Eventually these utilities will be folded into the standard distribution. For now, they are made available as a zip file, win32.zip. This file should be unpacked in the Autoload subdirectory of the Xlisp-Stat tree. This will insure that the utilities are loaded when they are used. Be sure to preserve the directory structure when unpacking the zip file.
This writeup still needs lots of work but is hopefully enough to get you started.
that contains the error code and
that contains the name of the funciton signaling the error.
<error handling>= (U->) [D->] (wrap:c-lines " static LVAL GetErrorMessage(DWORD hr) { char *msg = NULL; LVAL val; DWORD count; count = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, hr, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, (LPTSTR)&msg, 0, NULL); val = count > 0 && msg != NULL ? cvstring(msg) : NIL; if (msg != NULL) LocalFree(msg); return val; }") (wrap:c-function base-format-message "GetErrorMessage" (:unsigned) :lval)
(links are to index).
<error handling>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun format-message (code) (let ((msg (base-format-message code))) (if msg (string-right-trim '(#\newline #\return #\space #\.) msg) nil))) (export 'format-message)
(links are to index).
<error handling>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function get-last-error "GetLastError" () :unsigned) (export 'get-last-error)
(links are to index).
<error handling>+= (U->) [<-D->] (define-condition win32-error (error) ((code :reader win32-error-code :initarg :code) (source :reader win32-error-source :initarg :source)) (:report (lambda (cond stream) (let* ((code (win32-error-code cond)) (src (win32-error-source cond)) (msg (format-message code))) (if msg (format stream "~@[~a: ~]~a" src msg) (format stream "~@[~a: ~]code=~d" code)))))) (export '(win32-error win32-error-code win32-error-source))
(links are to index).
<error handling>+= (U->) [<-D] (defun raise-win32-error (&optional source (code (get-last-error))) (error (make-condition 'win32-error :code code :source source)))
(links are to index).
<operating system information example>= > (win32:get-version) :WIN-NT 2 4 0 1381 "Service Pack 5"
<operating system information>= (U->) (wrap:c-pointer "OSVERSIONINFO" (:make make-osverinfo) (:get get-osverinfo-extra "szCSDVersion" :string) (:get get-osverinfo-major-version "dwMajorVersion" :unsigned) (:get get-osverinfo-minor-version "dwMinorVersion" :unsigned) (:get get-osverinfo-build-number "dwBuildNumber" :unsigned) (:get get-osverinfo-platform-id "dwPlatformId" :unsigned)) (wrap:c-lines " static BOOL MyGetVersion(OSVERSIONINFO *po) { po->dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); return GetVersionEx(po); }") (wrap:c-function base-get-version "MyGetVersion" ((:cptr "OSVERSIONINFO")) :bool) (wrap:c-constant VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT "VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS "VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s "VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s" :unsigned) ;; Adapted from example on MS web site in GetVersionEx page. (defun win32-os-type (platform-id major-version minor-version) (cond ((= platform-id VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) (cond ((<= major-version 4) :win-nt) ((= major-version 5) :win-2k) (t :unknown))) ((= platform-id VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) (if (or (> major-version 4) (and (= major-version 4) (> minor-version 0))) :win-98 :win-95)) ((= platform-id VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s) :win-32s) (t :unknown))) (defun get-version () (let ((osvi (make-osverinfo))) (unless (base-get-version osvi) (raise-win32-error "GetVersionEx")) (let ((id (get-osverinfo-platform-id osvi)) (major (get-osverinfo-major-version osvi)) (minor (get-osverinfo-minor-version osvi)) (build (get-osverinfo-build-number osvi)) (extra (get-osverinfo-extra osvi))) (values (win32-os-type id major minor) id major minor build extra)))) (export 'get-version)
, explore
, open
, print
, and
. Some file/verb combinations (such as
on a .exe
file) use the optional parameters string
argument. (:properties
doesn't seem to work). The window
argument is currently ignored. The directory argument
specifies the default directory to use. The show argument
should be a keyword specifying how the new window created by the
command it so be displayed. Possible values are :hide
, :show
, :show-default
, etc. The default is
<shell function examples>= (win32:shell-execute :open "win32.html") (win32:shell-execute :open "notepad.exe" "win32.c") (win32:shell-execute :explore ".")
