changes to data and changes
to the focus cell, among others. A listing of event names for
Excel can be found in a reference such as
[cite mcfedries99:_vba_micros_offic], by using a COM browser, or using
the utilities described in Section [<-]. The
event listener is now a server for which the worksheet is the client.
Notifications are ignored unless the event listener defines an
appropriate method. The method name is specified by the source
interface for the Worksheet
object, and the name of the method
called when the sheet's data changes is Change
. Here is a simple
definition of a Change
method for updating the plot when the
sheet's data changes:
<events example>+= [<-D] (defmeth sheet-listener :change (range) (let ((cell (property sheet :cells 1 1))) (let ((data (property (property cell :CurrentRegion) :value))) (let ((cols (column-list data))) (send car-spin :clear :draw nil) (send car-spin :add-points (select cols '(1 3 4)) :draw nil) (send car-spin :adjust-to-data)))))
This definition ignores the range
argument that reflects the cells
that have changed and simply copies all the data from the spread
sheet. A more sophisticated approach would make use of the range
argument to reduce the amount of data transferred.
The event handling mechanism is built on the server interface which is described next.
The highest level server interface is implemented by two Lisp-Stat prototype objects.
Prototype object for COM Automation servers.
send server :isnew &optional name
The initialization argument takes a server name string name as
an optional argument; the default server name is "Xlisp-Stat"
send server :server-name
Returns the server name of server.
send server :add-auto-property com-name get-name &optional set-name
Registers a COM property com-name. A property get
send the get-name message; a put
will send the
set-name message. If set-name is omitted then the
property is registered as read-only.
send server :add-auto-method com-name name &optional for-value
Registers a COM method com-name. The COM method is handled by sending the object the name message. If for-value is true, the default, a value is returned to the calling client; if it is false, no value is returned.
send server :register-active-object class-spec
Registers server as the active object for class-spec.
class-spec can be a class GUID
or a ProgID
string. A
server can be registered as the active object for several
class-spec values.
send server :revoke-active-object &optional class-spec
If class-spec is provided, the registration of server as the active object for class-spec is revoked. Otherwise all active object registrations of server are revoked.
The auto-server
prototype has one pre-registered read-only
property, Name
, which returns the server name.
The auto-server
prototype has a number of internal methods that
should not be redefined: :MAKE-SERVER
. Eventually
these will either be hidden using the package mechanism or documented
as a lower level mechanism.
it does so by finding a registered class factory for
the specified class and asking the class factory to create a new
object. The class-factory
prototype provides the required
Class factory prototype.
(send factory :isnew proto &key :singleton)
The initialization method requires an object proto as its
argument. This object should inherit from auto-server
. When
is omitted or nil
, proto is sent the
message with no arguments to produce a new server; a
reference to this server is returned to the client requesting the
object creation. If :singleton
is true, then proto itself
is returned.
(send factory :register cls-spec)
Registers factory as the class factory for cls-spec, a
class GUID
or ProgID
. A factory can be registered as the
factory for several cls-specs but I don't think there is a way
to tell which one is requesting object creation.
(send factory :revoke &optional cls-spec)
Revoke the class factory registration of factory for
cls-spec or for all classes if cls-spec is omitted or
string to a CLSID
and the command used to start the server process
(or information about the server DLL, but Lisp-Stat is not yet able to
produce a DLL-based server). The functions described here do the
required registry manipulation. This interface is based on the C++
functions RegisterServer
and UnregisterServer
provided in
[cite eddon99:_insid_com].
register-com-server command clsid friendly-name progid vi-progid
Performs the registry operations needed to register the server.
command is a string with the command to start the server,
clisd is a CLSID
string, and friendly-name is a
string used for labeling the registered class in class browsers. The
progid string is a ProgID
that may include a version
number, and vi-progid is the version-independent ProgID
string. For the initial version of the Lisp-Stat server
progid would be "XlispStat.application.1"
vi-progid would be "XlispStat.application"
unregister-com-server clsid progid vi-progid
Removes the server registration for the specified clsid, progid, and vi-progid from the registry.
If you create your own server you will need a CLSID
, a GUID
(Globally Unique IDentifier) used for a COM class. You can create one
with create-guid
> (create-guid) #<GUID {776975F0-CE9B-11D3-9F0F-000502DB4890}>The string representation required for registration is the string between the braces,
. Do not use the one shown
here---you need to generate your own.
that is
registered when the server in the distribution is installed. Other
servers can be built by adapting this example. The implementation is
in the file server.lsp
. Since this is part of the COM interface,
it is placed in the WIN32-COM
package; you should put your own
code in a different package.
<server.lsp>= (require "win32") (require "win32com") (in-package "WIN32-COM") <Lisp-Stat server registration> <Lisp-Stat server implementation> <Lisp-Stat class factory implementation> <Lisp-Stat class factory registration>
The registration code attempts to be moderately close to the
recommended mechanism for registering server applications. When the
server file is loaded, the command line arguments used to start the
process are checked. If -RegServer
is one of those arguments, the
server is registered and the process exits.
<Lisp-Stat server registration>= (<-U) [D->] (when (find "-RegServer" *command-line* :test #'string=) (let ((command (format nil "~awxls32.exe Autoload\\win32com\\server" *default-path*)) (clsid "{FB4C2CC0-60EF-11D3-8E98-444553540000}") (friendly-name "XlispStat COM Server") (progid "XlispStat.application.1") (vi-progid "XlispStat.application")) (register-com-server command clsid friendly-name progid vi-progid)) (exit))
used here is specific to the Lisp-Stat server and should
not be re-used. To generate your own CLSID
you can call the
function create-guid
Unregistration is analogous: if -UnregServer
is in the command
line arguments, the server is unregistered and the process exits.
<Lisp-Stat server registration>+= (<-U) [<-D] (when (find "-UnregServer" *command-line* :test #'string=) (let ((clsid "{FB4C2CC0-60EF-11D3-8E98-444553540000}") (progid "XlispStat.application.1") (vi-progid "XlispStat.application")) (unregister-com-server clsid progid vi-progid)) (exit))
The Lisp-Stat application server is a singleton server; its class factory always returns a reference to the same server object.
<Lisp-Stat server implementation>= (<-U) [D->] (defparameter *xlispstat-auto-server* (send auto-server :new))
(links are to index).
<Lisp-Stat class factory implementation>= (<-U) (defparameter *xlispstat-class-factory* (send class-factory :new *xlispstat-auto-server* :singleton t))
(links are to index).
The server provides a number of COM methods. The first is a Load
method for loading a specified file.
<Lisp-Stat server implementation>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth *xlispstat-auto-server* :load (file) (load file)) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-method :load :load)
Next, there are three methods for evaluating an expression passed in
as a string. The Automation names for these methods are Eval
, and EvalAllValues
. The methods return a single
value, no value, or a vector of all values, respectively.
****AllValues--check no values (zero-length array) in VBA--works when
WXLS32 is the client.
<Lisp-Stat server implementation>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth *xlispstat-auto-server* :eval (expr) (eval (read-from-string expr))) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-method :eval :eval) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-method :evalnovalue :eval nil) (defmeth *xlispstat-auto-server* :eval-all-values (expr) (coerce (multiple-value-list (eval (read-from-string expr))) 'vector)) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-method :evalallvalues :eval-all-values)
(links are to index).
Three analogous methods are provided for calling a function. The function is specified as a string; the arguments are passed using the standard conversions. The function string can name a function; it can also be a lambda expression.
<Lisp-Stat server implementation>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth *xlispstat-auto-server* :call (fun &rest args) (apply (read-from-string fun) args)) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-method :call :call) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-method :callnovalue :call nil) (defmeth *xlispstat-auto-server* :call-all-values (fun &rest args) (coerce (multiple-value-list (apply (read-from-string fun) args)) 'vector)) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-method :callallvalues :call-all-values)
(links are to index).
The Create
method takes the name of a server prototype, sends it
the :new
message with the specified arguments, and returns a
reference to the new server.
<Lisp-Stat server implementation>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth *xlispstat-auto-server* :create (name &rest args) (apply #'send (symbol-value (read-from-string name)) :new args)) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-method :create :create)
(links are to index).
The Visible
property can be used to query or set whether the
Lisp-Stat application window is visible or not. Initially it is
created invisible by COM, and the server will exit once all references
to its objects have been released as long as the main window is not
<Lisp-Stat server implementation>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defmeth *xlispstat-auto-server* :visible (&optional (vis nil set)) (if set (msw-main-frame-visible vis) (msw-main-frame-visible))) (send *xlispstat-auto-server* :add-auto-property :visible :visible :visible)
(links are to index).
The final step in the file is to register the class factory.
<Lisp-Stat class factory registration>= (<-U) (send *xlispstat-class-factory* :register "XlispStat.application")
to take three arguments
specifying three columns of the first worksheet in the first workbook
and produce a Lisp-Stat spinplot.
subroutine>= Sub SpinPlot(x, y, z) Dim xls As Object, sheet As Worksheet, data As Range <VBASpinPlot
body> End Sub
(links are to index).
The first step is to create a new Lisp-Stat application
object and save its reference in the variable xls
<VBA SpinPlot
body>= (<-U) [D->]
Set xls = CreateObject("XlispStat.application")
Then we select the data to be used.
<VBA SpinPlot
body>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
Set sheet = Application.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1)
Set data = sheet.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
By convention, COM servers typically are started with no visible user
interface. To make the server application visible, its
property must be set to True
<VBA SpinPlot
body>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
xls.Visible = True
The basic objective is to call the Lisp-Stat spin-plot
with the data from the specified columns. This function expects a
list of three lists or vectors, but data column values produced by
Excel are single column matrices. The following expression
uses the Lisp-Stat application object's EvalNoValue
method to
define a function that receives the data in a form natural to Excel,
converts the data to the form needed by spin-plot
, and makes the
call. The EvalNoValue
call passes a string argument to Lisp-Stat
where the contents of the string are read and evaluated. The value is
ignored; this avoids receiving an error since the value returned by
is a symbol, and there is no default conversion for symbols
(other than nil
and t
<VBA SpinPlot
body>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
xls.EvalNoValue "(defun sp (x y z)" & _
" (flet ((as-seq (x)" & _
" (compound-data-seq x)))" & _
" (spin-plot (list (as-seq x)" & _
" (as-seq y)" & _
" (as-seq z)))))"
The final step is to call the new function with the contents of the
specified columns. This uses the CallNoValue
method of the
application server.
<VBA SpinPlot
body>+= (<-U) [<-D]
xls.CallNoValue "sp", data.Columns(x).Value, _
data.Columns(y).Value, _
An alternate approach would be to create a string containing the
lambda expression for the function sp
and passing that string to
the CallNoValue
method. This would avoid cluttering the name
space with the function sp
<distributed simulator>= (U->) [D->] (defun sim (n k d) (let ((val (make-array k))) (dotimes (i k (mean val)) (setf (aref val i) (median (chisq-rand n d))))))
(links are to index).
The distributed program uses a supervisor/worker model [cite el-rewini98:_distr_paral_comput] in which a supervisor program starts up m worker programs on each of m machines and then collects their results. The workers are implemented by COM servers based on the prototype defined by
<distributed simulator>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defproto median-simulator () () auto-server)
(links are to index).
The simulation on a particular machine is carried out by the :run
method of the simulation server.
<distributed simulator>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defmeth median-simulator :run (n k d receiver) (flet ((runner (n k d rcv) (setf (property rcv :value) (sim n k d)))) (async-call #'runner n k d receiver)))
COM does not yet provide support for asynchronous calls (this will
change with COM+ in Windows 2000), so the :run
method must start
the computation and then return immediately. Ideally this would be
done by creating a separate thread to carry out the computation, but
this is currently not possible since Lisp-Stat does not yet support
multiple threads. Instead an asynchronous call mechanism provided by
the async-call
function can be used. This mechanism places the
call on the event queue, where it is processed in idle time.
<asynchronous function call>= (U->) (defun async-call (fun &rest args) (push (cons fun args) *event-queue*) (values))
(links are to index).
To make the Lisp-Stat :run
method available as a COM method, it
needs to be registered by
<distributed simulator>+= (U->) [<-D] (send median-simulator :add-auto-method :run :run)
The last argument to the :run
method is a value receiver, a COM
object owned by the supervisor that accepts the value of the
computation as its Value
property. This receiver object is also
a COM server. It contains a semaphore object that is used to signal
when the receiver has been given a value.
<distributed value receiver>= (U->) [D->] (defproto receiver '(semaphore value) () auto-server)
(links are to index).
The initialization method creates the semaphore locked (count of zero).
<distributed value receiver>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defmeth receiver :isnew () (call-next-method) (setf (slot-value 'semaphore) (make-semaphore 0)))
(links are to index).
The receiver's :value
method waits until the semaphore is released
before retrieving the contents of the value
<distributed value receiver>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defmeth receiver :value () (wait-semaphore (slot-value 'semaphore)) (slot-value 'value))
(links are to index).
The :set-value
method places a new value in the value
slot and
then releases the semaphore.
<distributed value receiver>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defmeth receiver :set-value (v) (setf (slot-value 'value) v) (release-semaphore (slot-value 'semaphore)))
(links are to index).
Together these two methods make up the Value
property of the
corresponding COM object.
<distributed value receiver>+= (U->) [<-D] (send receiver :add-auto-property :value :value :set-value)
This receiver is intended to be used only once; otherwise an additional lock would be needed to insure that it is not written before the value has been read.
It is important that the blocking wait for a value occur locally, not in a COM call, since COM is designed for synchronous calls and a wait might be interpreted as a communication failure.
The supervisor is implemented by two functions. The first function
starts the simulations. It takes the simulation parameters and a list
of machine names as arguments. For each machine the local function
creates a receiver object and starts a Lisp-Stat server on
the specified machine. The server is asked to load the file
containing the code for the simulation, and is then asked
to create a new simulator. Finally, the :run
method on this
simulator is called to start its work and the receiver is returned.
The function start
is applied to each machine on the machine list
and a list of the receivers is returned.
<distributed supervisor>= (U->) [D->] (defun start-simulations (n k d machines) (flet ((start (mach) (let ((rcv (send receiver :new)) (app (create-object "XlispStat.application" :server mach))) (invoke app :load "medsim") (let ((sim (invoke app :create "median-simulator"))) (invoke sim :run n k d rcv)) rcv))) (map 'list #'start machines)))
(links are to index).
Once start-simulations
has been called, the simulations are
running in parallel on their respective machines and the supervisor
needs to collect the results. This is done by the function
. This function requests the value for each
receiver and returns a list of the results.
<distributed supervisor>+= (U->) [<-D] (defun collect-values (receivers) (flet ((collect (rcv) (send rcv :value))) (map 'list #'collect receivers)))
(links are to index).
To carry out a simulation using m=2 machines, k=10,000 simulations per machine, samples of size n=10, and d=5 degrees of freedom for the populations sampled, the supervisor would use an expression of the form
(let ((machines (list "" ""))) (collect-values (start-simulations 10 10000 5 machines))))
The code for this example is in the file
<medsim.lsp>= (use-package "WIN32") (use-package "COM") <asynchronous function call> <distributed value receiver> <distributed simulator> <distributed supervisor>
This example is of course very simple, but it can be used as the basis for creating a useful framework for managing distributed computations on a network of machines supporting COM.
One issue that I don't yet completely understand is security settings.
I ran this example using two NT machines on a local network. To get
to work for me as an ordinary user (even on the
local machine when called with a :server
argument) I needed to
change Access and Launch options in dcomcnfg
Default Security tab. But more is needed for the receiver
callback: without something else I get ``Access denied'' on the
call from the worker back to the supervisor when
running on a different machine (on the same machine, even when called
with :server
there is no problem). A very dirty workaround is to
change the Default Authentication Level in the
Default Properties tab to (None) instead of
Connect. I also ran the supervisor as Administrator
, but
I'm not sure that was necessary.
<package specification>= (U-> U->) (defpackage "WIN32-COM" (:nicknames "COM") (:use "XLISP")) (in-package "WIN32-COM")
<COM basics>= (U->) (let ((major 3) (minor 52) (subminor 16)) (unless (or (> system:xls-major-release major) (and (= system:xls-major-release major) (> system:xls-minor-release minor)) (and (= system:xls-major-release major) (= system:xls-minor-release minor) (>= system:xls-subminor-release subminor))) (error "COM support requires at least version ~d.~d.~d" major minor subminor))) (require "win32") (provide "win32com") <package specification> (defvar *com-library*) (wrap:library-load *com-library*) (wrap:c-lines "#include \"comutil.h\"") <debugging support> <C type declarations> <basic constants> <error constants> <server constants> <dispatch constants> <type library constants> <type information constants> <support utilities> <initialization and termination> <GUID
functions> <locale support> <error handling> <interfaces>
<debugging support>= (U->) (defparameter *com-debug* nil) (defun debug-print (fmt &rest args) (when *com-debug* (apply #'format *debug-io* fmt args)))
(links are to index).
<initialization and termination>= (U->) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function co-initialize "CoInitialize" ((:cptr "void" t))) (wrap:c-function co-uninitialize "CoUninitialize" () :void)
(links are to index).
**** use an internal weak hash table here.
<initialization and termination>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defparameter *com-initialized* nil) (defparameter *com-exit-handlers* nil)
(links are to index).
<initialization and termination>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun com-embedding () (if (find "-Embedding" *command-line* :test #'string=) t nil))
(links are to index).
**** This locks the server process if the embedding flag isn't there. I'm not unlocking it so unloading does not kill the process.
<initialization and termination>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun uninitialize-com () (when *com-initialized* (revoke-all-active-objects) (revoke-all-class-factories) (disconnect-all-event-listeners) (disconnect-all-servers) (run-com-exit-handlers) (co-uninitialize) (setf *com-initialized* nil) (setf *com-exit-handlers* nil))) (defun initialize-com () (unless *com-initialized* (co-initialize nil) (unless (com-embedding) (add-ref-server-process)) (system:add-exit-function #'uninitialize-com) (setf *com-initialized* t) (setf *com-exit-handlers* (make-hash-table))))
(links are to index).
For now, just put initialize-com
call in each possible starting
point. Once threads are added this might need to be done very
<initialization and termination>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun register-com-exit-handler (object handler) (let ((key (pointer-address (address-of object))) (val (cons (make-weak-box object) handler))) (setf (gethash key *com-exit-handlers*) val))) (defun unregister-com-exit-handler (object) (let ((key (pointer-address (address-of object)))) (remhash key *com-exit-handlers*))) (defun run-com-exit-handlers () (unwind-protect (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (let ((object (weak-box-value (car val))) (fun (cdr val))) (when object (ignore-errors (funcall fun object))))) *com-exit-handlers*) (clrhash *com-exit-handlers*)))
(links are to index).
<initialization and termination>+= (U->) [<-D] (defun unload-com () (uninitialize-com) (let ((lib *com-library*)) (when lib (shlib:close-shared-library lib) (setf *com-library* nil))))
(links are to index).
functions>= (U->) [D->] (export '(<GUID
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defstruct (guid (:constructor new-guid (data hash-value)) (:print-function (lambda (guid stream d) (declare (ignore d)) (format stream "#<GUID ~a>" (guid-string guid))))) data string-cache hash-value)
(links are to index).
exports>= (<-U) [D->] guid guid-p
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun guid-string (guid) (let ((cache (guid-string-cache guid))) (if cache cache (let ((string (guid-data-to-string (guid-data guid)))) (setf (guid-string-cache guid) string) string))))
(links are to index).
exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] guid-string
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "GUID" (:make make-guid-data))
(links are to index).
has a unique representation so eq
can be used for comparison. Allows hashing on guid and the like.
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " LVAL GetGuidHash(GUID *pg) { LVAL val, shift, arg; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) pg; int i; xlstkcheck(3); xlsave(val); xlsave(shift); xlsave(arg); shift = cvfixnum(8); val = cvfixnum(p[0]); for (i = 1; i < sizeof(GUID); i++) { arg = cvfixnum(p[i]); val = xlcallsubr2(xash, val, shift); val = xlcallsubr2(xadd, val, arg); } xlpopn(3); return val; }") (wrap:c-function guid-data-hash-value "GetGuidHash" ((:cptr "GUID")) :lval)
(links are to index).
