One item I will not rely on is library startup and termination code. All systems claim to allow this, and most probably do (early UNIX versions didn't seem to) but the problem is that there is no control (as far as I know) over when these routines are called. This could create some headaches, especially if termination code is called after resources it depends on might have been released. For now, I prefer to use explicit calls along with my finalization mechanism.
This note outlines a basic implementation of the dlfcn
on a range of platforms and describes some issues in using the
interface I have identified. I'm sure there are more little traps
buried here; I'll update this document as i learn more. If you read
this and find errors or things that should be added, please let me
The code described here is available. It works in my setup; your mileage may vary.
<generic version of dlfcn.h>= #define RTLD_LAZY 1 #define RTLD_NOW 2 void *dlopen(const char *, int); void *dlsym(void *, const char *); int dlclose(void *); char *dlerror(void);
(links are to index).
The constants may have other values on some systems.
opens a shared library specified by the file name path in
its first argument. How relative path names are resolved is
system-dependent. The second argument specifies whether undefined
references in the library must be resolved at load time (RTLD_NOW
or can be resolved later (RTLD_LAZY
). Deferred resolution sounds
more attractive but it is risky---failure usually results in an
unrecoverable error. In contrast, failure to resolve at load time
produces a NULL
return value and (hopefully) a meaningful message
from dlerror
. I will only use RTLD_NOW
and assume all
references in the loaded library are either into the executable or
resolved when the shared library was linked. dlopen
returns a
library handle, or NULL
on failure.
returns the address of a symbol in the library handle, or
on failure. Depending on the system, this symbol may or may
not be guaranteed to be a function pointer. ``Real'' dlsym and the Mac
version will return addresses of globals in the shared library; the
windows variant probably will not (**** check this out).
takes a library handle and closes the library. A reference
count should be maintained to make sure the library is only really
closed after the last handle for it has been closed. (**** need to
check that this is really true).
returns a string with an error message for the most recent
error. I'm not sure if some versions don't return NULL
if there
was no error.
AIX is one of the few UNIX systems that seems to require explicit exporting of symbols via an exports file or perhaps command line options. When I looked into this some time ago I did not find a way to make all external symbols as exported. I don't currently have access to an AIX machine, so I can't do any further testing.
to the HPUX base, use the header file
<HPUX dlfcn.h>= #include <dl.h> #define RTLD_LAZY (BIND_DEFERRED | BIND_NONFATAL) #define RTLD_NOW BIND_IMMEDIATE void *dlopen(const char *, int); void *dlsym(void *, const char *); int dlclose(void *); char *dlerror(void);
(links are to index).