<shell functions>= (U->) (wrap:c-lines " #define strornilp(x) (stringp(x)||null(x)) #define xlgastrornil() testarg(typearg(strornilp)) static LVAL MyShellExecute(void) { LVAL arg; HWND hwnd; char *verb, *file, *params, *dir; int show; unsigned long res; arg = xlgetarg(); hwnd = NULL; arg = xlgastrornil(); verb = stringp(arg) ? getstring(arg) : NULL; file = getstring(xlgastring()); arg = xlgastrornil(); params = stringp(arg) ? getstring(arg) : NULL; dir = getstring(xlgastring()); show = getfixnum(xlgafixnum()); xllastarg(); res = (unsigned long) ShellExecute(hwnd, verb, file, params, dir, show); return ulong2lisp(res); }") (wrap:c-subr base-shell-execute "MyShellExecute") #| ;;***** wouldn't need subr if could have nil for string (wrap:c-function base-shell-execute "ShellExecute" ((:cptr "void" t) :string :string :string :string :integer) :unsigned) |# (defun shell-execute (verb file &optional parameters &key window (directory (get-working-directory)) (show :show-default)) (let* ((skey (show-keyword-to-show-flag show)) (res (base-shell-execute window (string verb) file parameters directory skey))) (when (<= res 32) (raise-win32-error "ShellExecute" res)))) (export 'shell-execute) (wrap:c-constant SW_HIDE "SW_HIDE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_MAXIMIZE "SW_MAXIMIZE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_MINIMIZE "SW_MINIMIZE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_RESTORE "SW_RESTORE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_SHOW "SW_SHOW" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_SHOWDEFAULT "SW_SHOWDEFAULT" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED "SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_SHOWMINIMIZED "SW_SHOWMINIMIZED" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE "SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_SHOWNA "SW_SHOWNA" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE "SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant SW_SHOWNORMAL "SW_SHOWNORMAL" :unsigned) (defun show-keyword-to-show-flag (key) (case key (:hide SW_HIDE) (:maximize SW_MAXIMIZE) (:minimize SW_MINIMIZE) (:restore SW_RESTORE) (:show SW_SHOW) (:show-default SW_SHOWDEFAULT) (:show-maximized SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) (:show-minimized SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) (:show-min-no-activate SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE) (:show-na SW_SHOWNA) (:show-no-activate SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE) (:show-normal SW_SHOWNORMAL)))
, :enumerate-subkeys
, :execute
, :query-value
, :set-value
, :all-access
, and :write
. The default is the access mode of
key. The standard keys have accesmode (:read :write)
or hkey-users
(or maybe a
few others depending on the OS).
as integers; others are returned as
binary data in typed vectors with element type c-uchar
. The
expand arbument is ignored except for values specified to
contain unexpanded environment variables; for those this argument
determines whether the environment variables are expanded or not.
