(load "regexp") (load "sock") (load "http") (use-package "HTTP")
Making an HTTP HEAD request:
> (http-head "www.stat.umn.edu") ; => #S(HTTP::HTTP-HEADER HTTP::TABLE ; (("accept-ranges" "bytes") ; ("content-length" "7818") ; ("etag" "\"4c980-1e8a-348591b5\"") ; ("last-modified" "Wed, 03 Dec 1997 17:07:01 GMT") ; ("content-type" "text/html") ; ("connection" "close") ; ("server" "Apache/1.2b7") ; ("date" "Wed, 03 Dec 1997 23:47:49 GMT") ; ("http" "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")))
Getting a text URL:
> (http-get-content "www.umn.edu") "<html> <head> <meta name=\"DESCRIPTION\" content=\"No summary\"> <title>University of Minnesota</title> </head> <!-- BACKGROUND IMAGE --> <body background=\"/tc/images/burg2.jpg\" text=\"CCCCCC\" link=\"CCCCCC\" alink=\"777777\" vlink=\"777777\"> <center> <a href=\"/system/welcome.html\"><img border=0 src=\"/tc/images/UofM.jpg\" ALT= \"University of Minnesota graphic\"></a><p> ..."
Getting a Gopher URL:
> (gopher-get-content "gopher://gopher.stat.umn.edu") "1DOCS\t1/DOCS\tstpaul.stat.umn.edu\t70\t+ 1LIBRARY\t1/LIBRARY\tstpaul.stat.umn.edu\t70\t+ 1Paper Pre-Print Archive\t1/pre-prints\tstpaul.stat.umn.edu\t70\t+ 0README\t0/README\tstpaul.stat.umn.edu\t70\t+ 1SOFTWARE\t1/SOFTWARE\tstpaul.stat.umn.edu\t70\t+ ... . "
<http.lsp>= ;;;; ;;;; HTTP Stuff ;;;; ;;;; Needs sock.lsp and regex.lsp (defpackage "HTTP" (:use "XLISP" "SOCKETS" "REGEXP")) (in-package "HTTP") ;;;; ;;;; Private Functions ;;;; (defstruct http-config proxy-host proxy-port (user-agent "XLS http")) (defvar *http-config* (make-http-config)) ;;**** do this differently? (defun get-default-port (proto) (let* ((port-data '(("http" 80) ("telnet" 23) ("gopher" 70))) (port (second (assoc proto port-data :test #'string-equal)))) (if port port (error "can't find default port for ~s protocol" proto)))) (defun parse-url (url) (flet ((bad-url (url) (error "~s is not a proper URL" url))) (let ((vals (regexp "^(([^:]+)://)?([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)?" url))) (if vals (let ((proto (third vals)) (server (fourth vals)) (port (sixth vals)) (path (seventh vals))) (unless proto (setf proto "http")) (unless server (bad-url url)) (setf port (if port (parse-integer port) (get-default-port proto))) (unless path (setf path "/")) (values proto server port path)) (bad-url url))))) (defun http-open (action command query url config) (unless config (setf config *http-config*)) (multiple-value-bind (proto server port path) (parse-url url) (unless (equal proto "http") (error "~s is not the HTTP protocol" proto)) (let* ((proxy-host (http-config-proxy-host config)) (proxy-port (http-config-proxy-port config)) (myhost (if proxy-host proxy-host server)) (myport (if proxy-port proxy-port port)) (user-agent (http-config-user-agent config))) (with-client-socket (sock myport myhost) (http-open-write-command proxy-host command server port path sock) (socket-write-line (format nil "User-Agent: ~s" user-agent) sock) (socket-write-line (format nil "Host: ~a" server) sock) (when query (http-open-write-query query sock)) (socket-write-line "" sock) (socket-force-output sock) (when action (funcall action sock)))))) (defun http-open-write-command (proxy command server port path sock) (if proxy (socket-write-line (format nil "~a http://~/:~d~a HTTP/1.0" command server port path) sock) (socket-write-line (format nil "~a ~a HTTP/1.0" command path) sock))) (defun http-open-write-query (query sock) (socket-write-line (format nil "Content-Length: ~d" (length query)) sock) (socket-write-line "" sock) (socket-write-line query sock)) (defstruct (http-header (:print-function print-http-header)) table) (defun print-http-header (header stream depth) (let ((table (http-header-table header))) (if *print-escape* (format stream "#S(~s ~s ~s)" 'http-header 'table table) (dolist (pair table) (format stream "~&~a: ~a~%" (first pair) (second pair)))))) (defun set-http-header-value (header key val) (let ((entry (assoc key (http-header-table header) :test #'string-equal))) (if entry (push val (rest entry)) (push (list key val) (http-header-table header))))) (defsetf http-header-value set-http-header-value) (defun http-header-value (header key) (first (rest (assoc key (http-header-table header) :test #'string-equal)))) (defun http-header-content-length (header) (parse-integer (http-header-value header "content-length"))) (defun http-header-http-status (header) (second (regexp "HTTP/1\\.[0-9]* *([0-9].*$)" (http-header-value header "http")))) (defun read-http-header (sock) (let ((code (socket-read-line sock nil nil)) (header (make-http-header))) (when code (setf (http-header-value header "http") code) (loop (let ((line (socket-read-line sock nil nil))) (unless (and line (not (equal line ""))) (return header)) (let* ((kv (rest (regexp "^([^:]+): *(.*)$" line))) (name (string-downcase (first kv))) (value (second kv))) (setf (http-header-value header name) value))))))) (defun http-get (user-action command query url &optional config) (flet ((action (sock) (let* ((header (read-http-header sock)) (status (http-header-http-status header))) (unless status (error "no status code")) (case (char status 0) (#\2 (when user-action (funcall user-action header sock))) (#\3 (http-get user-action command query (http-header-value header "location") config)) (otherwise (error status)))))) (http-open #'action command query url config))) ;;;; ;;;; Public Functions ;;;; (export '(http-head http-get-content gopher-get-content)) (defun http-head (url &optional config) (http-get #'(lambda (h s) h) "HEAD" nil url config)) (defun http-get-content (url &optional config) (flet ((action (header sock) (let* ((size (http-header-content-length header)) (buf (make-string size))) (dotimes (i size buf) (setf (char buf i) (int-char (sockets::socket-read-byte sock))))))) (http-get #'action "GET" nil url config))) (defun gopher-get-content (url) (multiple-value-bind (proto server port path) (parse-url url) (with-client-socket (sock port server) (socket-write-line path sock) (socket-force-output sock) (with-output-to-string (s) (loop (multiple-value-bind (line nlmissing) (socket-read-line sock nil nil) (unless line (return)) (write-string line s) (unless nlmissing (terpri s))))))))
[1] Brent B. Welch. Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2nd edition, 1997.