<HPUX dlfcn.c>= #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dlfcn.h> /* * This is a minimal implementation of the ELF dlopen, dlclose, dlsym * and dlerror routines based on HP's shl_load, shl_unload and * shl_findsym. */ /* * Reference Counting. * * Empirically it looks like the HP routines do not maintain a * reference count, so I maintain one here. */ typedef struct lib_entry { shl_t handle; int count; struct lib_entry *next; } *LibEntry; #define lib_entry_handle(e) ((e)->handle) #define lib_entry_count(e) ((e)->count) #define lib_entry_next(e) ((e)->next) #define set_lib_entry_handle(e,v) ((e)->handle = (v)) #define set_lib_entry_count(e,v) ((e)->count = (v)) #define set_lib_entry_next(e,v) ((e)->next = (v)) #define increment_lib_entry_count(e) ((e)->count++) #define decrement_lib_entry_count(e) ((e)->count--) static LibEntry Entries = NULL; static LibEntry find_lib_entry(shl_t handle) { LibEntry entry; for (entry = Entries; entry != NULL; entry = lib_entry_next(entry)) if (lib_entry_handle(entry) == handle) return entry; return NULL; } static LibEntry new_lib_entry(shl_t handle) { LibEntry entry; if ((entry = (LibEntry) malloc(sizeof(struct lib_entry))) != NULL) { set_lib_entry_handle(entry, handle); set_lib_entry_count(entry, 1); set_lib_entry_next(entry, Entries); Entries = entry; } return entry; } static void free_lib_entry(LibEntry entry) { if (entry == Entries) Entries = lib_entry_next(entry); else { LibEntry last, next; for (last = Entries, next = lib_entry_next(last); next != NULL; last = next, next = lib_entry_next(last)) { if (entry == next) { set_lib_entry_next(last, lib_entry_next(entry)); break; } } } free(entry); } /* * Error Handling. */ #define ERRBUFSIZE 1000 static char errbuf[ERRBUFSIZE]; static int dlerrno = 0; char *dlerror(void) { return dlerrno ? errbuf : NULL; } /* * Opening and Closing Liraries. */ void *dlopen(const char *fname, int mode) { shl_t handle; LibEntry entry = NULL; dlerrno = 0; if (fname == NULL) handle = PROG_HANDLE; else { handle = shl_load(fname, mode, 0L); if (handle != NULL) { if ((entry = find_lib_entry(handle)) == NULL) { if ((entry = new_lib_entry(handle)) == NULL) { shl_unload(handle); handle = NULL; } } else increment_lib_entry_count(entry); } if (handle == NULL) { char *errstr; dlerrno = errno; errstr = strerror(errno); if (errno == NULL) errstr = "???"; sprintf(errbuf, "can't open %s: %s", fname, errstr); } } #ifdef DEBUG printf("opening library %s, handle = %x, count = %d\n", fname, handle, entry ? lib_entry_count(entry) : -1); if (dlerrno) printf("%s\n", dlerror()); #endif return (void *) handle; } int dlclose(void *handle) { LibEntry entry; #ifdef DEBUG entry = find_lib_entry(handle); printf("closing library handle = %x, count = %d\n", handle, entry ? lib_entry_count(entry) : -1); #endif dlerrno = 0; if ((shl_t) handle == PROG_HANDLE) return 0; /* ignore attempts to close main program */ else { if ((entry = find_lib_entry((shl_t) handle)) != NULL) { decrement_lib_entry_count(entry); if (lib_entry_count(entry) > 0) return 0; else { /* unload once reference count reaches zero */ free_lib_entry(entry); if (shl_unload((shl_t) handle) == 0) return 0; } } /* if you get to here, an error has occurred */ dlerrno = 1; sprintf(errbuf, "attempt to close library failed"); #ifdef DEBUG printf("%s\n", dlerror()); #endif return -1; } } /* * Symbol Lookup. */ void *dlsym(void *handle, const char *name) { void *f; shl_t myhandle; dlerrno = 0; myhandle = (handle == NULL) ? PROG_HANDLE : (shl_t) handle; if (shl_findsym(&myhandle, name, TYPE_PROCEDURE, &f) != 0) { dlerrno = 1; sprintf(errbuf, "symbol %s not found", name); f = NULL; } return(f); }
(links are to index).
The makefile for the HPUX dlfcn
emulation library is
<HPUX Makefile for dlfcn library>= CFLAGS = -Aa +z -I. dlfcn.o ld -b -o dlfcn.o -ldld
resource---maybe this is worth adding****.