, :dword
, :dword-big-endian
, :expand-string
, :none
, :resource-list
, or :string
<registry examples>= > (win32:reg-connect-registry "" win32:hkey-local-machine) #<REGISTRY-KEY: \\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> > (win32:reg-subkey-names win32:hkey-local-machine) ("HARDWARE" "SAM" "SECURITY" "SOFTWARE" "SYSTEM") > (setf syskey (win32:reg-open-key win32:hkey-local-machine "System" :read)) #<REGISTRY-KEY: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System> > (win32:reg-subkey-names syskey) ("ControlSet001" "ControlSet002" "DISK" "Select" "Setup" "Clone" "CurrentControlSet") > (setf setupkey (win32:reg-open-key syskey "Setup" :read)) #<REGISTRY-KEY: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Setup> > (win32:reg-value-names setupkey) ("SetupType" "CmdLine" "SystemSetupInProgress" "SystemPrefix" "SystemPartition" "OsLoaderPath" "NetcardDlls") > (win32:reg-query-value setupkey "CmdLine") "setup -newsetup" :STRING > (win32:reg-query-value setupkey "SetupType") 0 :DWORD > (win32:reg-query-value setupkey "SystemPrefix") #(192 11 0 0 0 0 56 248) :BINARY > (win32:reg-query-value setupkey "SystemPartition") "\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1" :STRING > (win32:reg-query-value setupkey "NetcardDlls") ("MSNCDET.DLL" "amdncdet.dll" "mdgncdet.dll") :MULTI-STRING > (win32:reg-map-value-names (lambda (n) (format t "~a~%" n)) setupkey) SetupType CmdLine SystemSetupInProgress SystemPrefix SystemPartition OsLoaderPath NetcardDlls NIL > (win32:reg-map-subkey-names (lambda (s) (format t "~a~%" s)) syskey) ControlSet001 ControlSet002 DISK Select Setup Clone CurrentControlSet NIL > (win32:reg-close-key syskey) NIL > (win32:reg-close-key setupkey) NIL > (win32:reg-set-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred" 1) NIL > (win32:reg-query-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred") 1 :DWORD > (win32:reg-set-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred" "Hello") NIL > (win32:reg-query-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred") "Hello" :STRING > (win32:reg-set-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred" '("Hello" "Bob")) NIL > (win32:reg-query-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred") ("Hello" "Bob") :MULTI-STRING > (win32:reg-set-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred" "Hello" :binary) NIL > (win32:reg-query-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred") #(72 101 108 108 111) :BINARY > (win32:reg-query-value-into win32:hkey-current-user (make-string 5) "Fred") "Hello" :BINARY > (win32:reg-delete-value win32:hkey-current-user "Fred") NIL > (setf fred (win32:reg-create-subkey win32:hkey-current-user "Fred")) #<REGISTRY-KEY: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Fred> > (win32:reg-set-value fred "" 1) NIL > (win32:reg-query-value fred) 1 :DWORD > (win32:reg-delete-subkey win32:hkey-current-user "Fred") NIL > (win32:reg-query-value fred) Error: RegQueryValueEx: Illegal operation attempted on a Registry key which has been marked for deletion
<registry functions>= (U->) (export '(<registry exports>)) <registry constants> <registry errors> <registry key representation> <standard registry keys> <opening and closing registry keys> <subkey and value enumeration> <reading key values> <writing and deleting key values> <creating and deleting subkeys> <loading and unloading keys>
<registry errors>= (<-U) (defun raise-reg-error (res &optional (name "registry")) (raise-win32-error name res)) (wrap:c-callback "RaiseRegError" raise-reg-error (:integer :string) :void)
(links are to index).
<registry key representation>= (<-U) [D->] (defstruct (registry-key (:constructor new-registry-key (machine name handle access)) (:print-function (lambda (key stream d) (declare (ignore d)) (format stream "#<~a: ~@[\\\\~a\\~]~a>" (type-of key) (registry-key-machine key) (registry-key-name key))))) machine name handle access)
(links are to index).
<registry exports>= (<-U) [D->] registry-key
<registry key representation>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun make-registry-key (machine name hkey access) (let ((key (new-registry-key machine name hkey access))) (system:cptr-protect hkey key) (register-finalizer key #'reg-close-key) key))
(links are to index).
<registry constants>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-lines " #define CHECK_STD_KEY(n,t) do { if (strcmp(n,#t)==0) return t; } while (0) static HKEY GetStdRegKey(char *name) { CHECK_STD_KEY(name, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT); CHECK_STD_KEY(name, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG); CHECK_STD_KEY(name, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); CHECK_STD_KEY(name, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); CHECK_STD_KEY(name, HKEY_USERS); return NULL; }") (wrap:c-function get-std-reg-key "GetStdRegKey" (:string) (:cptr "void"))
(links are to index).