;;***** using pointer wrappers:
<Lisp version of guid-data-hash-value
(defun guid-data-hash-value (data)
(let ((ucd (wrapptrs:cast-c-uchar (guid-data g)))
(val 0))
(dotimes (i 16 val)
(setf val (+ (ash val 8) (wrapptrs:get-c-uchar ucd i))))))
(links are to index).
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defvar *guids* (make-hash-table)) (defun make-guid (data) (let* ((hash-value (guid-data-hash-value data)) (guid (gethash hash-value *guids*))) (if guid guid (let ((new-guid (new-guid data hash-value))) (setf (gethash hash-value *guids*) new-guid) new-guid))))
(links are to index).
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun clsid-from-string (name) (let* ((data (make-guid-data)) (wname (string-to-wide-string name))) (base-clsid-from-string wname data) (make-guid data))) (wrap:std-com-function base-clsid-from-string "CLSIDFromString" ((:cptr "WCHAR") (:cptr "GUID")))
(links are to index).
exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] clsid-from-string
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun guid-from-string (name) (let* ((data (make-guid-data)) (wname (string-to-wide-string name))) (base-iid-from-string wname data) (make-guid data))) (wrap:std-com-function base-iid-from-string "IIDFromString" ((:cptr "WCHAR") (:cptr "GUID")))
(links are to index).
exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] guid-from-string
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun guid-data-to-string (data) (let* ((wsize 80) (wstring (make-wide-string wsize)) (res (string-from-guid2 data wstring wsize))) (when (= 0 res) (error "buffer to small for GUID conversion")) (wide-string-to-string wstring))) (wrap:c-function string-from-guid2 "StringFromGUID2" ((:cptr "GUID") (:cptr "WCHAR" t) :integer) :integer)
(links are to index).
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] ;;;***** Need to do lookup across the network (defun clsid-from-progid (name) (let* ((clsid (make-guid-data)) (wname (string-to-wide-string name))) (base-clsid-from-progid wname clsid) (make-guid clsid))) (wrap:std-com-function base-clsid-from-progid "CLSIDFromProgID" ((:cptr "WCHAR") (:cptr "GUID")))
(links are to index).
exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] clsid-from-progid
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] ;;**** not a perfect test but it'll do (defun guid-string-p (x) (and (stringp x) (= (length x) 38) (eql (char x 0) #\{))) (defun find-clsid (cls-spec) (etypecase cls-spec (guid cls-spec) ((satisfies guid-string-p) (guid-from-string cls-spec)) (string (clsid-from-progid cls-spec))))
(links are to index).
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun create-guid () (let ((guid (make-guid-data))) (co-create-guid guid) (make-guid guid))) (wrap:std-com-function co-create-guid "CoCreateGuid" ((:cptr "GUID")))
(links are to index).
exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] create-guid
functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun get-std-iid (name) (let ((data (make-guid-data))) (unless (base-get-std-iid name data) (error "can't find IID_~a" name)) (make-guid data)))
(links are to index).
functions>+= (U->) [<-D] (wrap:c-lines " #define CHECK_STD_IID(n,t,p) do { if (strcmp(n,#t)==0) { *p=IID_##t; return TRUE; } } while (0) static BOOL GetStdIID(char *name, GUID *pguid) { CHECK_STD_IID(name, NULL, pguid); CHECK_STD_IID(name, IUnknown, pguid); CHECK_STD_IID(name, IDispatch, pguid); CHECK_STD_IID(name, ITypeInfo, pguid); CHECK_STD_IID(name, ITypeLib, pguid); CHECK_STD_IID(name, IEnumVARIANT, pguid); CHECK_STD_IID(name, IConnectionPointContainer, pguid); CHECK_STD_IID(name, IClassFactory, pguid); CHECK_STD_IID(name, IProvideClassInfo, pguid); return FALSE; } #undef CHECK_STD_IID ") (wrap:c-function base-get-std-iid "GetStdIID" (:string (:cptr "GUID")) :bool)
(links are to index).
<locale support>= (U->) [D->] (wrap:declare-c-type lcid "LCID" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<locale support>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-constant LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT "LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
**** get rid of function now that variable works?? **** export variable?
<locale support>+= (U->) [<-D] (defvar *com-locale* LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT) (defun com-locale () *com-locale*)
(links are to index).
<error handling>= (U->) (export '(<error handling exports>)) <HRESULT
decoding> <EXCEPINFO
decoding> <signaling COM errors>
<C type declarations>= (U->) [D->] (wrap:declare-c-type hresult "HRESULT" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
decoding>= (<-U) [D->]
(wrap:c-function hresult-failed "FAILED" (hresult) :bool)
(links are to index).
decoding>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
(wrap:c-lines "
static LVAL GetHresultMessage(HRESULT hr)
char *msg = NULL;
LVAL val;
DWORD count;
(LPTSTR)&msg, 0, NULL);
val = count > 0 && msg != NULL ? cvstring(msg) : NIL;
if (msg != NULL) LocalFree(msg);
return val;
(wrap:c-function base-hresult-to-string "GetHresultMessage" (hresult) :lval)
(links are to index).
decoding>+= (<-U) [<-D]
(defun hresult-to-string (hr)
(let ((hrstr (base-hresult-to-string hr)))
(if hrstr
(string-right-trim '(#\newline #\return) hrstr)
"unknown OLE error")))
(links are to index).
decoding>= (<-U)
;;**** doesn't run the function pointer if it is there (is it ever??)
(wrap:c-pointer "EXCEPINFO"
(:get excepinfo-wcode "wCode" :unsigned)
(:get excepinfo-scode "scode" :unsigned)
(:get excepinfo-source "bstrSource" (:cptr "WCHAR"))
(:get excepinfo-description "bstrDescription" (:cptr "WCHAR"))
(:get excepinfo-help-file "bstrHelpFile" (:cptr "WCHAR"))
(:get excepinfo-help-context "dwHelpContext" :unsigned))
(links are to index).
<error constants>= (U->) (wrap:c-constant DISP_E_EXCEPTION "DISP_E_EXCEPTION" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<signaling COM errors>= (<-U) [D->] (define-condition com-error (error) ((hresult :reader com-error-hresult :initarg :hresult) (guid :reader com-error-guid :initarg :guid) (source :reader com-error-source :initarg :source) (description :reader com-error-description :initarg :description) (help-file :reader com-error-help-file :initarg :help-file) (help-context :reader com-error-help-context :initarg :help-context)) (:report (lambda (cond stream) (let ((hr (com-error-hresult cond)) (src (com-error-source cond)) (desc (com-error-description cond))) (let ((hrstr (if desc desc (hresult-to-string hr)))) (format stream "~@[~a: ~]~a" src hrstr))))))
(links are to index).
<error handling exports>= (<-U) com-error com-error-guid com-error-hresult com-error-description com-error-help-file com-error-help-context
;;***** need server to fill in Source sensibly
<signaling COM errors>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun make-idispatch-exception (hr name excep) (flet ((bstr2str (ws) (when ws (prog1 (wide-string-to-string ws) (free-bstr ws))))) (let ((scode (excepinfo-scode excep)) (source (bstr2str (excepinfo-source excep))) (desc (bstr2str (excepinfo-description excep))) (help (bstr2str (excepinfo-help-file excep))) (helpctxt (excepinfo-help-context excep))) (make-condition 'com-error :hresult (if (hresult-failed scode) scode hr) :source (if source source name) :description (cond (desc desc) ((hresult-failed scode) (hresult-to-string scode)) (t "unknown exception")) :help-file help :help-context helpctxt))))
(links are to index).
<signaling COM errors>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun make-std-com-exception (hr name) (let ((hrstr (hresult-to-string hr))) (make-condition 'com-error :hresult hr :source name :description hrstr)))
(links are to index).
**** Should try to use Rich Error Info if in a method call. This
means handling method calls and functions separately; method calls
need to get the interface that produced the error so thay can call
or whatever it is called.
<signaling COM errors>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun raise-com-error (hr &optional name excep) (error (if (and excep (= hr DISP_E_EXCEPTION)) (make-idispatch-exception hr name excep) (make-std-com-exception hr name))))
(links are to index).
<signaling COM errors>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:c-callback "RaiseComError" raise-com-error (hresult :string (:cptr "EXCEPINFO")) :void :static nil)
(links are to index).
<error signaling support declarations>= (U->) void RaiseComError(HRESULT hr, char * fun, EXCEPINFO *e);
(links are to index).
<interfaces>= (U->) (export '(<interface exports>)) <interface representation> <finding and registering interfaces> <interface references> <declaring interfaces> <standard interfaces>
<interface representation>= (<-U) (defstruct (interface (:constructor new-interface (name cname constructor caster iid)) (:print-function (lambda (intf stream d) (declare (ignore d)) (format stream "#<~a ~a>" (type-of intf) (interface-cname intf))))) name cname constructor caster iid display)
(links are to index).
<interface exports>= (<-U) [D->] interface interface-p interface-name interface-cname interface-iid
<finding and registering interfaces>= (<-U) [D->] (defvar *interfaces* (make-hash-table)) (defun add-interface (interface) (let ((name (interface-name interface)) (iid (interface-iid interface))) (when (gethash name *interfaces*) (warn "interface ~s is being redefined" name)) (when (gethash iid *interfaces*) (warn "interface with IID ~s is being redefined" iid)) (setf (gethash name *interfaces*) interface) (setf (gethash iid *interfaces*) interface)))
(links are to index).
**** could also search by cname
<finding and registering interfaces>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun find-interface (intfspec) (etypecase intfspec (interface intfspec) (guid (gethash intfspec *interfaces*)) (symbol (gethash intfspec *interfaces*)) (string (gethash (guid-from-string intfspec) *interfaces*)))) (defun find-interface-iid (intfspec) (if (guid-p intfspec) intfspec (interface-iid (find-interface intfspec))))
(links are to index).
<interface exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] find-interface find-interface-iid
<interface references>= (<-U) [D->]
(defstruct (com-ref
(:print-function (lambda (ref stream d)
(declare (ignore d))
(format stream "#<~s>" (type-of ref)))))
(links are to index).
slots>= (<-U U->)
address interface-display
<interface references>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun make-com-ref-pointer-accessor (intf) (let* ((name (interface-cname intf)) (type (lookup-pointer-type name)) (index (- (length (interface-display intf)) 1))) (lambda (ref) (let ((idisp (com-ref-interface-display ref))) (unless (and (< index (length idisp)) (eq (aref idisp index) intf)) (error "~a is not a reference of type ~a" ref type)) (base-cast-pointer type (com-ref-address ref))))))
(links are to index).
**** export this??? **** change name???
<interface references>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun release-reference (ref) (let ((ptr (iunknown-pointer ref))) (when ptr (disconnect-event-listeners ref) (setf (com-ref-address ref) nil) (debug-print "Unregistering ... ") (unregister-com-exit-handler ref) (debug-print "Releasing ~a ... " (type-of ref)) (base-iunknown-release ptr) (debug-print "done~%"))))
(links are to index).
<interface references>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun make-reference (intfspec pointer &rest args) (if pointer (let ((intf (find-interface intfspec))) (unless intf (error "interface ~s is not declared" intfspec)) (let* ((idisp (interface-display intf)) (cptr (funcall (interface-caster intf) pointer)) (ref (apply (interface-constructor intf) cptr idisp args))) (system:cptr-protect cptr ref) (register-com-exit-handler ref #'release-reference) (system:register-finalizer ref #'release-reference) ref)) nil))
(links are to index).
allows using something other than
as name. Is this useful?
<declaring interfaces>= (<-U) [D->]
(defvar *base-interface*)
(defmacro declare-interface (first &rest more)
(if (consp first)
`(declare-interface-1 ,first ,@more)
`(declare-interface-1 (,first) ,@more)))
(defmacro declare-interface-1 ((cname &key name include print iid) &rest slots)
(let ((name (if name name (intern (string-upcase cname)))))
(when (string= cname "IUnknown") (setf *base-interface* name))
(let* ((constr (intern (concatenate 'string "NEW-" (string name))))
(parent (cond
(include include)
((eq name *base-interface*) 'com-ref)
(t *base-interface*)))
(mods `((:include ,parent)
(:constructor ,constr (<com-ref
(iid-name (intern (concatenate 'string
"IID_" (string-upcase cname)))))
(when print (push `(:print-function ,print) mods))
(defstruct (,name ,@mods) ,@slots)
(add-interface (make-interface ',name ,cname #',constr ,iid ',parent))
(defconstant ,iid-name (find-interface-iid ',name))
(links are to index).
**** separate out definition of pointer accessor function from creation of function (put function in interface as slot, put assignment to symbol into macro)???
<declaring interfaces>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun make-interface (name cname constr iid parent) (let* ((guid (etypecase iid (null (get-std-iid cname)) (string (guid-from-string iid)) (guid iid))) (cast (make-pointer-caster cname)) (intf (new-interface name cname constr cast guid)) (pdisp (if (eq parent 'com-ref) nil (interface-display (find-interface parent)))) (ptrname (intern (concatenate 'string (string name) "-POINTER")))) (setf (interface-display intf) (concatenate 'vector pdisp (list intf))) (setf (symbol-function ptrname) (make-com-ref-pointer-accessor intf)) intf))
(links are to index).
<standard interfaces>= (<-U) [D->] (declare-interface "IUnknown")
(links are to index).
<interface exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] iunknown IID_IUNKNOWN
**** Don't declare this as interface since it doesn't make sense and would mess up the null type.
<standard interfaces>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defconstant IID_NULL (get-std-iid "NULL"))
(links are to index).
<interface exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] IID_NULL
<standard interfaces>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (declare-interface ("IDispatch" :print (lambda (ref stream d) (let ((info-name (idispatch-info-name ref)) (type (type-of ref))) (if info-name (format stream "#<~s ~a>" type info-name) (format stream "#<~s>" type))))) (info-name-cache :empty)) (defun idispatch-info-name (ref) (let ((cache (idispatch-info-name-cache ref))) (if (eq cache :empty) (let* ((info (idispatch-type-info ref)) (name (when info (itypeinfo-name info)))) (setf (idispatch-info-name-cache ref) name) name) cache)))
(links are to index).
<interface exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] idispatch IID_IDISPATCH
<standard interfaces>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (declare-interface ("ITypeInfo" :print (lambda (ref stream d) (declare (ignore d)) (let ((type (type-of ref)) (name (itypeinfo-name ref))) (format stream "#<~a~@[ ~a~]>" type name))))) ;;**** avoid lookup?? (defun wrap-itypeinfo (ptr) (make-reference 'itypeinfo ptr))
(links are to index).
<interface exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo IID_ITypeInfo
<standard interfaces>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (declare-interface ("ITypeLib" :print (lambda (ref stream d) (declare (ignore d)) (let ((type (type-of ref)) (name (itypelib-name ref))) (format stream "#<~a~@[ ~a~]>" type name))))) ;;**** avoid lookup?? (defun wrap-itypelib (ptr) (make-reference 'itypelib ptr))
(links are to index).
<interface exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] itypelib IID_ITypeLib
**** flesh these out, add exports; maybe add a few more.
<standard interfaces>+= (<-U) [<-D] (declare-interface "IClassFactory") (declare-interface "IConnectionPointContainer") (declare-interface "IEnumVARIANT")
<COM client support>= (U->) (export '(<client support exports>)) <creating object references> <IUnknown
interface> <IDispatch
interface> <automation support> <variant type conversion>
<creating object references>= (<-U) <creating new instances> <binding to objects> <accessing active objects> <returning object references>
<C type declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:declare-c-type dword "DWORD" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<creating new instances>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function co-create-instance "CoCreateInstance" ((:cptr "GUID") (:cptr "IUnknown" t) dword (:cptr "GUID") (:value (:cptr "void")))) (wrap:c-lines " static HRESULT CreateRemoteInstance(CLSID *cid, IUnknown *pouter, DWORD cntxt, WCHAR *server, IID *iid, void **ppunk) { HRESULT hr; MULTI_QI mqi; COSERVERINFO csi; if (pCoCreateInstanceEx == NULL) xlfail(\"DCOM not available\"); memset(&mqi, 0, sizeof(MULTI_QI)); memset(&csi, 0, sizeof(COSERVERINFO)); mqi.pIID = iid; csi.pwszName = server; *ppunk = NULL; hr = pCoCreateInstanceEx(cid, pouter, cntxt, &csi, 1, &mqi); *ppunk = mqi.pItf; return FAILED(hr) ? hr :; }") (wrap:std-com-function create-remote-instance "CreateRemoteInstance" ((:cptr "GUID") (:cptr "IUnknown" t) dword (:cptr "WCHAR") (:cptr "GUID") (:value (:cptr "void"))))
(links are to index).
**** test remote version!! **** Why does DAO.DBEngine.35 return an Unknown OLE Error? **** For DLL components, do I need to check for CanUnload??
<creating new instances>+= (<-U) [<-D]
(defun base-create-object (clsid outer cntxt server)
(let ((iid (guid-data IID_IUnknown)))
(if server
(let ((wserver (string-to-wide-string server)))
(create-remote-instance clsid outer cntxt wserver iid))
(co-create-instance clsid outer cntxt iid))))))
(defun create-object (cls-spec &key
(context :server)
(interface 'idispatch)
(let* ((clsid (guid-data (find-clsid cls-spec)))
(pouter (if outer (iunknown-pointer outer) nil))
(cntxt <translate keyword to CLSCTX
(unk (base-create-object clsid pouter cntxt server)))
(query-interface unk interface)))
(links are to index).
<client support exports>= (<-U) [D->] create-object
**** move this to the right place
The registration function is given the context to use as a keyword.
The possible keywords are :inproc
, :local
and :server
these are translated to the C level as
<translate keyword to CLSCTX
value>= (<-U U->)
(ecase context
(:local (logior CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER
(:server CLSCTX_SERVER))
Several constants are used to specify the registration context.
<server constants>= (U->) (wrap:c-constant CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER "CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER "CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant CLSCTX_SERVER "CLSCTX_SERVER" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<binding to objects>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-lines " static HRESULT MyGetObject(WCHAR *name, REFIID iid, void **ppval) { HRESULT hr; IBindCtx *pbind = NULL; IMoniker *pmon = NULL; DWORD len; hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pbind); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbind, name, &len, &pmon); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = IMoniker_BindToObject(pmon, pbind, NULL, iid, ppval); IUnknown_Release(pmon); } IUnknown_Release(pbind); } return hr; }") (wrap:std-com-function base-get-object "MyGetObject" ((:cptr "WCHAR") (:cptr "GUID") (:value (:cptr "void"))))
(links are to index).
<binding to objects>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun get-object (name &optional (interface 'idispatch)) (initialize-com) (let ((iid-data (guid-data (find-interface-iid interface))) (wname (string-to-wide-string name))) (system:without-interrupts (make-reference interface (base-get-object wname iid-data)))))
(links are to index).
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] get-object
<accessing active objects>= (<-U) (wrap:std-com-function base-get-active-object "GetActiveObject" ((:cptr "GUID") (:cptr "void" t) (:value (:cptr "IUnknown")))) (defun get-active-object (cls-spec &optional (interface 'idispatch)) (initialize-com) (let* ((clsid (guid-data (find-clsid cls-spec))) (unk (system:without-interrupts (make-reference 'iunknown (base-get-active-object clsid nil))))) (query-interface unk interface)))
(links are to index).
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] get-active-object
<returning object references>= (<-U) [D->] ;;**** trap errors, return NULL? ;;**** should this be released before close? (wrap:c-callback "IDispatch2Lisp" wrap-idispatch ((:cptr "IDispatch")) :lval :static nil :interrupts-allow nil) ;;;**** avoid the lookup here?? (defun wrap-idispatch (ref) (make-reference 'idispatch ref))
(links are to index).
<type conversion declarations>= (U->) [D->] LVAL IDispatch2Lisp(IDispatch *pdisp);
**** Issue: exit can happen inside unwind-protect--ought to throw out of current context to exit point.
**** move someplace else?
<returning object references>+= (<-U) [<-D] ;;**** avoid lookup?? (defun wrap-iunknown (ref) (make-reference 'iunknown ref)) (wrap:c-callback "IUnknown2Lisp" wrap-iunknown ((:cptr "IUnknown")) :lval :static nil :interrupts-allow nil)
(links are to index).