<registry constants>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defconstant HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (get-std-reg-key "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT")) (defconstant HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (get-std-reg-key "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG")) (defconstant HKEY_CURRENT_USER (get-std-reg-key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER")) (defconstant HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (get-std-reg-key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE")) (defconstant HKEY_USERS (get-std-reg-key "HKEY_USERS"))
(links are to index).
<registry constants>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:c-constant KEY_CREATE_LINK "KEY_CREATE_LINK" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY "KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS "KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_EXECUTE "KEY_EXECUTE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_NOTIFY "KEY_NOTIFY" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_QUERY_VALUE "KEY_QUERY_VALUE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_SET_VALUE "KEY_SET_VALUE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_ALL_ACCESS "KEY_ALL_ACCESS" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_READ "KEY_READ" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant KEY_WRITE "KEY_WRITE" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<standard registry keys>= (<-U) (defconstant hkey-classes-root (new-registry-key nil "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (logior KEY_READ KEY_WRITE))) (defconstant hkey-current-config (new-registry-key nil "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (logior KEY_READ KEY_WRITE))) (defconstant hkey-current-user (new-registry-key nil "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" HKEY_CURRENT_USER (logior KEY_READ KEY_WRITE))) (defconstant hkey-local-machine (new-registry-key nil "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (logior KEY_READ KEY_WRITE))) (defconstant hkey-users (new-registry-key nil "HKEY_USERS" HKEY_USERS (logior KEY_READ KEY_WRITE)))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] hkey-classes-root hkey-current-config hkey-current-user hkey-local-machine hkey-users
<opening and closing registry keys>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-open-key "RegOpenKeyEx" ((:cptr "void") :string :unsigned :unsigned (:value (:cptr "void")))) (defun reg-open-key (key subkey &optional (access (registry-key-access key))) (let* ((name (concatenate 'string (registry-key-name key) "\\" subkey)) (sam (decode-sam access)) (hkey (base-reg-open-key (registry-key-handle key) subkey 0 sam))) (make-registry-key (registry-key-machine key) name hkey sam)))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-open-key
<opening and closing registry keys>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun decode-sam (access) (cond ((numberp access) access) ((symbolp access) (decode-sam (list access))) (t (let ((sam 0)) (dolist (a access sam) (ecase a (:create-link (setf sam (logior sam KEY_CREATE_LINK))) (:create-subkey (setf sam (logior sam KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY))) (:enumerate-subkeys (setf sam (logior sam KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS))) (:execute (setf sam (logior sam KEY_EXECUTE))) (:notify (setf sam (logior sam KEY_NOTIFY))) (:query-value (setf sam (logior sam KEY_QUERY_VALUE))) (:set-value (setf sam (logior sam KEY_SET_VALUE))) (:all-access (setf sam (logior sam KEY_ALL_ACCESS))) (:read (setf sam (logior sam KEY_READ))) (:write (setf sam (logior sam KEY_WRITE)))))))))
(links are to index).
<opening and closing registry keys>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-connect-registry "RegConnectRegistry" (:string (:cptr "void") (:value (:cptr "void")))) (defun reg-connect-registry (machine key &optional (access (registry-key-access key))) (let ((name (registry-key-name key)) (sam (decode-sam access)) (hkey (base-reg-connect-registry machine (registry-key-handle key)))) (make-registry-key machine name hkey sam)))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-connect-registry
<opening and closing registry keys>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-close-key "RegCloseKey" ((:cptr "void"))) (defun reg-close-key (key) (let ((hkey (registry-key-handle key))) (when hkey (setf (registry-key-handle key) nil) (base-reg-close-key hkey))))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-close-key
<subkey and value enumeration>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-query-info-key "RegQueryInfoKey" ((:cptr "void") (:cptr "char" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "FILETIME" t))) (defun reg-query-info-key (key which) (let* ((hkey (registry-key-handle key)) (pval (make-dwords)) (csk (if (eq which :subkey-count) pval nil)) (sklen (if (eq which :max-subkey-length) pval nil)) (cv (if (eq which :value-count) pval nil)) (vnlen (if (eq which :max-value-name-length) pval nil)) (vlen (if (eq which :max-value-length) pval nil))) (base-reg-query-info-key hkey nil nil nil csk sklen nil cv vnlen vlen nil nil) (get-dword pval)))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-query-info-key
<subkey and value enumeration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-enum-key "RegEnumKeyEx" ((:cptr "void") :unsigned :string (:cptr "DWORD") (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "char" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "FILETIME" t)))
(links are to index).
<subkey and value enumeration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun reg-map-subkey-names (fun key) (let* ((hkey (registry-key-handle key)) (bsize (reg-query-info-key key :max-subkey-length)) (buf (make-string bsize)) (psize (make-dwords))) (dotimes (index (reg-query-info-key key :subkey-count)) (set-dword psize (+ bsize 1)) (base-reg-enum-key hkey index buf psize nil nil nil nil) (funcall fun (subseq buf 0 (get-dword psize))))))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-map-subkey-names
<subkey and value enumeration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun reg-subkey-names (key) (let ((val nil)) (reg-map-subkey-names (lambda (s) (push s val)) key) (nreverse val)))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-subkey-names
<subkey and value enumeration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-enum-value "RegEnumValue" ((:cptr "void") :unsigned :string (:cptr "DWORD") (:cptr "void" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t) (:cptr "BYTE" t) (:cptr "DWORD" t)))
(links are to index).
<subkey and value enumeration>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun reg-map-value-names (fun key) (let* ((hkey (registry-key-handle key)) (bsize (reg-query-info-key key :max-value-name-length)) (buf (make-string bsize)) (psize (make-dwords))) (dotimes (index (reg-query-info-key key :value-count)) (set-dword psize (+ bsize 1)) (base-reg-enum-value hkey index buf psize nil nil nil nil) (funcall fun (subseq buf 0 (get-dword psize))))))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-map-value-names
<subkey and value enumeration>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun reg-value-names (key) (let ((val nil)) (reg-map-value-names (lambda (n) (push n val)) key) (nreverse val)))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-value-names
<reading key values>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:c-pointer "DWORD" (:make make-dwords) (:cast cast-dwords) (:get get-dword nil :unsigned) (:set set-dword nil :unsigned))
(links are to index).
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-pointer "BYTE" (:make make-bytes) (:cast cast-bytes) (:get get-byte nil :unsigned) (:set set-byte nil :unsigned))
(links are to index).
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-query-value "RegQueryValueEx" ((:cptr "void") :string (:cptr "void" t) (:cptr "DWORD") (:cptr "BYTE" t) (:cptr "DWORD")))
(links are to index).
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun reg-query-value-type (key &optional (name "")) (let ((hkey (registry-key-handle key)) (ptype (make-dwords)) (psize (make-dwords))) (base-reg-query-value hkey name nil ptype nil psize) (reg-value-lisp-type (get-dword ptype))))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-query-value-type
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun reg-query-value-size (key &optional (name "")) (let ((hkey (registry-key-handle key)) (ptype (make-dwords)) (psize (make-dwords))) (base-reg-query-value hkey name nil ptype nil psize) (get-dword psize)))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-query-value-size
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun reg-query-value (key &optional (name "") &key expand) (let ((hkey (registry-key-handle key)) (ptype (make-dwords)) (psize (make-dwords))) (base-reg-query-value hkey name nil ptype nil psize) (let ((type (get-dword ptype)) (size (get-dword psize))) (when (/= size 0) (let ((data (make-bytes size))) (base-reg-query-value hkey name nil ptype data psize) (values (reg-value-to-lisp type size data expand) (reg-value-lisp-type type)))))))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-query-value
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun reg-query-value-into (key buf &optional (name "")) (let ((hkey (registry-key-handle key)) (ptype (make-dwords)) (psize (make-dwords)) (data (cast-bytes (array-data-address buf))) (bsize (* (system:typed-vector-element-size buf) (length buf)))) (set-dword psize bsize) (base-reg-query-value hkey name nil ptype data psize) (values buf (reg-value-lisp-type (get-dword ptype)))))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-query-value-into
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (wrap:c-constant REG_BINARY "REG_BINARY" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REG_DWORD "REG_DWORD" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN "REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN "REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REG_EXPAND_SZ "REG_EXPAND_SZ" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REG_MULTI_SZ "REG_MULTI_SZ" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REG_NONE "REG_NONE" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REG_RESOURCE_LIST "REG_RESOURCE_LIST" :unsigned) (wrap:c-constant REG_SZ "REG_SZ" :unsigned)
(links are to index).