<type conversion declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] LVAL IUnknown2Lisp(IUnknown *punk);
(links are to index).
interface>= (<-U) [D->]
(wrap:c-lines "
static HRESULT BaseQueryInterface(IUnknown *punk, REFIID riid, void **val,
BOOL not_found_is_error)
HRESULT hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(punk, riid, val);
if (hr == E_NOINTERFACE && ! not_found_is_error) {
*val = NULL;
return S_OK;
else return hr;
(wrap:std-com-function base-query-interface "BaseQueryInterface"
((:cptr "IUnknown") (:cptr "GUID")
(:value (:cptr "void")) bool))
(wrap:c-function base-iunknown-addref "IUnknown_AddRef"
((:cptr "IUnknown")) ulong)
(wrap:c-function base-iunknown-release "IUnknown_Release"
((:cptr "IUnknown")) ulong)
(links are to index).
interface>+= (<-U) [<-D]
(defun query-interface (ref iidspec &optional (not-found nil nfsupp))
(let* ((ptr (iunknown-pointer ref))
(iid (find-interface-iid iidspec))
(iid-data (guid-data iid))
(nptr (base-query-interface ptr iid-data (not nfsupp))))
(if nptr (make-reference iid nptr) not-found))))
(links are to index).
<C type declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:declare-c-type bool "BOOL" :bool) (wrap:declare-c-type ulong "ULONG" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] query-interface release-reference
interface>= (<-U) <IDispatch
type information> <dispatch IDs> <method invokation>
type information>= (<-U)
(wrap:std-com-function base-idispatch-get-type-info-count
((:cptr "IDispatch") (:value dword)))
(wrap:std-com-function base-idispatch-get-type-info "IDispatch_GetTypeInfo"
((:cptr "IDispatch") :unsigned lcid
(:value (:cptr "ITypeInfo"))))
(defun idispatch-type-info (ref &optional
(index 0) (lcid LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT))
(let ((pdisp (idispatch-pointer ref)))
(when (/= 0 (base-idispatch-get-type-info-count pdisp))
(make-reference 'itypeinfo
(base-idispatch-get-type-info pdisp index lcid))))))))
(links are to index).
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] idispatch-type-info
<dispatch constants>= (U->) [D->] (wrap:c-constant DISPID_VALUE "DISPID_VALUE" :unsigned)
<C type declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:declare-c-type dispid "DISPID" :unsigned)
<dispatch IDs>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-pointer "DISPID" (:make make-dispid) (:get get-dispid nil dispid) (:set set-dispid nil dispid))
<dispatch IDs>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer (:cptr "WCHAR") (:make make-wide-string-array) (:get get-cptr-wchar nil (:cptr "WCHAR"))) (wrap:c-lines " static void set_cptr_wchar(WCHAR **pw, WCHAR *w, int off) { pw[off] = w; }") (wrap:c-function set-cptr-wchar "set_cptr_wchar" ((:cptr (:cptr "WCHAR")) (:cptr "WCHAR") :integer) :void)
pushes each new wide string onto the array's protection list.
<dispatch IDs>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun names-to-wide-string-array (names) (let ((wnames (make-wide-string-array (length names))) (i 0)) (dolist (s names wnames) (let ((ws (string-to-wide-string (string s)))) (system:cptr-protect wnames ws) (set-cptr-wchar wnames ws i) (incf i)))))
<dispatch IDs>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun dispids-to-list (dispids n) (let ((val nil)) (dotimes (i n (nreverse val)) (push (get-dispid dispids i) val))))
<dispatch IDs>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-idispatch-ids-of-names "IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames" ((:cptr "IDispatch") (:cptr "GUID") (:cptr (:cptr "WCHAR")) :unsigned lcid (:cptr "DISPID")))
(links are to index).
**** need to do some caching here??
<dispatch IDs>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun idispatch-ids-of-names (object name &optional keys) (if name (let* ((names (cons name keys)) (n (length names)) (wnames (names-to-wide-string-array names)) (dispids (make-dispid n)) (disp (idispatch-pointer object)) (locale (com-locale)) (iid-data (guid-data IID_NULL))) (base-idispatch-ids-of-names disp iid-data wnames n locale dispids) (let ((val (dispids-to-list dispids n))) (values (first val) (rest val)))) (if keys (error "can't have named arguments with default mehtod") DISPID_VALUE)))
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] idispatch-ids-of-names
<dispatch constants>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-constant DISPID_PROPERTYPUT "DISPID_PROPERTYPUT" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT "DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF "DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant DISPATCH_METHOD "DISPATCH_METHOD" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET "DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET" :unsigned)
<C type declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:declare-c-type word "WORD" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<method invokation>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-function base-invoke "InvokeMethod" ((:cptr "IDispatch") dispid lcid word bool :lval :lval) :lval)
(links are to index).
**** allow dispid to be a symbol/string?? **** allow keys to be symbols/strings??
<method invokation>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun idispatch-invoke (ref dispid type &optional args (keydispids (if (member type '(:propput :propputref)) (list DISPID_PROPERTYPUT) nil)) (for-value (if (member type '(:propput :propputref)) nil t)) (locale (com-locale))) (let ((pdisp (idispatch-pointer ref)) (flags (ecase type (:method (logior DISPATCH_METHOD DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET)) (:propget (logior DISPATCH_METHOD DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET)) (:propput DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT) (:propputref DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF)))) (base-invoke pdisp dispid locale flags for-value args keydispids)))
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] idispatch-invoke
<invokation support functions>= (U->) /**** move allocation to Lisp?? avoids danngling pointers on error. */ LVAL InvokeMethod(IDispatch *pdisp, DISPID id, LCID locale, WORD wFlags, BOOL forValue, LVAL args, LVAL nargs) { HRESULT hr; UINT argErr; EXCEPINFO excepinfo; VARIANT result; DISPPARAMS dispParams; DISPID *nargv; int argc, nargc, i; VARIANTARG *argv; LVAL next; /* create the argument structure */ argc = llength(args); if (argc > 0) { argv = calloc(argc, sizeof(VARIANTARG)); if (argv == NULL) xlfail("argument allocation failed"); } else argv = NULL; nargc = llength(nargs); if (nargc > 0) { nargv = calloc(nargc, sizeof(DISPID)); if (nargv == NULL) xlfail("named argument allocation failed"); } else nargv = NULL; for (i = 0, next = args; i < argc; i++, next = cdr(next)) Lisp2Variant(car(next), VT_VARIANT, &argv[argc - i - 1], TRUE); for (i = 0, next = nargs; i < nargc; i++, next = cdr(next)) nargv[nargc - i - 1] = lisp2ulong(car(next)); memset(&dispParams, 0, sizeof(DISPPARAMS)); dispParams.rgvarg = argv; dispParams.rgdispidNamedArgs = nargv; dispParams.cNamedArgs = nargc; dispParams.cArgs = argc; /* initialize the result and excetion info */ if (forValue) VariantInit(&result); memset(&excepinfo, 0, sizeof(EXCEPINFO)); /* invoke the method */ /**** Perl kludge for WORD? */ hr = IDispatch_Invoke(pdisp, id, &IID_NULL, locale, wFlags, &dispParams, forValue ? &result : NULL, &excepinfo, &argErr); /* clean up and return */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) VariantClear(&argv[i]); if (argv != NULL) free(argv); if (nargv != NULL) free(nargv); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (forValue) VariantClear(&result); RaiseComError(hr, "Invoke", &excepinfo); } { LVAL val; BEGIN_PROTECT { val = forValue ? Variant2Lisp(&result) : NIL; } BEGIN_CLEANUP { if (forValue) VariantClear(&result); } END_PROTECT return val; } }
(links are to index).
<invokation support declarations>= (U->) LVAL InvokeMethod(IDispatch *pdisp, DISPID id, LCID locale, USHORT wFlags, BOOL forValue, LVAL args, LVAL nargs);
<automation support>= (<-U) [D->] (defun property (ref &optional meth &rest args) (let ((prop-id (if (numberp meth) meth (idispatch-ids-of-names ref meth)))) (idispatch-invoke ref prop-id :propget args)))
(links are to index).
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] property
<automation support>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun put-property (ref meth &rest args) (let ((prop-id (if (numberp meth) meth (idispatch-ids-of-names ref meth)))) (idispatch-invoke ref prop-id :propput args))) (defsetf property put-property)
(links are to index).
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] put-property
**** Perl uses REF when value is an object--is that a reasonable heuristic? That seems to hold for VBS; the one case of a REF in Excell seems weird.
<automation support>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun put-property-ref (ref meth &rest args) (let ((prop-id (if (numberp meth) meth (idispatch-ids-of-names ref meth)))) (idispatch-invoke ref prop-id :propputref args))) (defsetf property-ref put-property-ref)
(links are to index).
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] put-property-ref
<automation support>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun split-invoke-keys (keys) (let ((keywords nil) (keyargs nil)) (unless (evenp (length keys)) (error "bad keyword argument list")) (loop (unless keys (return (values (nreverse keywords) (nreverse keyargs)))) (let ((k (pop keys)) (a (pop keys))) (unless (keywordp k) (error "~s is not a keyword" k)) (push k keywords) (push a keyargs)))))
(links are to index).
<automation support>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun invoke-1 (object meth for-value args) (let ((keys (member-if #'keywordp args))) (if keys (let ((baseargs (ldiff args keys))) (multiple-value-bind (keywords keyargs) (split-invoke-keys keys) (multiple-value-bind (meth-id key-ids) (idispatch-ids-of-names object meth keywords) (let ((args (append baseargs keyargs))) (idispatch-invoke object meth-id :method args key-ids for-value))))) (let ((meth-id (if (numberp meth) meth (idispatch-ids-of-names object meth)))) (idispatch-invoke object meth-id :method args nil for-value))))) (defun invoke (object meth &rest args) (invoke-1 object meth t args)) (defun invoke-no-value (object meth &rest args) (invoke-1 object meth nil args))
(links are to index).
<client support exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] invoke invoke-no-value
<test>= [D->] ;;(setf x (get-object "e:\\my documents\\fred.xls")) ;;(setf s (property x :worksheets 1)) (setf x (get-active-object "Excel.application")) (setf s (property (property x :workbooks 1) :worksheets 1)) (setf r (property s :range "A1" "C2")) (property r :value) (property (property s :cells 1 2) :value) (invoke x :quit) (setf ie (create-object "InternetExplorer.application")) (invoke ie :navigate :flags 1 :url "")
**** mention missing thingy, null thingy here.
<variant type conversion>= (<-U) (export '(<variant exports>)) <variant type constants> <variant structure interface> <currency conversion> <structure and object conversion> <Lisp to variant conversion> <variant to Lisp conversion> <variant collections>
<commacro.lsp>= <package specification> (defmacro declare-variant-type (name) `(progn (export ',name) (wrap:c-constant ,name ,(string name) :unsigned)))
(links are to index).
<variant type constants>= (<-U) (declare-variant-type VT_ARRAY) (declare-variant-type VT_BYREF) (declare-variant-type VT_EMPTY) (declare-variant-type VT_NULL) (declare-variant-type VT_UI1) (declare-variant-type VT_I2) (declare-variant-type VT_I4) (declare-variant-type VT_R4) (declare-variant-type VT_R8) (declare-variant-type VT_CY) (declare-variant-type VT_BSTR) (declare-variant-type VT_ERROR) (declare-variant-type VT_BOOL) (declare-variant-type VT_DATE) (declare-variant-type VT_DISPATCH) (declare-variant-type VT_VARIANT) (declare-variant-type VT_UNKNOWN)
<variant structure interface>= (<-U) [D->] (defstruct (variant (:constructor base-make-variant (pointer)) (:print-function print-variant)) pointer)
(links are to index).
<variant exports>= (<-U) [D->] variant
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun print-variant (var stream d) (let* ((ptr (variant-pointer var)) (type (when ptr (base-variant-type ptr)))) (format stream "#<~a~@[, type = ~a~]>" (type-of var) (when type (variant-type-to-string type)))))
(links are to index).
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun variant-type-to-string (type) (let ((byref (/= (logand type VT_BYREF) 0)) (array (/= (logand type VT_ARRAY) 0)) (base-type (logand type (lognot (logior VT_BYREF VT_ARRAY))))) (format nil "~@[~*VT_BYREF|~]~@[~*VT_ARRAY|~]~a" byref array (case base-type (0 "VT_EMPTY") (1 "VT_NULL") (2 "VT_I2") (3 "VT_I4") (4 "VT_R4") (5 "VT_R8") (6 "VT_CY") (7 "VT_DATE") (8 "VT_BSTR") (9 "VT_DISPATCH") (10 "VT_ERROR") (11 "VT_BOOL") (12 "VT_VARIANT") (13 "VT_UNKNOWN") (17 "VT_UI1") (t base-type)))))
(links are to index).
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] ;;********* fix wrapper (defun release-variant (var) (let ((ptr (variant-pointer var))) (when ptr (setf (variant-pointer var) nil) (debug-print "Unregistering ... ") (unregister-com-exit-handler var) (debug-print "Releasing VARIANT ... ") (variant-clear ptr) (debug-print "done~%")))) (defun wrap-variant (ptr) (let ((var (base-make-variant ptr))) (register-com-exit-handler var #'release-variant) (system:register-finalizer var #'release-variant) var))
(links are to index).
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "VARIANTARG" (:make new-variant) (:offset offset-variant))
(links are to index).
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function variant-clear "VariantClear" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG")))
(links are to index).
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun make-variant (arg &optional (type VT_VARIANT)) (initialize-com) (let ((var (new-variant))) (lisp-to-variant arg type var nil) (wrap-variant var)))
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] make-variant
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun variant-type (var) (let ((ptr (variant-pointer var))) (when ptr (base-variant-type ptr))))
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] variant-type
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function base-variant-type "V_VT" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG")) vartype)
(links are to index).
<C type declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:declare-c-type vartype "VARTYPE" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun variant-value (var) (variant-to-lisp (variant-pointer var)))
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] variant-value
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun variant-change-type (var type) (unless (= (logand type VT_BYREF) 0) (error "VT_BYREF flag is not allowed")) (let ((new-var (new-variant)) (ptr (variant-pointer var)) (lcid (com-locale))) (variant-init new-var) (base-variant-change-type-ex new-var ptr lcid 0 type) (wrap-variant new-var)))
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] variant-change-type
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function variant-init "VariantInit" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG")) :void)
(links are to index).
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun variant-value-as (var type) (let ((new-var (new-variant)) (ptr (variant-pointer var)) (lcid (com-locale))) (variant-init new-var) (unwind-protect (progn (base-variant-change-type-ex new-var ptr lcid 0 type) (variant-to-lisp new-var)) (variant-clear new-var))))
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] variant-value-as
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-variant-change-type-ex "VariantChangeTypeEx" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG") (:cptr "VARIANTARG") lcid :unsigned vartype))
(links are to index).
<dispatch constants>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-constant DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND "DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<variant structure interface>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun make-missing-variant () (make-variant DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND VT_ERROR)) (defun make-empty-variant () (make-variant nil VT_EMPTY)) (defun make-null-variant () (make-variant nil VT_NULL))
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] make-missing-variant make-empty-variant make-null-variant
<variant type conversion declarations>= (U->) [D->] LVAL CY2Lisp(ULONG hi, ULONG lo); void Lisp2CY(LVAL val, CY *pcy);
(links are to index).
<currency conversion>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-callback "CY2Lisp" currency-to-lisp (:unsigned :unsigned) :lval :static nil) (wrap:c-callback "Lisp2CY" lisp-to-currency (:lval (:cptr "CY")) :void :static nil)
(links are to index).
<currency conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defconstant currency-cut (expt 2 32)) (defconstant min-currency (- (expt 2 63))) (defconstant max-currency (- (expt 2 63) 1))
(links are to index).
<currency conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun currency-to-lisp (hi lo) (let* ((neg (not (zerop (logand (expt 2 31) hi)))) (ahi (if neg (- currency-cut hi 1) hi)) (alo (if neg (- currency-cut lo) lo)) (aval (xlisp:divide (+ (* currency-cut ahi) alo) 10000))) (if neg (- aval) aval)))
(links are to index).
<currency conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun lisp-to-currency (val pcy) (let ((ival (round (* val 10000)))) (unless (<= min-currency ival max-currency) (error "the value ~a is out of the currency range" ival)) (multiple-value-bind (ahi alo) (floor (abs ival) currency-cut) (let ((hi (if (minusp ival) (- currency-cut ahi 1) ahi)) (lo (if (minusp ival) (- currency-cut alo) alo))) (set-currency pcy hi lo)))))
(links are to index).
<currency conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:c-lines " static void SetCY(CY *pcy, ULONG hi, ULONG lo) { pcy->s.Hi = (long) hi; pcy->s.Lo = lo; }") (wrap:c-function set-currency "SetCY" ((:cptr "CY") :unsigned :unsigned) :void)
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion functions>= (U->) [D->] static BSTR LispString2BSTR(LVAL val) { char *s; int n; BSTR bs; if (! stringp(val)) xlbadtype(val); s = getstring(val); n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, NULL, 0); if (n == 0) xlfail("conversion to BSTR failed"); bs = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, n); if (bs == NULL) xlfail("BSTR allocation failed"); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, bs, n); return bs; }
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] LVAL BSTR2LispString(BSTR *bs) { LVAL val; int n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bs, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (n == 0) xlfail("BSTR conversion failed"); val = newstring(n - 1); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bs, -1, getstring(val), n, NULL, NULL); return val; }
(links are to index).
<type conversion declarations>+= (U->) [<-D] LVAL BSTR2LispString(BSTR *bs);
(links are to index).
s is handled by a
<structure and object conversion>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-callback "LispStruct2Variant" struct-to-variant (:lval vartype (:cptr "VARIANTARG") bool) :void :static nil)
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] void LispStruct2Variant(LVAL val, VARTYPE type, VARIANTARG *pvar, BOOL ref_ok);
(links are to index).
The callback handles variant
structures and automation/com object
and server structures. For variants, a copt is made if the variant
argument is already the right type; otherwise VariantChangeTypeEx
is used. Just to be safe, I'm using the VariantCopyInd
to force resolving of indirections--I don't think it is possible for
there to be any, given where the variant structures come form, but I'm
not sure.
<structure and object conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun struct-to-variant (val type pvar ref-ok) (etypecase val (variant (let ((ptr (variant-pointer val))) (if (or (= type VT_VARIANT) (= type (variant-type val))) (base-variant-copy-ind pvar ptr) (base-variant-change-type-ex pvar ptr (com-locale) 0 type)))) (variant-ref (unless ref-ok (error "variant reference not allowed")) (let ((ref-val (variant-ref-variant val))) (unless (or (= type VT_VARIANT) (= type (variant-type ref-val))) (error "can't convert variant type in a reference")) (variant-ref-copy (variant-pointer ref-val) pvar))) (idispatch (com-pointer-to-variant val (idispatch-pointer val) type pvar t)) (iunknown (com-pointer-to-variant val (iunknown-pointer val) type pvar nil)) (auto-server (com-pointer-to-variant val (auto-server-pointer val) type pvar t)) (generic-server (com-pointer-to-variant val (generic-server-pointer val) type pvar nil))))
(links are to index).
<structure and object conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " static void VariantRefCopy(VARIANTARG *prefvar, VARIANTARG *pvar) { VariantClear(pvar); V_VT(pvar) = V_VT(prefvar) | VT_BYREF; V_I4REF(pvar) = &(V_I4(prefvar)); }") (wrap:c-function variant-ref-copy "VariantRefCopy" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG") (:cptr "VARIANTARG")) :void)
(links are to index).
Interface pointers are all handled by essentially the same code, so it
is broken out into a separate function. The value itself is passed to
allow an error message to be constructed if necessary. The cast to an
poinbter is only needed for automation server objects.
**** Maybe those should just be represented as IDispatch
as well.
<structure and object conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun com-pointer-to-variant (val ptr type pvar dispatch) (cond ((and dispatch (or (= type VT_VARIANT) (= type VT_DISPATCH))) (lisp-to-variant-ex (cast-idispatch ptr) VT_DISPATCH pvar)) ((= type VT_UNKNOWN) (lisp-to-variant-ex (cast-iunknown ptr) VT_UNKNOWN pvar)) (t (error "can't convert ~a to ~a VARIANT" (type-of val) (variant-type-to-string type)))))
(links are to index).
<structure and object conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "IUnknown" (:cast cast-iunknown))
(links are to index).
The IDispatch
casting function is defined by
<structure and object conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "IDispatch" (:cast cast-idispatch))
(links are to index).
Even though I only use VariantCopyInd
, I've also defined an
interface for VariantCopy
just in case i change my mind.
<structure and object conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-variant-copy "VariantCopy" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG") (:cptr "VARIANTARG"))) (wrap:std-com-function base-variant-copy-ind "VariantCopyInd" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG") (:cptr "VARIANTARG")))
(links are to index).
<structure and object conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-callback "LispObject2Variant" object-to-variant (:lval vartype (:cptr "VARIANTARG")) :void :static nil)
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] void LispObject2Variant(LVAL val, VARTYPE type, VARIANTARG *pvar);
(links are to index).
For the moment, the callback just signals an error. To allow Lisp
objects to be put on the COM bus, just provide an appropriate
definition for the object-to-variant
<structure and object conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun object-to-variant (object type pvar) (error "can't convert Lisp objects to VARIANTs"))
(links are to index).
s are stored in column-major
<variant type conversion functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static long calculate_index(long k, int rank, long *dims, long *idx) { long nk, face; int i; for (i = 0, face = 1; i < rank; i++) face *= dims[i]; for (i = 0; i < rank; i++) { face /= dims[i]; idx[i] = k / face; k = k % face; } for (i = 0, nk = 0; i < rank; i++) nk = dims[rank - i - 1] * nk + idx[rank - i - 1]; return nk; }
(links are to index).
**** incrase to 32 or 64? check limis in xlisp
<variant type conversion functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] #define MAX_RANK 10 #define AS_PTR(t,p) ((t *) (p)) static LVAL SafeArray2Lisp(SAFEARRAY *psa, VARTYPE vt) { LVAL val, dims, elem; long lower, upper, size, i, n; int rank = SafeArrayGetDim(psa); long idims[MAX_RANK]; long idx[MAX_RANK]; void *sadata; HRESULT hr; if (rank > MAX_RANK) xlfail("array rank is too large to convert"); xlstkcheck(2); xlsave(val); xlsave(dims); dims = rank == 1 ? NIL : newvector(rank); for (size = 1, i = 1; i <= rank; i++) { SafeArrayGetLBound(psa, i, &lower); SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, i, &upper); n = upper - lower + 1; idims[i - 1] = n; size *= n; if (rank != 1) setelement(dims, i - 1, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) n)); } val = newvector(size); hr = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, &sadata); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BEGIN_PROTECT { for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { long j = calculate_index(i, rank, idims, idx); switch (vt) { case VT_UI1: elem = cvfixnum(AS_PTR(unsigned char, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_I2: elem = cvfixnum(AS_PTR(short, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_I4: elem = cvfixnum(AS_PTR(long, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_R4: elem = cvflonum(AS_PTR(float, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_R8: elem = cvflonum(AS_PTR(double, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_CY: { CY cy = AS_PTR(CY, sadata)[j]; elem = CY2Lisp(cy.s.Hi, cy.s.Lo); } break; case VT_DATE: elem = cvflonum(AS_PTR(DATE, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_BSTR: elem = BSTR2LispString(AS_PTR(BSTR, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_DISPATCH: { IDispatch *pdisp = AS_PTR(IDispatch *, sadata)[j]; if (pdisp != NULL) IDispatch_AddRef(pdisp); elem = IDispatch2Lisp(pdisp); } break; case VT_ERROR: elem = ulong2lisp(AS_PTR(SCODE, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_BOOL: elem = AS_PTR(VARIANT_BOOL, sadata)[j]?s_true : NIL; break; case VT_VARIANT: elem = Variant2Lisp(&AS_PTR(VARIANT, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_UNKNOWN: { IUnknown *pdisp = AS_PTR(IUnknown *, sadata)[j]; if (pdisp != NULL) IUnknown_AddRef(pdisp); elem = IUnknown2Lisp(pdisp); } break; default: xlfail("can't convert array"); } setelement(val, i, elem); } } BEGIN_CLEANUP { SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); } END_PROTECT } else xlfail("failed to access array data"); if (rank != 1) val = newdarray(dims, val); xlpopn(2); return val; }
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] DECLARE_CPTR_TYPE(void) DECLARE_CPTR_TYPE(IDispatch) DECLARE_CPTR_TYPE(IUnknown) static IDispatch *Lisp2IDispatch(LVAL val) { if (! cptr_type_p(val, CPTR_TYPE(IDispatch)) || getcpaddr(val) == NULL) xlbadtype(val); return getcpaddr(val); } static IUnknown *Lisp2IUnknown(LVAL val) { if (! cptr_type_p(val, CPTR_TYPE(IUnknown)) || getcpaddr(val) == NULL) xlbadtype(val); return getcpaddr(val); }
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static SAFEARRAY *LispArray2SafeArray(LVAL val, VARTYPE vt) { LVAL data, elem; long size, i, n, rank, idims[MAX_RANK], idx[MAX_RANK]; SAFEARRAY *psa; SAFEARRAYBOUND sabounds[MAX_RANK]; void *sadata; HRESULT hr; switch (ntype(val)) { case STRING: case VECTOR: case TVEC: data = val; rank = 1; size = gettvecsize(data); sabounds[0].lLbound = 0; sabounds[0].cElements = size; break; case DARRAY: { LVAL dims = getdarraydim(val); data = getdarraydata(val); rank = getdarrayrank(val); for (size = 1, i = 0; i < rank; i++) { n = getfixnum(getelement(dims, i)); idims[i] = n; size *= n; sabounds[i].lLbound = 0; sabounds[i].cElements = n; } } break; default: xlbadtype(val); } if (rank > MAX_RANK) xlfail("array rank is too large to convert"); if (rank == 0) xlfail("can't convert zero-rank arrays"); psa = SafeArrayCreate(vt, rank, sabounds); if (psa == NULL) xlfail("SafeArray creation failed"); hr = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, &sadata); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BEGIN_PROTECT { xlsave1(elem); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { long j = calculate_index(i, rank, idims, idx); elem = gettvecelement(data, i); switch (vt) { case VT_UI1: AS_PTR(unsigned char, sadata)[j] = lisp2ulong(elem); break; case VT_I2: AS_PTR(short, sadata)[j] = lisp2long(elem); break; case VT_I4: AS_PTR(long, sadata)[j] = lisp2long(elem); break; case VT_R4: AS_PTR(float, sadata)[j] = makefloat(elem); break; case VT_R8: AS_PTR(double, sadata)[j] = makefloat(elem); break; case VT_CY: Lisp2CY(elem, &AS_PTR(double, sadata)[j]); break; case VT_DATE: AS_PTR(DATE, sadata)[j] = makefloat(elem); break; case VT_BSTR: AS_PTR(BSTR, sadata)[j] = LispString2BSTR(elem); break; case VT_DISPATCH: { IDispatch *pdisp = Lisp2IDispatch(elem); if (pdisp != NULL) IDispatch_AddRef(pdisp); AS_PTR(IDispatch *, sadata)[j] = pdisp; } break; case VT_ERROR: AS_PTR(SCODE, sadata)[j] = lisp2ulong(elem); break; case VT_BOOL: AS_PTR(VARIANT_BOOL, sadata)[j] = null(elem)?0 : -1; break; case VT_VARIANT: Lisp2Variant(elem, VT_VARIANT, &AS_PTR(VARIANT, sadata)[j], FALSE); break; case VT_UNKNOWN: { IUnknown *punk = Lisp2IUnknown(elem); if (punk != NULL) IUnknown_AddRef(punk); AS_PTR(IUnknown *, sadata)[j] = punk; } break; default: xlfail("can only create VARIANT arrays for now"); } } xlpop(); } BEGIN_CLEANUP { SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); if (UNWINDING) SafeArrayDestroy(psa); } END_PROTECT } else { SafeArrayDestroy(psa); xlfail("failed to access array data"); } return psa; }
(links are to index).
as wild card since it is not a legal type for
<variant type conversion functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] void Lisp2Variant(LVAL val, VARTYPE type, VARIANTARG *pvar, BOOL ref_ok) { if (structp(val)) LispStruct2Variant(val, type, pvar, ref_ok); else if (objectp(val)) LispObject2Variant(val, type, pvar); else if (type == VT_VARIANT) { switch (ntype(val)) { case SYMBOL: if (val == s_true || val == NIL) Lisp2VariantEx(val, VT_BOOL, pvar); else xlbadtype(val); break; case FIXNUM: Lisp2VariantEx(val, VT_I4, pvar); break; case BIGNUM: case FLONUM: Lisp2VariantEx(val, VT_R8, pvar); break; case STRING: Lisp2VariantEx(val, VT_BSTR, pvar); break; case VECTOR: case TVEC: case DARRAY: Lisp2VariantEx(val, VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT, pvar); break; default: xlbadtype(val); } } else Lisp2VariantEx(val, type, pvar); }
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] void Lisp2Variant(LVAL val, VARTYPE type, VARIANTARG *pvar, BOOL ref_ok);
(links are to index).
<Lisp to variant conversion>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-function lisp-to-variant "Lisp2Variant" (:lval vartype (:cptr "VARIANTARG") bool) :void)
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] void Lisp2VariantEx(LVAL val, VARTYPE type, VARIANTARG *pvar) { VariantInit(pvar); switch (type) { case VT_EMPTY: break; case VT_NULL: break; case VT_UI1: V_UI1(pvar) = lisp2ulong(val); break; case VT_I2: V_I2(pvar) = lisp2long(val); break; case VT_I4: V_I4(pvar) = lisp2long(val); break; case VT_R4: V_R4(pvar) = makefloat(val); break; case VT_R8: V_R8(pvar) = makefloat(val); break; case VT_CY: Lisp2CY(val, &V_CY(pvar)); break; case VT_DATE: V_DATE(pvar) = makefloat(val); break; case VT_BSTR: V_BSTR(pvar) = LispString2BSTR(val); break; case VT_DISPATCH: V_DISPATCH(pvar) = Lisp2IDispatch(val); if (V_DISPATCH(pvar) != NULL) IDispatch_AddRef(V_DISPATCH(pvar)); break; case VT_ERROR: V_ERROR(pvar) = lisp2ulong(val); break; case VT_BOOL: V_BOOL(pvar) = null(val) ? 0 : -1; break; case VT_UNKNOWN: V_UNKNOWN(pvar) = Lisp2IUnknown(val); if (V_UNKNOWN(pvar) != NULL) IUnknown_AddRef(V_UNKNOWN(pvar)); break; default: if (VT_ARRAY & type) V_ARRAY(pvar) = LispArray2SafeArray(val, type & ~VT_ARRAY); else xlfail("conversion not supported"); } V_VT(pvar) = type; }
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] void Lisp2VariantEx(LVAL val, VARTYPE type, VARIANTARG *pvar);
(links are to index).
<Lisp to variant conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function lisp-to-variant-ex "Lisp2VariantEx" (:lval vartype (:cptr "VARIANTARG")) :void)
(links are to index).
<Lisp to variant conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defstruct (variant-ref (:constructor base-make-variant-ref (variant)) (:print-function print-variant-ref)) variant)
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] variant-ref
<Lisp to variant conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun print-variant-ref (ref stream d) (let* ((var (variant-ref-variant ref)) (ptr (when var (variant-pointer var))) (type (when ptr (base-variant-type ptr)))) (format stream "#<~a~@[, type = ~a~]>" (type-of ref) (when type (variant-type-to-string type)))))
(links are to index).
<Lisp to variant conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun make-variant-ref (value type) (initialize-com) (let ((var (cond ((null value) (let ((ptr (new-variant))) (set-variant-type ptr type) (wrap-variant ptr))) ((variant-p value) value) (t (make-variant value type))))) (base-make-variant-ref var)))
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] make-variant-ref
<Lisp to variant conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun variant-ref-value (ref) (variant-value (variant-ref-variant ref)))
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] variant-ref-value
<Lisp to variant conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:c-lines " static void SetVariantType(VARIANTARG *pvar, VARTYPE type) { V_VT(pvar) = type; }") (wrap:c-function set-variant-type "SetVariantType" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG") vartype) :void)
(links are to index).
***** need to check that reference counts work right
<variant to Lisp conversion>= (<-U) [D->] (defvar *null-variant-value* :null) (defvar *empty-variant-value* :empty)
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] *null-variant-value* *empty-variant-value*
<variant to Lisp conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-read-variable "GetNullVARIANT" *null-variant-value* :lval :static nil) (wrap:c-read-variable "GetEmptyVARIANT" *empty-variant-value* :lval :static nil)
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] LVAL GetNullVARIANT(void); LVAL GetEmptyVARIANT(void);
(links are to index).
<variant type conversion functions>+= (U->) [<-D] #define VAR_VAL(t,x) (V_ISBYREF(x) ? *V_##t##REF(x) : V_##t(x)) LVAL Variant2Lisp(VARIANT *pvar) { LVAL val; if (V_ISARRAY(pvar)) { VARTYPE vt = V_VT(pvar) & ~ (VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF); val = SafeArray2Lisp(VAR_VAL(ARRAY, pvar), vt); } else { switch (V_VT(pvar) & ~VT_BYREF) { case VT_EMPTY: val = GetEmptyVARIANT(); break; case VT_NULL: val = GetNullVARIANT(); break; case VT_UI1: val = cvfixnum(VAR_VAL(UI1, pvar)); break; case VT_I2: val = cvfixnum(VAR_VAL(I2, pvar)); break; case VT_I4: val = cvfixnum(VAR_VAL(I4, pvar)); break; case VT_R4: val = cvflonum(VAR_VAL(R4, pvar)); break; case VT_R8: val = cvflonum(VAR_VAL(R8, pvar)); break; case VT_CY: val = CY2Lisp(V_CY(pvar).s.Hi, V_CY(pvar).s.Lo); break; case VT_DATE: val = cvflonum(VAR_VAL(DATE, pvar)); break; case VT_BSTR: val = BSTR2LispString(V_BSTR(pvar)); break; case VT_DISPATCH: { IDispatch *pdisp = VAR_VAL(DISPATCH, pvar); if (pdisp != NULL) IDispatch_AddRef(pdisp); val = IDispatch2Lisp(pdisp); } break; case VT_ERROR: val = ulong2lisp(VAR_VAL(ERROR, pvar)); break; case VT_BOOL: val = VAR_VAL(BOOL, pvar) ? s_true : NIL; break; case VT_UNKNOWN: { IUnknown *pdisp = VAR_VAL(UNKNOWN, pvar); if (pdisp != NULL) IUnknown_AddRef(pdisp); val = IUnknown2Lisp(pdisp); } break; default: xlfail("unsupported variant type"); } } return val; }
<variant type conversion declarations>+= (U->) [<-D] LVAL Variant2Lisp(VARIANT *pvar);
<variant to Lisp conversion>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:c-function variant-to-lisp "Variant2Lisp" ((:cptr "VARIANTARG")) :lval)
<dispatch constants>+= (U->) [<-D] (wrap:c-constant DISPID_NEWENUM "DISPID_NEWENUM" :integer)
(links are to index).
<variant collections>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-lines " #define GetEnumVARIANT(a,b) IUnknown_QueryInterface(a,&IID_IEnumVARIANT,b)") (wrap:std-com-function base-get-enum-variant "GetEnumVARIANT" ((:cptr "IUnknown") (:value (:cptr "IEnumVARIANT")))) (wrap:c-function release-enum-variant "IEnumVARIANT_Release" ((:cptr "IEnumVARIANT")) :void)
(links are to index).
**** just use query-interface here??
<variant collections>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun get-enum-variant (object) (let ((enum (invoke object DISPID_NEWENUM))) (base-get-enum-variant (iunknown-pointer enum))))
(links are to index).
<variant collections>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " #define GetNextVARIANT(a,b) IEnumVARIANT_Next(a,1,b,NULL)") (wrap:c-function enum-variant-next "GetNextVARIANT" ((:cptr "IEnumVARIANT") (:cptr "VARIANTARG")) hresult)
(links are to index).
**** lift unwind-protect out of loop?
<variant collections>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defmacro do-collection ((var object &optional value) &body body) (let ((colsym (gensym)) (varsym (gensym))) `(let ((,colsym (get-enum-variant ,object))) (unwind-protect (let ((,varsym (new-variant))) (variant-init ,varsym) (loop (unwind-protect (progn (when (/= (enum-variant-next ,colsym ,varsym) S_OK) (let ((,var nil)) (return ,value))) (let ((,var (variant-to-lisp ,varsym))) ,@body)) (variant-clear ,varsym)))) (release-enum-variant ,colsym)))))
(links are to index).
<variant exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] do-collection
<test>+= [<-D->] (let* ((file "\\users\\luke\\working\\win32\\win32com\\cars.xls") (workbook (get-object file)) (sheets (property workbook :worksheets)) (val nil)) (do-collection (s sheets (nreverse val)) (push (property s :name) val)))
<type libraries and type information>= (U->) <type libraries> <type information> <finding coclasses>
<type libraries>= (<-U) (export '(<type library exports>)) <loading type libraries> <searching type libraries by name> <type library documentation> <type library attributes> <type library entries> <higher level type library functions>
<loading type libraries>= (<-U) (wrap:std-com-function base-load-type-lib "LoadTypeLib" ((:cptr "WCHAR") (:value (:cptr "ITypeLib")))) (defun load-type-lib (path) (initialize-com) (system:without-interrupts (wrap-itypelib (base-load-type-lib (string-to-wide-string path)))))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>= (<-U) [D->] load-type-lib
<searching type libraries by name>= (<-U) [D->] ;;**** use pointer wrappers ;;**** allow for unsigned's in wrappers? (wrap:c-pointer (:unsigned "int") (:make make-c-uint) (:get get-c-uint nil :integer) (:set set-c-uint nil :integer)) (wrap:c-pointer (:cptr "ITypeInfo") (:make make-type-info-array) (:get get-type-info-element nil (:cptr "ITypeInfo"))) (wrap:std-com-function base-itypelib-find-name "ITypeLib_FindName" ((:cptr "ITypeLib") (:cptr "WCHAR") :integer (:cptr (:cptr "ITypeInfo")) (:cptr "DISPID") (:cptr (:unsigned "int"))))
<searching type libraries by name>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun itypelib-find-name (lib name &optional (count 1 count-supplied-p)) (let ((plib (itypelib-pointer lib)) (wname (string-to-wide-string (string name))) (ptis (make-type-info-array count)) (pids (make-dispid count)) (pcount (make-c-uint 1))) (set-c-uint pcount count) (base-itypelib-find-name plib wname 0 ptis pids pcount) (let ((nfound (get-c-uint pcount))) (cond ((= nfound 0) (values nil nil)) (count-supplied-p (let ((infos nil) (memids nil)) (dotimes (i nfound (values (nreverse infos) (nreverse memids))) (push (wrap-itypeinfo (get-type-info-element ptis i)) infos) (push (get-dispid pids i) memids)))) (t (values (wrap-itypeinfo (get-type-info-element ptis)) (get-dispid pids)))))))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-find-name
<type library documentation>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-itypelib-documentation "ITypeLib_GetDocumentation" ((:cptr "ITypeLib") :integer (:cptr "BSTR" t) (:cptr "BSTR" t) (:cptr "long" t) (:cptr "BSTR" t))) (defun type-lib-documentation (lib &optional index all) (let ((i (if index index -1)) (ptr (itypelib-pointer lib))) (get-documentation #'base-itypelib-documentation ptr i all))) (defun itypelib-name (lib) (let ((ptr (itypelib-pointer lib))) (get-documentation #'base-itypelib-documentation ptr -1 nil)))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] type-lib-documentation itypelib-name
<type library documentation>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "BSTR" (:make make-bstr-array) (:get get-bstr nil (:cptr "WCHAR"))) (wrap:c-pointer "long" (:make make-long-array) (:get get-long nil :integer)) (wrap:c-function free-bstr "SysFreeString" ((:cptr "WCHAR")) :void) (wrap:c-constant MEMBERID_NIL "MEMBERID_NIL" :integer)
(links are to index).