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun reg-value-lisp-type (type) (cond ((= type REG_BINARY) :binary) ((= type REG_DWORD) :dword) ((= type REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN) :dword-little-endian) ((= type REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN) :dword-big-endian) ((= type REG_EXPAND_SZ) :expand-string) ((= type REG_MULTI_SZ) :multi-string) ((= type REG_NONE) :none) ((= type REG_RESOURCE_LIST) :resource-list) ((= type REG_SZ) :string) (t :unknown)))
(links are to index).
<reading key values>+= (<-U) [<-D] (defun reg-value-to-lisp (type size data expand) (flet ((data-to-string (size data) (let* ((ssize (- size 1)) (value (make-string ssize))) (dotimes (i ssize value) (setf (char value i) (int-char (get-byte data i))))))) (cond ((= type REG_SZ) (data-to-string size data)) ((= type REG_EXPAND_SZ) (let ((string (data-to-string size data))) (if expand (expand-environment-strings string) string))) ((or (= type REG_DWORD) (= type REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN)) (get-dword (cast-dwords data))) ((= type REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN) (error "can't handle big-endian DWORDs yet"));;**** ((= type REG_MULTI_SZ) (let ((val nil) (string (data-to-string size data)) (null-char (int-char 0)) (start 0)) (loop (let ((pos (position null-char string :start start))) (when (null pos) (return (nreverse val))) (push (subseq string start pos) val) (setf start (+ pos 1)))))) (t ;; REG_BINARY, etc. (let ((value (make-array size :element-type 'c-uchar))) (dotimes (i size value) (setf (aref value i) (get-byte data i))))))))
(links are to index).
<writing and deleting key values>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-set-value "RegSetValueEx" ((:cptr "void") :string :unsigned :unsigned (:cptr "BYTE") :unsigned)) (defun reg-set-value (key name value &optional typespec) (let* ((spec (if typespec typespec (default-reg-value-type value))) (type (decode-reg-value-type spec))) (multiple-value-bind (dsize data) (make-reg-value-data type value) (base-reg-set-value (registry-key-handle key) name 0 type data dsize))))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-set-value
<writing and deleting key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun default-reg-value-type (value) (cond ((stringp value) REG_SZ) ((numberp value) REG_DWORD) ((listp value) REG_MULTI_SZ) (t (error "can't determine registry value type for ~s" value))))
(links are to index).
<writing and deleting key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun decode-reg-value-type (type) (if (numberp type) type (ecase type (:binary REG_BINARY) (:dword REG_DWORD) (:dword-little-endian REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN) (:dword-big-endian REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN) (:expand-string REG_EXPAND_SZ) (:multi-string REG_MULTI_SZ) (:none REG_NONE) (:resource-list REG_RESOURCE_LIST) (:string REG_SZ))))
(links are to index).
<writing and deleting key values>+= (<-U) [<-D->] (defun make-reg-value-data (type value) (cond ((= type REG_SZ) (let ((val (if (stringp value) value (format nil "~s" value)))) (values (+ (length val) 1) (cast-bytes (array-data-address val))))) ((or (= type REG_DWORD) (= type REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN)) (let ((data (make-dwords))) (set-dword data value) (values 4 (cast-bytes data)))) ((= type REG_BINARY) (values (* (system:typed-vector-element-size value) (length value)) (cast-bytes (array-data-address value)))) ((= type REG_MULTI_SZ) (flet ((cat (x y) (concatenate 'string x y "\000"))) (let* ((string (reduce #'cat value :initial-value "")) (data (cast-bytes (array-data-address string)))) (values (+ (length string) 1) data)))) (t (error "can't write registry values of type ~s" (reg-value-lisp-type type)))))
(links are to index).