<type library documentation>+= (<-U) [<-D] ;;;**** assume that on failure BSTR's are null (defun get-documentation (fun ptr index all) (system:without-interrupts (let* ((bsa-name (make-bstr-array)) (bsa-doc (when all (make-bstr-array))) (la-help (when all (make-long-array))) (bsa-help (when all (make-bstr-array)))) (funcall fun ptr index bsa-name bsa-doc la-help bsa-help) (let ((bs-name (get-bstr bsa-name)) (bs-doc (when all (get-bstr bsa-doc))) (bs-help (when all (get-bstr bsa-help)))) (unwind-protect (let ((name (if bs-name (wide-string-to-string bs-name) nil))) (if all (values name (when bs-doc (wide-string-to-string bs-doc)) (get-long la-help) (when bs-help (wide-string-to-string bs-help))) name)) (when bs-name (free-bstr bs-name)) (when bs-doc (free-bstr bs-doc)) (when bs-help (free-bstr bs-help)))))))
(links are to index).
<type library attributes>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function get-tlibattr "ITypeLib_GetLibAttr" ((:cptr "ITypeLib") (:value (:cptr "TLIBATTR")))) (wrap:c-function release-tlibattr "ITypeLib_ReleaseTLibAttr" ((:cptr "ITypeLib") (:cptr "TLIBATTR")) :void)
(links are to index).
<type library attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "TLIBATTR" (:get tlibattr-lcid "lcid" :integer) (:get tlibattr-syskind "syskind" :integer) (:get tlibattr-major "wMajorVerNum" :integer) (:get tlibattr-minor "wMinorVerNum" :integer) (:get tlibattr-flags "wLibFlags" :integer)) (wrap:c-lines " static void GetTLibAttrGUID(TLIBATTR *pta, GUID *pid) { *pid = pta->guid; }") (wrap:c-function tlibattr-get-guid "GetTLibAttrGUID" ((:cptr "TLIBATTR") (:cptr "GUID")) :void)
(links are to index).
<type library attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmacro with-tlibattr ((asym lib) &body body) (let ((psym (gensym))) `(system:without-interrupts (let* ((,psym (itypelib-pointer ,lib)) (,asym (get-tlibattr ,psym))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (release-tlibattr ,psym ,asym))))))
(links are to index).
<type library attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypelib-guid (lib) (with-tlibattr (attr lib) (let ((guid (make-guid-data))) (tlibattr-get-guid attr guid) (make-guid guid))))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-guid
<type library attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypelib-lcid (lib) (with-tlibattr (attr lib) (tlibattr-lcid attr)))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-lcid
<type library attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypelib-syskind (lib) (with-tlibattr (attr lib) (let ((syskind (tlibattr-syskind attr))) (cond ((= syskind SYS_WIN16) :win16) ((= syskind SYS_WIN32) :win32) ((= syskind SYS_MAC) :mac) (t syskind)))))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-syskind
<type library constants>= (U->) [D->] (wrap:c-constant SYS_WIN16 "SYS_WIN16" :integer) (wrap:c-constant SYS_WIN32 "SYS_WIN32" :integer) (wrap:c-constant SYS_MAC "SYS_MAC" :integer)
(links are to index).
<type library attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypelib-major-version (lib) (with-tlibattr (attr lib) (tlibattr-major attr)))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-major-version
<type library attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypelib-minor-version (lib) (with-tlibattr (attr lib) (tlibattr-minor attr)))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-minor-version
<type library attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun itypelib-flags (lib) (with-tlibattr (attr lib) (let ((flags (tlibattr-flags attr)) (lflags nil)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED)) (push :restricted lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN)) (push :hidden lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags LIBFLAG_FCONTROL)) (push :control lflags)) lflags)))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-flags
<type library constants>+= (U->) [<-D] (wrap:c-constant LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED "LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED" :integer) (wrap:c-constant LIBFLAG_FCONTROL "LIBFLAG_FCONTROL" :integer) (wrap:c-constant LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN "LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN" :integer)
(links are to index).
<type library entries>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-itypelib-type-info "ITypeLib_GetTypeInfo" ((:cptr "ITypeLib") :integer (:value (:cptr "ITypeInfo")))) (defun itypelib-type-info (lib index) (wrap-itypeinfo (base-itypelib-type-info (itypelib-pointer lib) index)))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-type-info
<type library entries>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function base-itypelib-type-info-count "ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoCount" ((:cptr "ITypeLib")) :unsigned) (defun itypelib-type-info-count (lib) (base-itypelib-type-info-count (itypelib-pointer lib)))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-type-info-count
<type library entries>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-itypelib-type-info-of-guid "ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoOfGuid" ((:cptr "ITypeLib") (:cptr "GUID") (:value (:cptr "ITypeInfo")))) (defun itypelib-type-info-of-guid (lib guid) (let ((plib (itypelib-pointer lib))) (wrap-itypeinfo (base-itypelib-type-info-of-guid plib (guid-data guid)))))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-type-info-of-guid
<C type declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:declare-c-type typekind "TYPEKIND" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<type library entries>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-itypelib-type-info-type "ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoType" ((:cptr "ITypeLib") :integer (:value typekind))) (defun itypelib-type-info-type (lib index) (let ((plib (itypelib-pointer lib))) (type-kind-to-keyword (base-itypelib-type-info-type plib index))))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-type-info-type
<type library entries>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:std-com-function base-itypelib-is-name "ITypeLib_IsName" ((:cptr "ITypeLib") (:cptr "WCHAR") :integer (:value bool))) (defun itypelib-is-name (lib name) (let ((plib (itypelib-pointer lib)) (wname (string-to-wide-string name))) (base-itypelib-is-name plib wname 0)))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-is-name
<higher level type library functions>= (<-U) [D->] (defun itypelib-infos-of-kind (lib kind) (let ((val nil)) (dotimes (i (itypelib-type-info-count lib) (nreverse val)) (when (eq kind (itypelib-type-info-type lib i)) (push (itypelib-type-info lib i) val)))))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypelib-infos-of-kind
**** could avoid wrapping the info **** allow for multiple uses of name, check for constant
<higher level type library functions>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun itypelib-find-constant (lib name) (multiple-value-bind (info memid) (itypelib-find-name lib name) (when info (dotimes (i (itypeinfo-variable-count info)) (with-vardesc (vd info i) (when (= (vardesc-memid vd) memid) (return (vardesc-value vd))))))))
(links are to index).
<type library exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] itypelib-find-constant
<type information>= (<-U) (export '(<type information exports>)) <containing type library> <type information documentation> <type information attributes> <type information function descriptions> <type information member IDs from names> <type information implementation type flags> <type information names> <type information referenced types> <type information variable descriptions> <higher level type information functions>
<containing type library>= (<-U) (wrap:std-com-function base-itypeinfo-type-lib "ITypeInfo_GetContainingTypeLib" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") (:value (:cptr "ITypeLib")) (:cptr (:unsigned "int")))) (defun itypeinfo-type-lib (info) (let* ((pti (itypeinfo-pointer info)) (pidx (make-c-uint)) (lib (system:without-interrupts (wrap-itypelib (base-itypeinfo-type-lib pti pidx))))) (values lib (get-c-uint pidx))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>= (<-U) [D->] itypeinfo-type-lib
<type information documentation>= (<-U) (wrap:std-com-function base-itypeinfo-documentation "ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") :integer (:cptr "BSTR" t) (:cptr "BSTR" t) (:cptr "long" t) (:cptr "BSTR" t))) (defun itypeinfo-documentation (info &optional index all) (let ((i (if index index MEMBERID_NIL)) (ptr (itypeinfo-pointer info))) (get-documentation #'base-itypeinfo-documentation ptr i all))) (defun itypeinfo-name (info) (let ((ptr (itypeinfo-pointer info))) (get-documentation #'base-itypeinfo-documentation ptr MEMBERID_NIL nil)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-documentation itypeinfo-name
<type information attributes>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function get-typeattr "ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") (:value (:cptr "TYPEATTR")))) (wrap:c-function release-typeattr "ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") (:cptr "TYPEATTR")) :void)
(links are to index).
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "TYPEATTR" (:get typeattr-lcid "lcid" :integer) (:get typeattr-kind "typekind" :integer) (:get typeattr-cfuncs "cFuncs" :integer) (:get typeattr-cvars "cVars" :integer) (:get typeattr-cimpltypes "cImplTypes" :integer) (:get typeattr-flags "wTypeFlags" :integer) (:get typeattr-major "wMajorVerNum" :integer) (:get typeattr-minor "wMinorVerNum" :integer) (:get typeattr-alias "tdescAlias.hreftype" :integer) (:get typeattr-idlinfo "idldescType.wIDLFlags" :integer)) (wrap:c-lines " static void GetTypeAttrGUID(TYPEATTR *pta, GUID *pid) { *pid = pta->guid; }") (wrap:c-function typeattr-get-guid "GetTypeAttrGUID" ((:cptr "TYPEATTR") (:cptr "GUID")) :void)
(links are to index).
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmacro with-typeattr ((asym info) &body body) (let ((psym (gensym))) `(system:without-interrupts (let* ((,psym (itypeinfo-pointer ,info)) (,asym (get-typeattr ,psym))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (release-typeattr ,psym ,asym))))))
(links are to index).
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-guid (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (let ((guid (make-guid-data))) (typeattr-get-guid attr guid) (make-guid guid))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-guid
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-lcid (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (typeattr-lcid attr)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-lcid
<type information constants>= (U->) [D->] (wrap:c-constant TKIND_ENUM "TKIND_ENUM" :integer) (wrap:c-constant TKIND_RECORD "TKIND_RECORD" :integer) (wrap:c-constant TKIND_MODULE "TKIND_MODULE" :integer) (wrap:c-constant TKIND_INTERFACE "TKIND_INTERFACE" :integer) (wrap:c-constant TKIND_DISPATCH "TKIND_DISPATCH" :integer) (wrap:c-constant TKIND_COCLASS "TKIND_COCLASS" :integer) (wrap:c-constant TKIND_ALIAS "TKIND_ALIAS" :integer) (wrap:c-constant TKIND_UNION "TKIND_UNION" :integer)
(links are to index).
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun type-kind-to-keyword (kind) (cond ((= kind TKIND_ENUM) :enum) ((= kind TKIND_RECORD) :record) ((= kind TKIND_MODULE) :module) ((= kind TKIND_INTERFACE) :interface) ((= kind TKIND_DISPATCH) :dispatch) ((= kind TKIND_COCLASS) :coclass) ((= kind TKIND_ALIAS) :alias) ((= kind TKIND_UNION) :union) (t :unknown)))
(links are to index).
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-kind (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (type-kind-to-keyword (typeattr-kind attr))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-kind
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-function-count (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (typeattr-cfuncs attr)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-function-count
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-variable-count (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (typeattr-cvars attr)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-variable-count
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-implementation-count (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (typeattr-cimpltypes attr)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-implementation-count
(links are to index).
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-flags (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (let ((flags (typeattr-flags attr)) (lflags nil)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT)) (push :appobject lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE)) (push :cancreate lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED)) (push :licensed lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN)) (push :hidden lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL)) (push :control lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FDUAL)) (push :dual lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FNONEXTENSIBLE)) (push :nonextensible lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION)) (push :oleautomation lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED)) (push :restricted lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE)) (push :aggregatable lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE)) (push :replaceable lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE)) (push :dispatchable lflags)) lflags)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-flags
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-major (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (typeattr-major attr)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-major
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-minor (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (typeattr-minor attr)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-minor
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-alias (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (typeattr-alias attr)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-alias
<type information attributes>+= (<-U) [<-D] ;;**** decode this?? (defun itypeinfo-idlinfo (info) (with-typeattr (attr info) (typeattr-idlinfo attr)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-idlinfo
<type information function descriptions>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function get-funcdesc "ITypeInfo_GetFuncDesc" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") :integer (:value (:cptr "FUNCDESC")))) (wrap:c-function release-funcdesc "ITypeInfo_ReleaseFuncDesc" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") (:cptr "FUNCDESC")) :void)
(links are to index).
<type information function descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmacro with-funcdesc ((fdsym info index) &body body) (let ((psym (gensym))) `(system:without-interrupts (let* ((,psym (itypeinfo-pointer ,info)) (,fdsym (get-funcdesc ,psym ,index))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (release-funcdesc ,psym ,fdsym))))))
(links are to index).
**** decode vt's into keyword or symbol???
<type information function descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "FUNCDESC" (:get funcdesc-memid "memid" :integer) (:get funcdesc-params "lprgelemdescParam" (:cptr "ELEMDESC")) (:get base-funcdesc-funckind "funckind" :integer) (:get base-funcdesc-invkind "invkind" :integer) (:get funcdesc-cparams "cParams" :integer) (:get funcdesc-cparamsopt "cParamsOpt" :integer) (:get funcdesc-flags "wFuncFlags" :integer) (:get funcdesc-valtype "elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt" :integer)) (wrap:c-pointer "ELEMDESC" (:get elemdesc-valtype "tdesc.vt" :integer))
(links are to index).
<type information constants>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-constant FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL "FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL" :integer) (wrap:c-constant FUNC_VIRTUAL "FUNC_VIRTUAL" :integer) (wrap:c-constant FUNC_NONVIRTUAL "FUNC_NONVIRTUAL" :integer) (wrap:c-constant FUNC_STATIC "FUNC_STATIC" :integer) (wrap:c-constant FUNC_DISPATCH "FUNC_DISPATCH" :integer)
(links are to index).
<type information function descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun funcdesc-funckind (fd) (let ((funckind (base-funcdesc-funckind fd))) (cond ((= funckind FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL) :purevirtual) ((= funckind FUNC_VIRTUAL) :virtual) ((= funckind FUNC_NONVIRTUAL) :nonvirtual) ((= funckind FUNC_STATIC) :static) ((= funckind FUNC_DISPATCH) :dispatch) (t :unknown))))
(links are to index).
<type information constants>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-constant INVOKE_FUNC "INVOKE_FUNC" :integer) (wrap:c-constant INVOKE_PROPERTYGET "INVOKE_PROPERTYGET" :integer) (wrap:c-constant INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT "INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT" :integer) (wrap:c-constant INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF "INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF" :integer)
(links are to index).
<type information function descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun funcdesc-invkind (fd) (let ((invkind (base-funcdesc-invkind fd))) (cond ((= invkind INVOKE_FUNC) :method) ((= invkind INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) :get) ((= invkind INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT) :put) ((= invkind INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF) :putref) (t :unknown))))
(links are to index).
<type information function descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun itypeinfo-funcdesc (info i) (with-funcdesc (fd info i) (let ((memid (funcdesc-memid fd)) (cparams (funcdesc-cparams fd))) (list memid (let ((ed (funcdesc-params fd)) (val nil)) (dotimes (i cparams (nreverse val)) (push (elemdesc-valtype ed i) val))) (funcdesc-funckind fd) (funcdesc-invkind fd) cparams (funcdesc-cparamsopt fd) (funcdesc-valtype fd) (funcdesc-flags fd) (itypeinfo-names info memid (+ cparams 1))))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-funcdesc
<type information member IDs from names>= (<-U) (wrap:std-com-function base-itypeinfo-ids-of-names "ITypeInfo_GetIDsOfNames" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") (:cptr (:cptr "WCHAR")) :integer (:cptr "DISPID"))) ;;**** share code with idispatch case? (defun itypeinfo-ids-of-names (info name &optional keys) (if name (let* ((names (cons name keys)) (n (length names)) (wnames (names-to-wide-string-array names)) (dispids (make-dispid n)) (pinfo (itypeinfo-pointer info))) (base-itypeinfo-ids-of-names pinfo wnames n dispids) (let ((val (dispids-to-list dispids n))) (values (first val) (rest val)))) (if keys (error "can't have named arguments with default mehtod") DISPID_VALUE)))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-ids-of-name
<type information implementation type flags>= (<-U) ;;***** value type needs checking (wrap:std-com-function base-itypeinfo-implflags "ITypeInfo_GetImplTypeFlags" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") :integer (:value :integer))) (defun itypeinfo-implementation-flags (info index) (let ((flags (base-itypeinfo-implflags (itypeinfo-pointer info) index)) (lflags nil)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT)) (push :default lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE)) (push :source lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags IMPLTYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED)) (push :restricted lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULTVTABLE)) (push :defaultvtable)) lflags))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-implementation-flags
<type information names>= (<-U) (wrap:std-com-function base-itypeinfo-get-names "ITypeInfo_GetNames" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") :integer (:cptr "BSTR") :integer (:cptr "long"))) (defun itypeinfo-names (info memid count) (let ((pcount (make-long-array)) (wnames (make-bstr-array count)) (pinfo (itypeinfo-pointer info))) (base-itypeinfo-get-names pinfo memid wnames count pcount) (let ((nres (get-long pcount)) (val nil)) (unwind-protect (dotimes (i nres (nreverse val)) (push (wide-string-to-string (get-bstr wnames i)) val)) (dotimes (i nres) (free-bstr (get-bstr wnames i)))))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-names
<type information referenced types>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-itypeinfo-ref-type-info "ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") :integer (:value (:cptr "ITypeInfo")))) (defun itypeinfo-ref-type-info (info ref) (system:without-interrupts (wrap-itypeinfo (base-itypeinfo-ref-type-info (itypeinfo-pointer info) ref))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-ref-type-info
<C type declarations>+= (U->) [<-D] (wrap:declare-c-type hreftype "HREFTYPE" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<type information referenced types>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:std-com-function base-itypeinfo-ref-type-of-impl-type "ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeOfImplType" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") :integer (:value hreftype))) (defun itypeinfo-ref-type-of-impl-type (info index) (base-itypeinfo-ref-type-of-impl-type (itypeinfo-pointer info) index))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-ref-type-of-impl-type
<type information variable descriptions>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-com-function get-vardesc "ITypeInfo_GetVarDesc" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") :integer (:value (:cptr "VARDESC")))) (wrap:c-function release-vardesc "ITypeInfo_ReleaseVarDesc" ((:cptr "ITypeInfo") (:cptr "VARDESC")) :void)
(links are to index).
<type information variable descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmacro with-vardesc ((vdsym info index) &body body) (let ((psym (gensym))) `(system:without-interrupts (let* ((,psym (itypeinfo-pointer ,info)) (,vdsym (get-vardesc ,psym ,index))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (release-vardesc ,psym ,vdsym))))))
(links are to index).
<type information variable descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "VARDESC" (:get vardesc-memid "memid" :integer) (:get base-vardesc-varkind "varkind" :integer) (:get base-vardesc-flags "wVarFlags" :integer) (:get vardesc-type "elemdescVar.tdesc.vt" :integer))
<type information variable descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " static LVAL GetVarDescValue(VARDESC *pvd) { if (pvd->varkind != VAR_CONST) xlfail(\"variable is not a constant\"); return Variant2Lisp(pvd->lpvarValue); }") (wrap:c-function vardesc-value "GetVarDescValue" ((:cptr "VARDESC")) :lval)
(links are to index).
<type information constants>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-constant VAR_PERINSTANCE "VAR_PERINSTANCE" :integer) (wrap:c-constant VAR_STATIC "VAR_STATIC" :integer) (wrap:c-constant VAR_CONST "VAR_CONST" :integer) (wrap:c-constant VAR_DISPATCH "VAR_DISPATCH" :integer)
(links are to index).
<type information variable descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun vardesc-varkind (vd) (let ((varkind (base-vardesc-varkind vd))) (cond ((= varkind VAR_PERINSTANCE) :perinstance) ((= varkind VAR_STATIC) :static) ((= varkind VAR_CONST) :const) ((= varkind VAR_DISPATCH) :dispatch) (t :unknown))))
(links are to index).
(links are to index).
<type information variable descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun vardesc-flags (vd) (let ((flags (base-vardesc-flags vd)) (lflags nil)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FREADONLY)) (push :readonly lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FSOURCE)) (push :source lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FBINDABLE)) (push :bindable lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT)) (push :requestedit lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND)) (push :displaybind lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND)) (push :defaultbind lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FHIDDEN)) (push :hidden lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED)) (push :restricted lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM)) (push :defaultcollelem lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT)) (push :uidefault lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE)) (push :nonbrowsable lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE)) (push :replaceable lflags)) (when (/= 0 (logand flags VARFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND)) (push :immediatebind lflags)) lflags))
(links are to index).