<writing and deleting key values>+= (<-U) [<-D] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-delete-value "RegDeleteValue" ((:cptr "void") :string)) (defun reg-delete-value (key &optional (name "")) (base-reg-delete-value (registry-key-handle key) name))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-delete-value
<creating and deleting subkeys>= (<-U) [D->] (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-create-key "RegCreateKeyEx" ((:cptr "void") :string :unsigned (:cptr "char" t) :unsigned :unsigned (:cptr "SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES" t) (:value (:cptr "void")) (:cptr "DWORD" t))) (wrap:c-constant REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE "REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE" :unsigned) ;;**** second value to say if new or existing? (defun reg-create-subkey (key subkey &optional (access :all-access)) (let* ((hkey (registry-key-handle key)) (name (concatenate 'string (registry-key-name key) "\\" subkey)) (opts REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE) (sam (decode-sam access)) (hsubkey (base-reg-create-key hkey subkey 0 nil opts sam nil nil))) (make-registry-key (registry-key-machine key) name hsubkey sam)))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D->] reg-create-subkey
<creating and deleting subkeys>+= (<-U) [<-D] ;;**** use SHDeleteKey or SHDeleteEmptyKey instead?? (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-delete-key "RegDeleteKey" ((:cptr "void") :string)) (defun reg-delete-subkey (key name) (base-reg-delete-key (registry-key-handle key) name))
(links are to index).
<registry exports>+= (<-U) [<-D] reg-delete-subkey
<loading and unloading keys>= (<-U) ;;**** not useful unless process previledges adjusted--See Perl AllowPriv, etc. (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-save-key "RegSaveKey" ((:cptr "void") :string (:cptr "SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES" t))) (wrap:std-reg-function base-reg-load-key "RegLoadKey" ((:cptr "void") :string :string))
Using unnamed semaphores within a single process sort of works if the listener is used to wait and the xlsclient or some other DDE or COM connection is used to signal. This is because even though XlispStat is single-threaded, the wait on the semaphore processes events. In the listener:
<semaphore examples>= [D->] (setf sem (win32:make-semaphore 0)) (win32:wait-semaphore sem)
In the xlsclient
(e.g. in emacs):
<semaphore examples>+= [<-D->] (win32:release-semaphore sem)
A more sensible example uses a named semaphore shared between two XlispStat processes. In one process:
<semaphore examples>+= [<-D->] (setf sem (win32:make-semaphore 0 :name "Fred")) (win32:wait-semaphore sem)
<semaphore examples>+= [<-D] (setf sem (win32:open-semaphore "Fred")) (win32:release-semaphore sem)
<semaphores>= (U->) [D->] (defstruct (semaphore (:constructor new-semaphore (handle)) (:print-function print-semaphore)) handle) (defun print-semaphore (sem stream d) (format stream "#<~a>" (type-of sem))) (export 'semaphore)
(links are to index).
<semaphores>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defconstant semaphore-maximum (- (expt 2 31) 1)) (defun wrap-semaphore (handle which) (unless handle (error "semaphore ~:[open~;create~] failed" (eq which :create))) (let ((sem (new-semaphore handle))) (system:register-finalizer sem #'close-semaphore) sem)) (defun make-semaphore (init &key (maximum semaphore-maximum) name) (wrap-semaphore (if name (create-named-semaphore init maximum name) (create-semaphore init maximum)) :create)) (defun open-semaphore (name) (wrap-semaphore (base-open-semaphore name) :open)) (defun close-semaphore (sem) (let ((handle (semaphore-handle sem))) (setf (semaphore-handle sem) nil) (close-handle handle))) (export '(make-semaphore open-semaphore))
(links are to index).