<type information variable descriptions>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun itypeinfo-vardesc (info i) (with-vardesc (vd info i) (let ((memid (vardesc-memid vd)) (varkind (vardesc-varkind vd))) (list memid varkind (when (eq varkind :const) (vardesc-value vd)) (vardesc-type vd) (vardesc-flags vd) (first (itypeinfo-names info memid 1))))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-vardesc
<higher level type information functions>= (<-U) [D->] (defun itypeinfo-function-descriptions (info) (let ((val nil)) (dotimes (i (itypeinfo-function-count info) (nreverse val)) (push (itypeinfo-funcdesc info i) val))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-function-descriptions
<higher level type information functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun itypeinfo-variable-descriptions (info) (let ((val nil)) (dotimes (i (itypeinfo-variable-count info) (nreverse val)) (push (itypeinfo-vardesc info i) val))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] itypeinfo-variable-descriptions
<higher level type information functions>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun itypeinfo-implementations (info) (let ((val nil)) (dotimes (i (itypeinfo-implementation-count info) (nreverse val)) (let ((ref (itypeinfo-ref-type-of-impl-type info i))) (push (itypeinfo-ref-type-info info ref) val)))))
(links are to index).
<type information exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] itypeinfo-implementations
? The easy way ought to
be to use IProvideClassInfo
. But this doesn't seem to work for
anything in Excel, so as an alternative we can search the type library
for a coclass that contains the info. I'm doing matching on name; it
would be better to match on GUID.
In any case, this may not really be needed to make events work. It may be enough to use the connection point enumeration to find what is supported. Typically there will be only one dispatch interface (I think). If so, it has got to be the one; if there are more, then maybe this exercise is needed to locate the default source.
I think this will work: Use the enumerator to find all dispatch connection interfaces. If there is more than one, either just pick the first or maybe then go in and look for the default one. Or require that the calles specify the name or GUID.
<finding coclasses>= (<-U) (wrap:c-lines " static ITypeInfo *GetCoClassInfo(IUnknown *punk) { IProvideClassInfo *ppci; ITypeInfo *pti; HRESULT hr; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(punk, &IID_IProvideClassInfo, (void**)&ppci); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = IProvideClassInfo_GetClassInfo(ppci, &pti); IUnknown_Release(ppci); } return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? pti : NULL; }") (wrap:c-function base-get-coclass-info "GetCoClassInfo" ((:cptr "IUnknown")) (:cptr "ITypeInfo")) (defun get-coclass-info (object) (let ((ccinfo-ptr (base-get-coclass-info (iunknown-pointer object)))) (if ccinfo-ptr (wrap-itypeinfo ccinfo-ptr) (let* ((info (idispatch-type-info object)) (guid (itypeinfo-guid info)) (lib (itypeinfo-type-lib info))) (dotimes (i (itypelib-type-info-count lib)) (when (eq (itypelib-type-info-type lib i) :coclass) (let ((ti (itypelib-type-info lib i))) (dotimes (i (itypeinfo-implementation-count ti)) (let* ((ref (itypeinfo-ref-type-of-impl-type ti i)) (tii (itypeinfo-ref-type-info ti ref))) (when (eq guid (itypeinfo-guid tii)) (return-from get-coclass-info ti))))))))))) (defun type-lib-coclass-infos (lib) (let* ((plib (itypelib-pointer lib)) (n (base-type-lib-get-type-info-count plib)) (val nil)) (dotimes (i n (nreverse val)) (when (= (base-type-lib-get-type-info-type plib i) TKIND_COCLASS) (system:without-interrupts (push (wrap-itypeinfo (base-type-lib-get-type-info plib i)) val))))))
<COM server support>= (U->) <COM servers> <COM event handling> <COM class factories> <higher level server interface>
<COM servers>= (<-U) (export '(<server exports>)) <server constant wrappers> <server function wrappers> <server lisp interface>
At the Lisp level, a generic server is a structure containing a pointer slot for the internal representation.
<server lisp interface>= (<-U) [D->] (defstruct (generic-server (:constructor new-generic-server (pointer)) (:print-function (lambda (serv stream d) (declare (ignore d)) (format stream "#<~a>" (type-of serv))))) pointer)
(links are to index).
<server exports>= (<-U) [D->] generic-server
The internal representation is a structure containing a Vtbl and some fields for managing reference counts.
<server support declarations>= (U->) [D->]
typedef struct tagGenericServer GenericServer;
typedef struct {
Vtbl entries>
} GenericServerVtbl;
typedef struct tagGenericServer {
GenericServerVtbl *lpVtbl;
<generic interface fields>
} GenericServer;
(links are to index).
The Vtbl contains the methods required by the IUnknown
Vtbl entries>= (<-U U-> U->)
HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface)(GenericServer *This,
REFIID riid, void **ppvObject);
ULONG (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef)(GenericServer *This);
ULONG (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release)(GenericServer *This);
The fields used by the internal representation consist of a reference count, a pointer to the containing Lisp object and a flag indicating whether the server is a class factory.
<generic interface fields>= (<-U U-> U->) long count; LVAL object; BOOL isClassFac;
A function for casting a pointer to a generic server pointer is provided by
<server function wrappers>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-pointer "GenericServer" (:cast cast-generic-server))
(links are to index).
The protected objects are stored as a list in the variable
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defvar win32-com::*protected-com-servers* nil)
(links are to index).
At the C level, the symbol is looked up once and stored in a global variable.
<server support functions>= (U->) [D->] static LVAL s_com_servers = NULL;
(links are to index).
<look up *protected-com-servers*
symbol>= (U->)
if (s_com_servers == NULL)
s_com_servers = xlenter("WIN32-COM::*PROTECTED-COM-SERVERS*");
Protecting and unprotecting the server object is hanbled by
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static void ProtectGenericServer(LVAL object) { <look up*protected-com-servers*
symbol> setvalue(s_com_servers, cons(object, getvalue(s_com_servers))); } static void UnprotectGenericServer(LVAL object) { <look up*protected-com-servers*
symbol> setvalue(s_com_servers, xldelete1(object, getvalue(s_com_servers))); }
Access to the reference counts, and to the protected object list, are controled by a single critical section.
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] CRITICAL_SECTION server_protect_cs;
(links are to index).
The reference counting methods are thus
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Generic_AddRef(GenericServer *this) { EnterCriticalSection(&server_protect_cs); if (this->count == 0) { ProtectGenericServer(this->object); if (! this->isClassFac) CoAddRefServerProcess(); } this->count++; LeaveCriticalSection(&server_protect_cs); #ifdef DEBUG { char *buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "Reference count up to %d\n", this->count); stdputstr(buf); } #endif /* DEBUG */ return this->count; } static STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Generic_Release(GenericServer *this) { EnterCriticalSection(&server_protect_cs); this->count--; if (this->count == 0) { UnprotectGenericServer(this->object); if (! this->isClassFac) MyReleaseServerProcess(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&server_protect_cs); #ifdef DEBUG { char *buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "Reference count down to %d\n", this->count); stdputstr(buf); } #endif /* DEBUG */ return this->count; } int MyReleaseServerProcess() { int count = CoReleaseServerProcess(); if (count == 0) { XLGLOBAL extern Exiting; Exiting = TRUE; PostQuitMessage(0); } return count; }
(links are to index).
**** need to break out the debugging code
<server support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] int MyReleaseServerProcess(void);
(links are to index).
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function add-ref-server-process "CoAddRefServerProcess" () :integer) (wrap:c-function release-server-process "MyReleaseServerProcess" () :integer)
(links are to index).
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (unless (fboundp 'base-main-frame-visible) (setf (symbol-function 'base-main-frame-visible) #'msw-main-frame-visible)) (defun msw-main-frame-visible (&optional (vis nil set)) (if set (let ((current-vis (base-main-frame-visible))) (when (com-embedding) (cond ((and (not vis) current-vis) (release-server-process)) ((and vis (not current-vis)) (add-ref-server-process)))) (base-main-frame-visible vis)) (base-main-frame-visible)))
(links are to index).
Active objects are regiestered with RegisterActiveObject
revoked with RevokeActiveObject
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-register-active-object "RegisterActiveObject" ((:cptr "IUnknown") (:cptr "GUID") dword (:value ulong))) (wrap:std-com-function base-revoke-active-object "RevokeActiveObject" (ulong (:cptr "void" t)))
(links are to index).
Active objects can be registered with a strong or a weak lock.
<server constant wrappers>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-constant ACTIVEOBJECT_STRONG "ACTIVEOBJECT_STRONG" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant ACTIVEOBJECT_WEAK "ACTIVEOBJECT_WEAK" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
The recommended approach is to use weak locks and then manage a strong
lock with CoLockObjectExternal
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function co-lock-object-external "CoLockObjectExternal" ((:cptr "IUnknown") bool bool))
(links are to index).
Before shutdown, any connected clients should be disconnected with
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function co-disconnect-object "CoDisconnectObject" ((:cptr "IUnknown") dword))
(links are to index).
To manage a higher level interface a list is used to record information about registered active objects.
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defparameter *active-objects* nil)
(links are to index).
The entries consist of list structures.
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defstruct (registration-entry (:constructor make-registration-entry (clsid server cookie)) (:type list)) clsid server cookie)
(links are to index).
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun find-active-object-entry (clsid) (find clsid *active-objects* :key #'registration-entry-clsid))
(links are to index).
In addition, a list of all entries for a server is returned by
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun find-active-object-entries (server) (let ((val nil)) (dolist (entry *active-objects* val) (when (eq server (registration-entry-server entry)) (push entry val)))))
(links are to index).
Entries are created and removed by
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun enter-active-object (clsid server cookie) (when (find-active-object-entry clsid) (error "already have an active object for CLSID ~a" clsid)) (push (make-registration-entry clsid server cookie) *active-objects*)) (defun remove-active-object-entry (entry) (setf *active-objects* (remove entry *active-objects*)))
(links are to index).
For the moment, the public active object registration function revokes an existing registration, makes a weak registration of the new server, establishes a strong lock, and enters the server in the data base.
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun register-active-object (server cls-spec) (initialize-com) (let* ((clsid (find-clsid cls-spec)) (entry (find-active-object-entry clsid))) (when entry (revoke-active-object (registration-entry-server entry) clsid)) (let* ((punk (cast-iunknown (generic-server-pointer server))) (cookie (base-register-active-object punk (guid-data clsid) ACTIVEOBJECT_WEAK))) (co-lock-object-external punk t t) (enter-active-object clsid server cookie) t)))
(links are to index).
<server exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] register-active-object
The public revocation function either revokes all entries for an
object or only the one for the specified class. If the server is
then the server for the specified class is revoked. The
function first removes the server entry from the Lisp data base,
removes the strong lock, then revokes the registration, and finally
disconnects any client objects.
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun revoke-active-object (server &optional cls-spec) (flet ((revoke-entry (entry) (remove-active-object-entry entry) (let* ((server (registration-entry-server entry)) (punk (cast-iunknown (generic-server-pointer server))) (cookie (registration-entry-cookie entry))) (co-lock-object-external punk nil t) (base-revoke-active-object cookie nil) (co-disconnect-object punk 0)))) (if cls-spec (let ((entry (find-active-object-entry (find-clsid cls-spec)))) (when (and entry (or (null server) (eq server (registration-entry-server entry)))) (revoke-entry entry))) (dolist (entry (find-active-object-entries server)) (revoke-entry entry)))))
(links are to index).
<server exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] revoke-active-object
All active objects can be revoked by calling
. This is used when COM is
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun revoke-all-active-objects () (dolist (entry *active-objects*) (let ((server (registration-entry-server entry)) (clsid (registration-entry-clsid entry))) (revoke-active-object server clsid))))
(links are to index).
All servers can be disconnected by calling disconnect-all-servers
This should only be called after active objects and class factories
have been revoked.
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun disconnect-all-servers () (dolist (server *protected-com-servers*) (let ((punk (cast-iunknown (generic-server-pointer server)))) (co-disconnect-object punk 0))))
(links are to index).
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defstruct (auto-server (:include generic-server) (:constructor new-auto-server (pointer getids invoke error-source))) getids invoke error-source)
(links are to index).
<server exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] auto-server
The internal representation is a C structure.
<server support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] typedef struct tagAutoServer AutoServer;
(links are to index).
The Vtbl for the automation server contains the IUnknown
of the generic server followed by the IDispatch
<server support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->]
typedef struct {
Vtbl entries>
HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetTypeInfoCount)(AutoServer *This,
UINT *pctinfo);
LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo);
LPOLESTR *rgszNames, UINT cNames,
LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispId);
HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Invoke)(AutoServer *This, DISPID dispIdMember,
REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags,
DISPPARAMS *pDispParams,
VARIANT *pVarResult,
EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr);
} AutoServerVtbl;
(links are to index).
The server structure is given by
<server support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] struct tagAutoServer { AutoServerVtbl *lpVtbl; <generic interface fields> };
(links are to index).
method signals an error unless the requested
interface is IDispatch
or IUnknown
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static STDMETHODIMP AutoServer_QueryInterface(GenericServer *this, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IDispatch)) { IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown *) this); *ppv = this; return S_OK; } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
(links are to index).
Type information is not supported yet. GetTypeInfoCount
returns a count of zero.
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static STDMETHODIMP AutoServer_GetTypeInfoCount(AutoServer *this, UINT *pn) { *pn = 0; return NOERROR; }
(links are to index).
If GetTypeInfo
is called anyway, an error is signaled. I'm not
sure what the appropriate error is; the one used here is the one
Brockschmidt uses [cite brockschmidt95:_insid_ole, p. 680].
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static STDMETHODIMP AutoServer_GetTypeInfo(AutoServer *this, UINT i, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppti) { *ppti = NULL; return E_NOTIMPL; }
(links are to index).
It might be a good idea to put callback hooks in here now to allow type info to be handled at the Lisp level later.
method is implemented with a Lisp callback.
Interrupts are disallowed and non-local exits are trapped and result
in a value of E_UNEXPECTED
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-callback "ServerGetIDsOfNames" server-get-ids-of-names (:lval (:cptr (:cptr "WCHAR")) :unsigned :unsigned (:cptr "DISPID")) hresult :static nil :interrupts-allowed nil :trap-exits "E_UNEXPECTED")
(links are to index).
<server support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] HRESULT ServerGetIDsOfNames(LVAL server, WCHAR **wnames, unsigned long count, unsigned long lcid, DISPID *dispids);
(links are to index).
The callback function uses the function stored in the servers's
slot. This function takes two arguments, the method name
and a list of keyword names. It returns two values, the method index
and a list of keyword indices. Unknown indices are represented by
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun server-get-ids-of-names (server wnames count lcid dispids) (let ((val S_OK)) (flet ((set-id (i v) (cond (v (set-dispid dispids v i)) (t (set-dispid dispids DISPID_UNKNOWN i) (setf val DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME))))) (when (< 0 count) (let ((name (wide-string-to-string (get-cptr-wchar wnames 0))) (keys (let ((val nil)) (dotimes (i (- count 1) (nreverse val)) (let ((wstr (get-cptr-wchar wnames (+ i 1)))) (push (wide-string-to-string wstr) val))))) (fun (auto-server-getids server))) (multiple-value-bind (disp kdisps error) (funcall fun server name keys lcid) (set-id 0 disp) (dotimes (i (- count 1)) (setid (+ i 1) (pop kdisps))))))) val))
(links are to index).
The callback uses several new constants.
<server constant wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:c-constant DISPID_UNKNOWN "DISPID_UNKNOWN" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME "DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant S_OK "S_OK" :unsigned)
The automation server GetIDsOfNames
method just calls the callback
wrapper with the server object and the method's arguments.
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static STDMETHODIMP AutoServer_GetIDsOfNames(AutoServer *this, REFIID riid, LPOLESTR *wNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *pid) { return ServerGetIDsOfNames(this->object, wNames, cNames, lcid, pid); }
(links are to index).
method also uses a callback. This callback traps
exits. It currently also disallows interrupts; this should probably
be changed so runaway calculations can be killed.
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-callback "ServerInvoke" server-invoke (:lval :unsigned :unsigned :unsigned (:cptr "DISPPARAMS") (:cptr "VARIANTARG") (:cptr "EXCEPINFO") (:cptr (:unsigned "int"))) hresult :static nil :interrupts-allowed nil :trap-exits "E_UNEXPECTED")
(links are to index).
<server support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] HRESULT ServerInvoke(LVAL object, unsigned long dispid, unsigned long lcid, unsigned long flags, DISPPARAMS *params, VARIANT *result, EXCEPINFO *excep, unsigned int *argerr);
(links are to index).
The Invoke
method just calls the callback and returns its result.
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static STDMETHODIMP AutoServer_Invoke(AutoServer *this, DISPID id, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS *pdp, VARIANT *pv, EXCEPINFO *pei, UINT *pae) { return ServerInvoke(this->object, id, lcid, wFlags, pdp, pv, pei, pae); }
(links are to index).
The Lisp callback extracts the argument information, calls the server's invoke function, and returns a result if a result is requested.
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun server-invoke (object dispid lcid flags params result excep argerr) (handler-case (let ((args nil) (keys nil) (fun (auto-server-invoke object))) (dotimes (i (dispparams-arg-count params)) (push (dispparams-arg params i) args)) (dotimes (i (dispparams-named-arg-count params)) (push (dispparams-name-id params i) keys)) (let* ((for-val (if result t nil)) (val (funcall fun object dispid lcid flags args keys for-val))) (when result (lisp-to-variant val VT_VARIANT result nil))) S_OK) (error (c) (when excep (let ((source (auto-server-error-source object)) (desc (format nil "~a" c))) (fill-excep excep source desc))) DISP_E_EXCEPTION)))
The argument information is obtained from the DISPPARAMS
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "DISPPARAMS" (:get dispparams-arg-count "cArgs" :integer) (:get dispparams-named-arg-count "cNamedArgs" :integer) (:get dispparams-args "rgvarg" (:cptr "Variant")) (:get dispparams-name-parg-dispids "rgdispidNamedArgs" (:cptr "DISPID")))
(links are to index).
The arguments themselves are accessed using a separate function. This
could in principle be handled by getting the rgvarg
extracting separate variant pointers, and then using a Lisp-level
version of Variant2Lisp
. For now the present approach seems more
efficient, but maybe I'll switch to the more generic approach once
Lisp-level variant support is available.
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " static LVAL DispparamsArg(DISPPARAMS *dpars, int i) { return Variant2Lisp(&(dpars->rgvarg[i])); }") (wrap:c-function dispparams-arg "DispparamsArg" ((:cptr "DISPPARAMS") :integer) :lval)
(links are to index).
Similarly, the keyword indices are accessed with a separate function. Here it would really make more sense to use a generic approach.
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " static DISPID DispparamsNameID(DISPPARAMS *dpars, int i) { return dpars->rgdispidNamedArgs[i]; }") (wrap:c-function dispparams-name-id "DispparamsNameID" ((:cptr "DISPPARAMS") :integer) :integer)
(links are to index).
Finally, we need to fill in the exception info in some useful way. I
don't know what to use for the scode
, so I just use E_FAIL
Presumably some standard Lisp errors could be mapped to some standard
exceptions; maybe a look at the COM/CORBA books would help. For now,
I just put the printed representation of the exception in the
description field.
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " static void FillExcep(EXCEPINFO *excep, char *src, char *desc) { int m = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, src, -1, NULL, 0); int n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, desc, -1, NULL, 0); if ((excep->bstrSource = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, m)) != NULL) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, src, -1, excep->bstrSource, m); if ((excep->bstrDescription = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, n)) != NULL) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, desc, -1, excep->bstrDescription, n); excep->scode = E_FAIL; }") (wrap:c-function fill-excep "FillExcep" ((:cptr "EXCEPINFO") :string :string) :void)
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static AutoServerVtbl my_ServerVtbl = { AutoServer_QueryInterface, Generic_AddRef, Generic_Release, AutoServer_GetTypeInfoCount, AutoServer_GetTypeInfo, AutoServer_GetIDsOfNames, AutoServer_Invoke };
(links are to index).
The initialization function InitializeAutoServer
installs the Vtbl
and initializes the generic server fields.
<server support functions>+= (U->) [<-D] void InitializeAutoServer(AutoServer *serv, LVAL object) { serv->lpVtbl = &my_ServerVtbl; serv->count = 0; serv->object = object; serv->isClassFac = FALSE; }
(links are to index).
<server support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D] void InitializeAutoServer(AutoServer *serv, LVAL object);
(links are to index).
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function init-auto-server "InitializeAutoServer" ((:cptr "AutoServer") :lval) :void)
(links are to index).
The constructor for internal automation server objects is defined by the pointer wrapper
<server function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:c-pointer "AutoServer" (:make base-make-my-server))
(links are to index).
The constructor for a Lisp-level automation server creates and
initializes an internal server and wraps it in the auto-server
structure. The arguments to the constructor are the GetIDsOfNames
and Invoke
callback functions. The server object is placed on the
pointer's protection list using cptr-protect
to insure that the
server object remains protected as long as the pointer object is
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun make-auto-server (getids invoke &optional (source "XlispStat")) (let* ((pointer (base-make-my-server)) (server (new-auto-server pointer getids invoke source))) (system:cptr-protect pointer server) (init-auto-server pointer server) server))
<server exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] make-auto-server
<test>+= [<-D->] (defun sample-getids (object name keys lcid) (format t "Requesting DISPID for ~s~%" name) 0) (defun sample-invoke (object dispid lcid flags args keys value) (if value (format t "Invoking method ~d for value~%" dispid) (format t "Invoking method ~d~%" dispid)) (format t "Args: ~s~%Named args: ~s~%" args keys) 0) (setf s (make-auto-server #'sample-getids #'sample-invoke)) (register-active-object s "XlispStat.application") (setf x (get-active-object "XlispStat.application")) (property x :fred) (revoke-active-object s)
<COM event handling>= (<-U) (export '(<event handling exports>)) <connection point container functions> <connection point enumeration functions> <connection point functions> <connection point registration>
<connection point container functions>= (<-U) [D->] (defun get-connection-point-container (ref) (let* ((intf (find-interface IID_IConnectionPointContainer)) (iid-data (guid-data (interface-iid intf))) (caster (interface-caster intf))) (funcall caster (base-query-interface (iunknown-pointer ref) iid-data t))))
(links are to index).
<connection point container functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function release-connection-point-container "IConnectionPointContainer_Release" ((:cptr "IConnectionPointContainer")) :void)
(links are to index).
<connection point container functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function connection-point-container-enumerator "IConnectionPointContainer_EnumConnectionPoints" ((:cptr "IConnectionPointContainer") (:value (:cptr "IEnumConnectionPoints"))))
(links are to index).
<connection point container functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function connection-point-container-find "IConnectionPointContainer_FindConnectionPoint" ((:cptr "IConnectionPointContainer") (:cptr "GUID") (:value (:cptr "IConnectionPoint"))))
(links are to index).
<connection point container functions>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defmacro with-connection-point-container ((cpc object) &body body) (let ((cpcsym (gensym))) `(let ((,cpcsym (get-connection-point-container ,object))) (unwind-protect (let ((,cpc ,cpcsym)) ,@body) (release-connection-point-container ,cpcsym)))))
(links are to index).
<connection point enumeration functions>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-function release-connection-point-enumerator "IEnumConnectionPoints_Release" ((:cptr "IEnumConnectionPoints")) :void)
(links are to index).
<connection point enumeration functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer (:cptr "IConnectionPoint") (:make make-connection-point-array) (:get get-connection-point-element nil (:cptr "IConnectionPoint")))
(links are to index).
<connection point enumeration functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] ;;**** use wrapptrs (wrap:c-pointer (:unsigned "long") (:make make-c-ulong) (:get get-c-ulong nil :integer))
(links are to index).
<connection point enumeration functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function base-connection-point-enumerator-next "IEnumConnectionPoints_Next" ((:cptr "IEnumConnectionPoints") ulong (:cptr (:cptr "IConnectionPoint")) (:cptr (:unsigned "long"))) hresult)
(links are to index).
<connection point enumeration functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] ;;**** enumerate seems to fail once exhausted??? (defun connection-point-enumerator-next (enum) (let ((pcpa (make-connection-point-array)) (pul (make-c-ulong))) (let ((hr (base-connection-point-enumerator-next enum 1 pcpa pul))) (if (and (not (hresult-failed hr)) (= (get-c-ulong pul) 1)) (get-connection-point-element pcpa) nil))))
(links are to index).
<connection point enumeration functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] ;;Skip(ULONG n) ;;Reset() ;;Clone(IEnumConnectionPoints **new)
<connection point enumeration functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmacro do-connection-points ((cp object &optional val) &body body) (let ((cpcsym (gensym)) (cpsym (gensym)) (enumsym (gensym))) `(with-connection-point-container (,cpcsym ,object) (let ((,enumsym (connection-point-container-enumerator ,cpcsym))) (unwind-protect (loop (let ((,cpsym (connection-point-enumerator-next ,enumsym))) (when (null ,cpsym) (let ((,cp nil)) (return ,val))) (unwind-protect (let ((,cp ,cpsym)) ,@body) (release-connection-point ,cpsym)))) (release-connection-point-enumerator ,enumsym))))))
(links are to index).
<connection point enumeration functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun get-source-interfaces (object) (let ((val nil)) (do-connection-points (cp object (nreverse val)) (push (connection-point-interface cp) val))))
(links are to index).
<event handling exports>= (<-U) [D->] get-source-interfaces
<connection point enumeration functions>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun get-source-infos (object) (let* ((lib (itypeinfo-type-lib (idispatch-type-info object))) (iids (get-source-interfaces object)) (infos (mapcar #'(lambda (iid) (itypelib-type-info-of-guid lib iid)) iids))) (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eq :dispatch (itypeinfo-kind x))) infos)))
(links are to index).
<connection point functions>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-function release-connection-point "IConnectionPoint_Release" ((:cptr "IConnectionPoint")) :void)
(links are to index).
<connection point functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-connection-point-interface "IConnectionPoint_GetConnectionInterface" ((:cptr "IConnectionPoint") (:cptr "GUID")))
(links are to index).
<connection point functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun connection-point-interface (cp) (let ((guid (make-guid-data))) (base-connection-point-interface cp guid) (make-guid guid)))
(links are to index).
<connection point functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function connection-point-advise "IConnectionPoint_Advise" ((:cptr "IConnectionPoint") (:cptr "AutoServer") (:value dword)))
(links are to index).
<connection point functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function connection-point-unadvise "IConnectionPoint_Unadvise" ((:cptr "IConnectionPoint") dword))
(links are to index).
<connection point functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] ;;GetConnectionPointContainer(IConnectionPointContainer **c)
<connection point functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmacro with-connection-point ((cp object guid) &body body) (let ((cpcsym (gensym)) (cpsym (gensym))) `(with-connection-point-container (,cpcsym ,object) (let ((,cpsym (connection-point-container-find ,cpcsym (guid-data ,guid)))) (when (null ,cpsym) (error "can't find connection point")) (unwind-protect (let ((,cp ,cpsym)) ,@body) (release-connection-point ,cpsym))))))
(links are to index).
<connection point functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun connect-event-listener (object server guid) (with-connection-point (cp object guid) (let ((cookie (connection-point-advise cp server))) (register-event-handler object cookie guid) cookie)))
(links are to index).
<event handling exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] connect-event-listener
<connection point functions>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun disconnect-event-listener (object cookie guid) (with-connection-point (cp object guid) (unregister-event-handler object cookie guid) (connection-point-unadvise cp cookie)))
(links are to index).
<event handling exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] disconnect-event-listener
<connection point registration>= (<-U) [D->] (defstruct (event-listener-entry (:constructor make-event-listener-entry (object-box cookie guid)) (:type list)) object-box cookie guid)
(links are to index).
<connection point registration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defparameter *event-listeners* (make-hash-table))
(links are to index).
<connection point registration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun register-event-handler (object cookie guid) (let ((key (pointer-address (address-of object))) (entry (make-event-listener-entry (make-weak-box object) cookie guid))) (debug-print "Registering event handler ... ") (push entry (gethash key *event-listeners*)) (debug-print "done~%")))
(links are to index).
<connection point registration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun unregister-event-handler (object cookie guid) (flet ((entry-match (x) (and (eq guid (event-listener-entry-guid x)) (= cookie (event-listener-entry-cookie x))))) (let* ((key (pointer-address (address-of object))) (entries (gethash key *event-listeners*))) (debug-print "Unregistering event handler ... ") (let ((entries (remove-if #'entry-match entries))) (if entries (setf (gethash key *event-listeners*) entries) (remhash key *event-listeners*))) (debug-print "done~%"))))
(links are to index).
<connection point registration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun disconnect-event-listener-entry (entry) (ignore-errors (let* ((object-box (event-listener-entry-object-box entry)) (object (weak-box-value object-box))) (when object (let ((cookie (event-listener-entry-cookie entry)) (guid (event-listener-entry-guid entry))) (disconnect-event-listener object cookie guid))))))
(links are to index).
<connection point registration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun disconnect-all-event-listeners () (maphash (lambda (key entries) (declare (ignore key)) (dolist (entry entries) (disconnect-event-listener-entry entry))) *event-listeners*))
(links are to index).
<connection point registration>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun disconnect-event-listeners (object) (let ((key (pointer-address (address-of object)))) (dolist (entry (gethash key *event-listeners*)) (disconnect-event-listener-entry entry))))
(links are to index).
<test>+= [<-D->] (setf x (get-active-object "Excel.application")) (setf s (make-auto-server #'sample-getids #'sample-invoke)) (setf eguid (first (get-source-interfaces x))) (setf c (connect-event-listener x (auto-server-pointer s) eguid)) (setf i (first (get-source-infos x))) (disconnect-event-listener x c eguid) **** need to cache info, table mapping memid's to names. **** are types available too?? useful?? **** disconect on gc of proxy; disconnect on exit **** cache proxy in weak reference
<test>+= [<-D->] (defun event-getgids (&rest args) (apply #'sample-getgids args)) (defun itypeinfo-names-for-memid (info memid) (dotimes (i (itypeinfo-function-count info)) (with-funcdesc (fd info i) (when (= memid (funcdesc-memid fd)) (return (itypeinfo-names info memid (+ (funcdesc-cparams fd) 1))))))) (defun event-invoke (object dispid lcid flags args keys value) (let ((names (itypeinfo-names-for-memid i dispid))) (format t "Invoking method ~d = ~a~%" dispid names) (format t "Args: ~s~%Named args: ~s~%" args keys) 0)) (setf x (get-active-object "Excel.application")) (setf s (make-auto-server 'event-getids 'event-invoke)) (setf eguid (first (get-source-interfaces x))) (setf c (connect-event-listener x (auto-server-pointer s) eguid)) (setf i (itypelib-type-info-of-guid (itypeinfo-type-lib (idispatch-type-info x)) eguid)) (disconnect-event-listener x c eguid)
produce a server object.
<COM class factories>= (<-U) (export '(<class factory exports>)) <class factory constant wrappers> <class factory function wrappers> <class factory lisp interface>
, a creation
callback that is used to actually create objects, a GUID
, and a
slot for a registration cookie. Including the generic server
structure also brings in a slot for a pointer for the internal
<class factory lisp interface>= (<-U) [D->] (defstruct (class-factory (:include generic-server) (:constructor new-class-factory (creator pointer))) creator)
(links are to index).
The structure name is exported for use in typing expressions.
<class factory exports>= (<-U) [D->] class-factory
The public constructor for a class factory structure requires one argument. This argument is a creator function, a function of no arguments that is called to create a server object.
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun make-class-factory (creator) (let* ((pointer (base-make-class-factory)) (factory (new-class-factory creator pointer))) (system:cptr-protect pointer factory) (init-class-factory pointer factory) factory))
(links are to index).
<class factory exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] make-class-factory
interface. The class factory is represented by a C
<class factory support declarations>= (U->) [D->] typedef struct tagClassFactory ClassFactory;
(links are to index).
The Vtbl structure for the factory is given by
<class factory support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->]
typedef struct {
Vtbl entries>
HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *CreateInstance)(ClassFactory *This,
IUnknown *outer,
REFIID iid, void **ppv);
HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *LockServer)(ClassFactory *This, BOOL lock);
} ClassFactoryVtbl;
(links are to index).
The tagClassFactory
structure is given by
<class factory support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] struct tagClassFactory { ClassFactoryVtbl *lpVtbl; <generic interface fields> };
(links are to index).
The class factory QueryInterface
method signals an error unless it
is asked for the IUnknown
or the IClassFactory
<class factory support functions>= (U->) [D->] static STDMETHODIMP ClassFactory_QueryInterface(GenericServer *this, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IClassFactory)) { IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown *) this); *ppv = this; return S_OK; } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
(links are to index).
The CreateInstance
method uses a Lisp callback to create the
server object. The callback returns a pointer to a generic server
object. Errors and non-local exits are trapped; if either occurs the
returned result will be NULL
<class factory function wrappers>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-callback "FactoryCreateInstance" factory-create-instance (:lval) (:cptr "GenericServer") :static nil :interrupts-allowed nil :trap-exits "NULL")
(links are to index).
<class factory support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] GenericServer *FactoryCreateInstance(LVAL object);
(links are to index).
The callback calls the creator function and casts the pointer of the server object to a generic server pointer.
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun factory-create-instance (factory) (let ((server (funcall (class-factory-creator factory)))) (cast-generic-server (generic-server-pointer server))))
(links are to index).
The CreateInstance
method uses the callback to create the server
and then calls QueryInterface
to get the right interface pointer
and increment the reference count. The server object will not be
reachable from the object graph, but it will be protected from GC by
the AddRef
method. Aggregation is not supported, so an error is
signaled if it is requested.
<class factory support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static STDMETHODIMP ClassFactory_CreateInstance(ClassFactory *this, IUnknown *outer, REFIID iid, void **ppv) { if (outer != NULL) { *ppv = NULL; return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION; } else { AutoServer *server = FactoryCreateInstance(this->object); if (server == NULL) return E_UNEXPECTED; else return IUnknown_QueryInterface(server, iid, ppv); } }
(links are to index).
The second IClassFactory
method, LockServer
, is also
implemented as a callback. This is mainly because I can't figure out
yet what to do with it.
<class factory function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-callback "FactoryLockServer" factory-lock-server (:lval bool) hresult :static nil :interrupts-allowed nil :trap-exits "E_UNEXPECTED")
(links are to index).
<class factory support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D->] HRESULT FactoryLockServer(LVAL object, BOOL lock);
(links are to index).
<class factory support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static STDMETHODIMP ClassFactory_LockServer(ClassFactory *this, BOOL lock) { return FactoryLockServer(this->object, lock); }
(links are to index).
The initial callback implementation just prints a message to indicate it was called.
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun factory-lock-server (object lock) (system:without-exits (let ((message (if (= lock 0) "unlocking server" "locking server"))) (debug-print "~a~%" message))))
(links are to index).
The actual Vtbl for a class factory is given by
<class factory support functions>+= (U->) [<-D->] static ClassFactoryVtbl my_FactoryVtbl = { ClassFactory_QueryInterface, Generic_AddRef, Generic_Release, ClassFactory_CreateInstance, ClassFactory_LockServer };
(links are to index).
The initialization function installs the Vtbl and initializes the generic data fields.
<class factory support functions>+= (U->) [<-D] void InitializeClassFactory(ClassFactory *fac, LVAL object) { fac->lpVtbl = &my_FactoryVtbl; fac->count = 0; fac->object = object; fac->isClassFac = TRUE; }
<class factory support declarations>+= (U->) [<-D] void InitializeClassFactory(ClassFactory *fac, LVAL object);
<class factory function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function init-class-factory "InitializeClassFactory" ((:cptr "ClassFactory") :lval) :void)
(links are to index).
The creator of the internal representation of a class factory is defined with a pointer wrapper.
<class factory function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "ClassFactory" (:make base-make-class-factory))
(links are to index).
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defparameter *class-factories* nil)
(links are to index).
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun find-class-factory-entry (clsid) (find clsid *class-factories* :key #'registration-entry-clsid))
(links are to index).
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun find-class-factory-entries (factory) (let ((val nil)) (dolist (entry *class-factories* val) (when (eq factory (registration-entry-server entry)) (push entry val)))))
(links are to index).
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun enter-class-factory (clsid server cookie) (when (find-class-factory-entry clsid) (error "already have a class factory for CLSID ~a" clsid)) (push (make-registration-entry clsid server cookie) *class-factories*)) (defun remove-class-factory-entry (entry) (setf *class-factories* (remove entry *class-factories*)))
(links are to index).
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun register-class-factory (fac cls-spec &key (context :server) (type :multiple) suspended) (initialize-com) (let* ((clsid (find-clsid cls-spec)) (entry (find-class-factory-entry clsid))) (when entry (revoke-class-factory (registration-entry-server entry) clsid)) (let* ((pointer (class-factory-pointer fac)) (gd (guid-data clsid)) (cntxt <translate keyword toCLSCTX
value>) (tflag <translate keyword toREGCLS
value>) (flags (if (and suspended (dcom-available)) (logior REGCLS_SUSPENDED tflag) tflag)) (cookie (base-register-class-factory gd pointer cntxt flags))) (enter-class-factory clsid fac cookie) t)))
(links are to index).
<class factory exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] register-class-factory
The registration flags allow the type of server to be specified using the constants
<class factory constant wrappers>= (<-U) (wrap:c-constant REGCLS_SINGLEUSE "REGCLS_SINGLEUSE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE "REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REGCLS_MULTI_SEPARATE "REGCLS_MULTI_SEPARATE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REGCLS_SUSPENDED "REGCLS_SUSPENDED" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
The registration function uses a keyword to specify the type; it can
be single
, :multiple
, or :multi-single
<translate keyword to REGCLS
value>= (<-U)
(ecase type
(:multi-separate REGCLS_MULTI_SEPARATE))
The internal registration function CoRegisterClassObject
is wrapped as
<class factory function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-com-function base-register-class-factory "CoRegisterClassObject" ((:cptr "GUID") (:cptr "ClassFactory") dword dword (:value dword)))
(links are to index).
A registered server is revoked by calling revoke-class-factory
<class factory lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun revoke-class-factory (factory &optional cls-spec) (flet ((revoke-entry (entry) (remove-class-factory-entry entry) (base-revoke-class-factory (registration-entry-cookie entry)))) (if cls-spec (let ((entry (find-class-factory-entry (find-clsid cls-spec)))) (when (and entry (or (null factory) (eq factory (registration-entry-server entry)))) (revoke-entry entry))) (dolist (entry (find-class-factory-entries factory)) (revoke-entry entry))))) (wrap:std-com-function base-revoke-class-factory "CoRevokeClassObject" (dword))
(links are to index).
<class factory exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] revoke-class-factory
When DCOM is available is is possible to create factories suspended
and to then call CoResumeClassObjects
once all factories are
registered. All currently registered factories can be suspended by
calling CoSuspendClassObjects
. These functions do not exist if
DCOM is not available, so they are accessed through function pointers
that are looked up in the appropriate DLL. The Lisp interfaces do
nothing when these functions are not available.
<class factory function wrappers>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:c-lines " static HRESULT ResumeClassObjects(void) { if (pCoResumeClassObjects != NULL) return pCoResumeClassObjects(); else return S_OK; } static HRESULT SuspendClassObjects(void) { if (pCoSuspendClassObjects != NULL) return pCoSuspendClassObjects(); else return S_OK; }") (wrap:std-com-function resume-class-factories "ResumeClassObjects" ()) (wrap:std-com-function suspend-class-factories "SuspendClassObjects" ())
(links are to index).
<class factory exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] resume-class-factories suspend-class-factories
All class factories can be revoked by calling
. This is used when COM is
<server lisp interface>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun revoke-all-class-factories () (dolist (entry *class-factories*) (let ((server (registration-entry-server entry)) (clsid (registration-entry-clsid entry))) (revoke-class-factory server clsid))))
(links are to index).