<semaphores>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " #define MyCreateSemaphore(a,b) CreateSemaphore(NULL,a,b,NULL) #define MyCreateNamedSemaphore(a,b,c) CreateSemaphore(NULL,a,b,c) #define MyOpenSemaphore(a) OpenSemaphore(SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,a)") (wrap:c-function create-semaphore "MyCreateSemaphore" (:integer :integer) (:cptr "void")) (wrap:c-function create-named-semaphore "MyCreateNamedSemaphore" (:integer :integer :string) (:cptr "void")) (wrap:c-function base-open-semaphore "MyOpenSemaphore" (:string) (:cptr "void"))
(links are to index).
<semaphores>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-function close-handle "CloseHandle" ((:cptr "void")) :bool)
<semaphores>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun release-semaphore (sem &optional (count 1)) (let ((handle (semaphore-handle sem))) (unless (and handle (base-release-semaphore handle count)) (error "semaphore release failed")))) (export 'release-semaphore)
(links are to index).
<semaphores>+= (U->) [<-D->] (wrap:c-lines " #define MyReleaseSemaphore(a,b) ReleaseSemaphore(a,b,NULL)") (wrap:c-function base-release-semaphore "MyReleaseSemaphore" ((:cptr "void") :integer) :bool)
(links are to index).
<semaphores>+= (U->) [<-D->] (defun wait-semaphore (sem) (let ((handle (semaphore-handle sem))) (unless (and handle (base-wait-semaphore handle)) (error "semaphore wait failed")))) (export 'wait-semaphore)
(links are to index).
in Ex
version? (Richter says to.)
<semaphores>+= (U->) [<-D] (wrap:c-lines " static BOOL WaitSemaphore(HANDLE sem) { MSG msg; BOOL signaled = FALSE; while (! signaled) { switch(MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &sem, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLEVENTS)) { case -1: return FALSE; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: signaled = TRUE; break; default: while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { XLGLOBAL extern HWND hWndFrame, hWndClient, hAccel; if(! TranslateMDISysAccel(hWndClient, &msg) && ! TranslateAccelerator(hWndFrame, hAccel, &msg)) { TTYFlushOutput(); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } } return TRUE; }") (wrap:c-function base-wait-semaphore "WaitSemaphore" ((:cptr "void")) :bool)
(links are to index).
that appear in string expanded.
<odds and ends examples>= > (win32:expand-environment-strings "My home is %home%") "My home is C:\\users\\luke"
<odds and ends>= (U->) (wrap:c-function base-expand-environment-strings "ExpandEnvironmentStrings" (:string :string :unsigned) :unsigned) (defun expand-environment-strings (string) (flet ((check (n) (if (= n 0) (raise-win32-error "ExpandEnvironmentStrings") n))) (let* ((n (check (base-expand-environment-strings string "" 0))) (value (make-string n))) (check (base-expand-environment-strings string value n)) (let ((pos (position (int-char 0) value))) (if pos (subseq value 0 pos) value))))) (export 'expand-environment-strings)
(links are to index).
<win32.wrp>= (let ((major 3) (minor 52) (subminor 16)) (unless (or (> system:xls-major-release major) (and (= system:xls-major-release major) (> system:xls-minor-release minor)) (and (= system:xls-major-release major) (= system:xls-minor-release minor) (>= system:xls-subminor-release subminor))) (error "Win32 support requires at least version ~d.~d.~d" major minor subminor))) (provide "win32") (defpackage "WIN32" (:use "XLISP")) (in-package "WIN32") (defvar *win32-library*) (wrap:library-load *win32-library*) (defun unload-win32 () (shlib:close-shared-library *win32-library*)) <error handling> <operating system information> <shell functions> <registry functions> <semaphores> <odds and ends>
<dllstub.c>= #include <windows.h> int APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hdll, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved ) { switch( reason ) { case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return( 1 ); }