<higher level server interface>= (<-U) (export '(<higher level server exports>)) <higher level servers> <higher level active objects> <higher level class factories> <higher level event handlers> <higher level server registration>
<higher level servers>= (<-U) [D->] (defun object-to-variant (object type pvar) (struct-to-variant (send object :server) type pvar nil))
(links are to index).
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defproto com-server) (defproto auto-server '(methods server-name server) () com-server)
(links are to index).
<higher level server exports>= (<-U) [D->] com-server auto-server
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth auto-server :auto-methods () (slot-value 'methods)) (defmeth auto-server :server-name () (slot-value 'server-name)) (defmeth auto-server :server () (slot-value 'server))
(links are to index).
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth auto-server :isnew (&optional (name "Xlisp-Stat")) (setf (slot-value 'server-name) "Xlisp-Stat") (setf (slot-value 'server) (send self :make-server)))
(links are to index).
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth auto-server :add-auto-method (com-name name &optional (for-value t)) (let ((entry (find com-name (slot-value 'methods) :key #'first))) (unless entry (setf entry (list com-name :method nil nil)) (setf (slot-value 'methods) (concatenate 'vector (slot-value 'methods) (list entry)))) (setf (third entry) name) (setf (fourth entry) for-value)))
(links are to index).
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth auto-server :add-auto-property (com-name get-name &optional set-name) (let ((entry (find com-name (slot-value 'methods) :key #'first))) (unless entry (setf entry (list com-name :property nil nil)) (setf (slot-value 'methods) (concatenate 'vector (slot-value 'methods) (list entry)))) (setf (third entry) get-name) (setf (fourth entry) set-name)))
(links are to index).
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (send auto-server :add-auto-property :name :server-name)
(links are to index).
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defconstant keyword-package (find-package "KEYWORD")) (defmeth auto-server :get-ids-of-names (object name keys lcid) (declare (ignore object lcid)) ;;**** Error if keys requested; maybe also check lcid? ;;**** handle not found error properly (debug-print "using method~%") (let ((methods (send self :auto-methods)) (ksym (intern (string-upcase name) keyword-package))) (position ksym methods :key #'first)))
(links are to index).
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defmeth auto-server :invoke (object dispid lcid flags args keys value) ;;check for keywords (debug-print "invoking method~%") (let ((entry (aref (send self :auto-methods) dispid))) (cond ((/= (logand DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF flags) 0) (error "PUTREF not supported")) ((/= (logand DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT flags) 0) (unless (eq (second entry) :property) (error "~a is not a property" (first entry))) (let ((meth (fourth entry))) (unless meth (error "property ~a is read-only" (first entry))) (apply #'send self meth args))) (t;;**** more careful check? (let ((meth (third entry))) (unless meth (if (eq (second entry) :property) (error "property ~a is not readable" (first entry)) (error "method has no definition"))) (apply #'send self meth args))))))
(links are to index).
<higher level servers>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defmeth auto-server :make-server () (flet ((getids (object name keys lcid) (send self :get-ids-of-names object name keys lcid)) (invoke (object dispid lcid flags args keys value) (send self :invoke object dispid lcid flags args keys value))) (make-auto-server #'getids #'invoke (send self :server-name))))
(links are to index).
<higher level active objects>= (<-U) (defmeth auto-server :register-active-object (cls-spec) (register-active-object (slot-value 'server) cls-spec)) (defmeth auto-server :revoke-active-object (&optional cls-spec) (revoke-active-object (slot-value 'server) cls-spec))
<test>+= [<-D->] (defproto sample-server '(x y) () auto-server) (defmeth sample-server :isnew () (call-next-method) (setf (slot-value 'x) 1) (setf (slot-value 'y) 2)) (defmeth sample-server :get-x () (slot-value 'x)) (defmeth sample-server :set-x (v) (setf (slot-value 'x) v)) (send sample-server :add-auto-property :x :get-x :set-x) (defmeth sample-server :get-y () (slot-value 'y)) (send sample-server :add-auto-property :y :get-y) (defmeth sample-server :xpy (&optional (z 0)) (+ (slot-value 'x) (slot-value 'y) z)) (send sample-server :add-auto-method :xpy :xpy) (setf s (send sample-server :new)) (send s :register-active-object "{FB4C2CC0-60EF-11D3-8E98-444553540000}") (setf x (get-active-object "{FB4C2CC0-60EF-11D3-8E98-444553540000}")) (property x :x) (invoke x :xpy) (invoke x :xpy 4) (send s :revoke-active-object)
<higher level class factories>= (<-U) (defproto class-factory '(prototype singleton factory)) (defmeth class-factory :isnew (proto &key singleton) (setf (slot-value 'prototype) proto) (setf (slot-value 'singleton) singleton) (let ((class-fun (if singleton (lambda () (send proto :server)) (lambda () (send (send proto :new) :server))))) (setf (slot-value 'factory) (make-class-factory class-fun)))) (defmeth class-factory :register (cls-spec) (register-class-factory (slot-value 'factory) cls-spec)) (defmeth class-factory :revoke (&optional cls-spec) (revoke-class-factory (slot-value 'factory) cls-spec))
<test>+= [<-D] (setf sample-class-factory (send class-factory :new sample-server)) (send sample-class-factory :register "XlispStat.application") (setf x (create-object "XlispStat.application")) (property x :x) (send sample-class-factory :revoke)
<higher level event handlers>= (<-U) (defproto event-server '(source cookie eguid info) () auto-server) (export 'event-server) (defmeth event-server :isnew (source) (let* ((eguid (first (get-source-interfaces source))) (lib (itypeinfo-type-lib (idispatch-type-info source))) (info (itypelib-type-info-of-guid lib eguid))) (setf (slot-value 'source) source) (setf (slot-value 'eguid) eguid) (setf (slot-value 'info) info))) (defmeth event-server :get-ids-of-names (object name keys lcid) (error "Need to override this properly")) (defun itypeinfo-names-for-memid (info memid) (dotimes (i (itypeinfo-function-count info)) (with-funcdesc (fd info i) (when (= memid (funcdesc-memid fd)) (return (itypeinfo-names info memid (+ (funcdesc-cparams fd) 1))))))) ;;**** need to cache this stuff (defmeth event-server :invoke (object dispid lcid flags args keys value) (let* ((info (slot-value 'info)) (names (itypeinfo-names-for-memid info dispid))) (debug-print "Invoking method ~d = ~a~%" dispid names) (debug-print "Args: ~s~%Named args: ~s~%" args keys) (let ((meth (intern (string-upcase (first names)) keyword-package))) (when (send self :has-method meth) (apply #'send self meth args))) 0)) (defmeth event-server :connect () (when (slot-value 'cookie) (error "already connected")) (let* ((source (slot-value 'source)) (eguid (slot-value 'eguid)) (s (send self :make-server)) (ptr (auto-server-pointer s))) (setf (slot-value 'cookie) (connect-event-listener source ptr eguid)))) (defmeth event-server :disconnect () (let ((source (slot-value 'source)) (cookie (slot-value 'cookie)) (eguid (slot-value 'eguid))) (unless cookie (error "not connected")) (setf (slot-value 'cookie) nil) (disconnect-event-listener source cookie eguid)))
functions provided in [cite eddon99:_insid_com].
The function register-com-server
performs the registry operations
needed to register the server. Its arguments are a string with the
command to start the server, a CLSID
string, a ``friendly name''
string for labeling the registered class in browsers, the ProgID
string, and a version-independent ProgID
<higher level server registration>= (<-U) [D->] (defun register-com-server (program clsid friendly-name progid vi-progid) (flet ((set-key-and-value (key subkey value) (let* ((keyname (if subkey (format nil "~a\\~a" key subkey) key)) (newkey (win32:reg-create-subkey win32:hkey-classes-root keyname))) (win32:reg-set-value newkey "" value) (win32::reg-close-key newkey)))) (let ((clsid-key (format nil "CLSID\\~a" clsid))) (set-key-and-value clsid-key nil friendly-name) (set-key-and-value clsid-key "LocalServer32" program) ;**** args (set-key-and-value clsid-key "ProgID" progid) (set-key-and-value clsid-key "VersionIndependentProgID" vi-progid) (set-key-and-value vi-progid nil friendly-name) (set-key-and-value vi-progid "CLSID" clsid) (set-key-and-value vi-progid "CurVer" progid) (set-key-and-value progid nil friendly-name) (set-key-and-value progid "CLSID" clsid))))
(links are to index).
<higher level server exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] register-com-server
The function unregister-com-server
removes a server registration
from the registry. Its arguments are the CLSID
, the ProgID
and the version-independent ProgID
's used to register the server.
All subkeys of the corresponding keys are deleted recursively.
<higher level server registration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun unregister-com-server (clsid progid vi-progid) (labels ((recursive-delete-key (parent child) (handler-case (let ((key (win32:reg-open-key parent child))) (dolist (n (win32:reg-subkey-names key)) (recursive-delete-key key n)) (win32:reg-close-key key) (win32:reg-delete-subkey parent child)) (error (c) (format *debug-io* "error processing ~a:~a: ~a~%" parent child c))))) (let ((clsid-key (format nil "CLSID\\~a" clsid))) (ignore-errors (recursive-delete-key win32:hkey-classes-root clsid-key)) (ignore-errors (recursive-delete-key win32:hkey-classes-root vi-progid)) (ignore-errors (recursive-delete-key win32:hkey-classes-root progid)))))
(links are to index).
<higher level server exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] unregister-com-server
The loop to do this uses a list of subkeys since deleting seem to confuse the mapping function.
For debugging purposes, lisp-stat-server-info
prints the
registration information for the Lisp-Stat server.
<higher level server registration>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun lisp-stat-server-info (&optional (stream *standard-output*)) (labels ((recursive-write-key (parent child) (let ((key (win32:reg-open-key parent child))) (format stream "~a: ~a~%" key (win32:reg-query-value key)) (win32:reg-map-subkey-names (lambda (n) (recursive-write-key key n)) key) (win32:reg-close-key key)))) (let ((progid "XlispStat.application.1") (vi-progid "XlispStat.application") (clsid "{FB4C2CC0-60EF-11D3-8E98-444553540000}")) (let ((clsid-key (format nil "CLSID\\~a" clsid))) (recursive-write-key win32:hkey-classes-root clsid-key) (recursive-write-key win32:hkey-classes-root vi-progid) (recursive-write-key win32:hkey-classes-root progid)))))
(links are to index).
<support utilities>= (U->) <pointer casting> <wide string encoding/decoding> <checking for DCOM>
<pointer casting>= (<-U) (wrap:c-lines " static LVAL cast_pointer(void) { return xlw_cast_cptr(xlgetarg()); }") (wrap:c-subr base-cast-pointer "cast_pointer") (wrap:c-function lookup-pointer-type "xlw_lookup_type" (:string) :lval) (defun make-pointer-caster (tname) (let ((type (lookup-pointer-type tname))) (lambda (pointer) (base-cast-pointer type pointer))))
(links are to index).
<wide string encoding/decoding>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-pointer "WCHAR" (:make make-wide-string))
(links are to index).
<wide string encoding/decoding>+= (<-U) [<-D->] ;;***** fix wrapper documentation--defualt is NULL is NOT allowed (wrap:c-function multi-byte-to-wide-char "MultiByteToWideChar" (:unsigned dword :string :integer (:cptr "WCHAR" t) :integer) :integer)
(links are to index).
<wide string encoding/decoding>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function wide-char-to-multi-byte "WideCharToMultiByte" (:unsigned dword (:cptr "WCHAR") :integer :string :integer :string (:cptr "BOOL" t)) :integer)
(links are to index).
<wide string encoding/decoding>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun string-to-wide-string (string) (let ((res (multi-byte-to-wide-char CP_ACP 0 string -1 nil 0))) (if (= res 0) (error "can't convert ~s to wide string" string) (let ((wstring (make-wide-string res))) (multi-byte-to-wide-char CP_ACP 0 string -1 wstring res) wstring))))
(links are to index).
<basic constants>= (U->) (wrap:c-constant CP_ACP "CP_ACP" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<wide string encoding/decoding>+= (<-U) [<-D] ;;***** Fix wrappers to :string or (:string t) is allowed--NULL ;;***** Fix wrappers to test for string in :string!! ;;***** change "" to nil when wrappers are fixed (defun wide-string-to-string (wstring) (let ((res (wide-char-to-multi-byte CP_ACP 0 wstring -1 "" 0 "" nil))) (if (= res 0) (error "can't convert from wide string") (let ((string (make-string (- res 1)))) (wide-char-to-multi-byte CP_ACP 0 wstring -1 string res "" nil) string))))
(links are to index).
<unwind-protect macros>= (U->) [D->] #define BEGIN_PROTECT \ { \ CONTEXT _unwind_cntxt, *_unwind_target; \ int _unwind_mask, _unwinding_; \ LVAL _unwind_value; \ xlbegin(&_unwind_cntxt,CF_UNWIND,NIL); \ if (setjmp(_unwind_cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) { \ _unwinding_ = TRUE; \ _unwind_target = xltarget; \ _unwind_mask = xlmask; \ _unwind_value = xlvalue; \ } \ else { \ _unwinding_ = FALSE; \ _unwind_target = NULL; \ _unwind_mask = 0; \ _unwind_value = NIL; \ {
(links are to index).
<unwind-protect macros>+= (U->) [<-D->] #define BEGIN_CLEANUP \ } \ } \ xlend(&_unwind_cntxt); \ {
(links are to index).
<unwind-protect macros>+= (U->) [<-D->] #define END_PROTECT \ } \ if (_unwinding_) xljump(_unwind_target, _unwind_mask, _unwind_value); \ }
(links are to index).
<unwind-protect macros>+= (U->) [<-D] #define UNWINDING _unwinding_
(links are to index).
<begin protect>= BEGIN_PROTECT
<begin cleanup>= BEGIN_CLEANUP
<end protect>= END_PROTECT
is available. **** it ought to be possible to make this a
constant--but only per-session, not per-workspace
<checking for DCOM>= (<-U) ;;**** allow boolean type (wrap:c-lines " static BOOL IsDcomAvailable(void) { return pCoCreateInstanceEx != NULL ? TRUE : FALSE; }") (wrap:c-function dcom-available "IsDcomAvailable" () :bool)
(links are to index).
file for registering an XlispStat.application
server. Eventually this should be replaced by an internal machanism
that does the registration and unregistration when the server is
called with the appropriate command line arguments.
For the moment, the executable explicitly loads the files it needs. THis should be handled more cleanly eventually.
<wxls32.reg>= REGEDIT ; This .REG file may be used by your SETUP program. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\XlispStat.application = XlispStat.application HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\XlispStat.application\CLSID = <XlispStat CLSID> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<XlispStat CLSID> = XlispStat.application HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<XlispStat CLSID>\LocalServer32 = <XlispStat home>\wxls32.exe Autoload\win32com\server HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<XlispStat CLSID>\ProgID = XlispStat.application
The CLSID for the XlispStat.application
ProgID is given by
<XlispStat CLSID>= (<-U) {FB4C2CC0-60EF-11D3-8E98-444553540000}
<XlispStat home>= (<-U) \users\luke\xlispstat
<making the _autoidx.lsp
(defun make-autoidx (file module &rest packages)
(with-open-file (f file :direction :output)
(format f "(provide ~s)~%" module)
(dolist (pack packages)
(let ((syms nil)
(funs nil)
(vars nil))
(do-external-symbols (s pack)
(push s syms)
(when (fboundp s) (push s funs))
(when (boundp s) (push s vars)))
f "(defpackage ~s~@[ (:nicknames~{ ~s~})~]~@[ (:use~{ ~s~})~])~%"
(package-name pack)
(package-nicknames pack)
(mapcar #'package-name (package-use-list pack)))
(format f "(in-package ~s)~%~%" (package-name pack))
(format f "(export '(~{~a ~}))~%~%" syms)
(format f "(system:define-autoload-module ~s~
~@[~& (function~{ ~a~})~]~
~@[~& (variable~{ ~a~})~])~%"
(make-autoidx "_autoidx.lsp" "win32com" "WIN32-COM")
<win32com.wrp>= <COM basics> <COM client support> <type libraries and type information> <COM server support>
**** need -DCOBJMACROS
for wrapper file!!
Or maybe way to put stuff in wrapper file ahead of standard include.
<comutil.h>= #define COBJMACROS #include <ocidl.h> <error signaling support declarations> <variant type conversion declarations> <invokation support declarations> <type conversion declarations> <server support declarations> <class factory support declarations> <unwind-protect macros> typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE (*tCoCreateInstanceEx) (REFCLSID, IUnknown *, DWORD, COSERVERINFO*, DWORD, MULTI_QI *); typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE (*tCoResumeClassObjects)(void); typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE (*tCoSuspendClassObjects)(void); extern tCoCreateInstanceEx pCoCreateInstanceEx; extern tCoResumeClassObjects pCoResumeClassObjects; extern tCoSuspendClassObjects pCoSuspendClassObjects;
<comutil.c>= #include "xlshlib.h" #include "xlwrap.h" #include "comutil.h" <variant type conversion functions> <invokation support functions> <server support functions> <class factory support functions>
<dllstub.c>= #include <windows.h> extern CRITICAL_SECTION server_protect_cs; typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE (*tCoCreateInstanceEx) (REFCLSID, IUnknown *, DWORD, COSERVERINFO*, DWORD, MULTI_QI *); typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE (*tCoResumeClassObjects)(void); typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE (*tCoSuspendClassObjects)(void); tCoCreateInstanceEx pCoCreateInstanceEx; tCoResumeClassObjects pCoResumeClassObjects; tCoSuspendClassObjects pCoSuspendClassObjects; static HINSTANCE ole32lib; /**** I seem to get the process calls but not the thread one??*/ int APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hdll, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved ) { switch( reason ) { case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: InitializeCriticalSection(&server_protect_cs); ole32lib = LoadLibrary("OLE32"); if (ole32lib) { pCoCreateInstanceEx = (tCoCreateInstanceEx) GetProcAddress(ole32lib, "CoCreateInstanceEx"); pCoResumeClassObjects = (tCoResumeClassObjects) GetProcAddress(ole32lib, "CoResumeClassObjects"); pCoSuspendClassObjects = (tCoSuspendClassObjects) GetProcAddress(ole32lib, "CoSuspendClassObjects"); } else { pCoCreateInstanceEx = NULL; pCoResumeClassObjects = NULL; pCoSuspendClassObjects = NULL; } break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if (ole32lib != NULL) FreeLibrary(ole32lib); DeleteCriticalSection(&server_protect_cs); break; } return( 1 ); } /* The Borland entry point. C*/ BOOL APIENTRY DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) { return DllMain(hInst, reason, reserved); }
[1] Kraig Brockschmidt. Inside OLE. Microsoft Press, 1995.
[2] Guy Eddon and Henry Eddon. Inside COM+: Base Services. Microsoft Press, 1999.
[3] Hesham El-Rewini and Ted G. Lewis. Distributed and Parallel Computing. Manning, 1998.
[4] Sigbjorn Finne, Daan Leijen, Erik Meijer, and Simon Peyton Jones. Calling hell from heaven and heaven from hell. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, volume 34 of ACM SIGPLAN Notices, pages 114--125. ACM, September 1999.
[5] Paul Mc Fedries. VBA for Microsoft Office 2000. SAMS Publishing, 1999.
[6] Randal L. Schwartz, Erik Olson, and Tom Christiansen. Learning Perl on Win32 Systems. O'Reilly &Associates, 1997.
[7] Ellen Siever, Stephen Spainhour, and Nathan Patwardhan. PERL in a Nutshell. O'Reilly &Associates, 1999.
prototype>: D1, D2, D3, D4, U5
prototype>: D1, D2, D3, D4, U5
slots>: U1, D2, U3
parameters>: U1, D2
macro>: D1, U2
decoding>: U1, D2
exports>: U1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
functions>: U1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15
decoding>: U1, D2, D3, D4
interface>: U1, D2
type information>: U1, D2
interface>: U1, D2, D3
Vtbl entries>: U1, D2, U3, U4
>: D1
symbol>: D1, U2
file>: D1
into invars
, optargs
, outargs
, and callargs
>: U1, D2
value>: U1, D2, U3
value>: U1, D2
body>: U1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6
subroutine>: D1