<Macintosh dlfcn.c>= #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <CodeFragments.h> #include "macutils.h" static char errbuf[512]; /* Minimal emulation of SysVR4-ELF dynamic loading routines for the Macintosh. * Based on code by Bob Stine as Modified by Steve Majewski. */ void *dlopen(const char *name, int mode) { FSSpec fileSpec; Str255 errName, libName; OSErr err; Ptr mainAddr; CFragConnectionID connID; /* Build a file spec record for GetDiskFragment */ if (strlen(name) < 254) strcpy((char *) libName, name); else { sprintf(errbuf, "library name too long"); return NULL; } CtoPstr((char *) libName); err = FSMakeFSSpecFromPath((ConstStr255Param) libName, &fileSpec); if (err != noErr) { sprintf(errbuf, "error code %d creating file spec for library %s", err, name); return NULL; } /* Open the fragment (will not add another copy if loaded, though gives new ID) */ err = GetDiskFragment(&fileSpec, 0, kCFragGoesToEOF, 0, kLoadCFrag, &connID, &mainAddr, errName); if (err == noErr) return (void *) connID; else { PtoCstr(errName); sprintf(errbuf, "error code %d getting disk fragment %s for library %s", err, errName, name); return NULL; } } /* This version does not handle NULL as the library for looking in the executable. It also does not check the symbol class. */ void *dlsym(void *lib, const char *name) { CFragConnectionID connID = (CFragConnectionID) lib; OSErr err; Ptr symAddr; CFragSymbolClass symClass; Str255 symName; if (strlen(name) < 254) strcpy((char *) symName, name); else { sprintf(errbuf, "symbol name too long"); return NULL; } CtoPstr((char *) symName); err = FindSymbol(connID, symName, &symAddr, &symClass); if (err == noErr) return (void *) symAddr; else { sprintf(errbuf, "error code %d looking up symbol %s", err, name); return NULL; } } int dlclose(void *lib) { CFragConnectionID connID = (CFragConnectionID) lib; OSErr err; err = CloseConnection(&connID); if (err == noErr) return 0; else { sprintf(errbuf, "error code %d closing library", err); return -1; } } char *dlerror() { return errbuf; }
(links are to index).
This needs a support routine that is based on some routines from the MoreFiles package and is derived from a routine in the Tcl 8.0 distribution. This routine is used to make sure that any aliases along the path for a shared library are handled properly. At some point I may add more of the stuff in MoreFiles, and perhaps just use the whole package. The header file for these utilities is
<macutils.h>= OSErr GetDirectoryID(short vRefNum, long, StringPtr, long *, Boolean *); OSErr FSpGetDirectoryID(const FSSpec *, long *, Boolean *); OSErr FSMakeFSSpecFromPath(ConstStr255Param, FSSpecPtr);
(links are to index).
<macutils.c>= #include "macutils.h" static void CopyNamePart(StringPtr Name, ConstStr255Param fileName, start) { int end = fileName[0] + 1, nlen, pos; for (nlen = 0, pos = start; pos < end && fileName[pos] == ':'; nlen++, pos++) Name[nlen + 1] = ':'; for (; pos < end && fileName[pos] != ':'; nlen++, pos++) Name[nlen + 1] = fileName[pos]; Name[0] = nlen; } /* This function is an adaptation of the function FSpLocationFromPath in tclMacUtils.c in the Tcl 8.0 distribution */ OSErr FSMakeFSSpecFromPath(ConstStr255Param fileName, FSSpecPtr spec) { Boolean isDir, wasAlias; int pos, end; OSErr err; Str255 Name; short vRefNum; long dirID; /* get the initial directory information and set up first path component */ CopyNamePart(Name, fileName, 1); if (Name[0] < fileName[0] && Name[1] != ':') { /* absolute path */ Name[0]++; Name[Name[0]] = ':'; if ((err = FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, Name, spec)) != noErr) return err; if ((err = FSpGetDirectoryID(spec, &dirID, &isDir)) != noErr) return err; if (! isDir) return dirNFErr; vRefNum = spec->vRefNum; pos = Name[0] + 1; CopyNamePart(Name, fileName, pos); } else { dirID = 0; vRefNum = 0; pos = 1; isDir = true; } /* process remaining path parts */ end = fileName[0] + 1; while (true) { if ((err = FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum, dirID, Name[0] == 0 ? NULL : Name, spec)) != noErr || (err = ResolveAliasFile(spec, true, &isDir, &wasAlias)) != noErr) return err; pos += Name[0]; if (pos < end) { if ((err = FSpGetDirectoryID(spec, &dirID, &isDir)) != noErr) return err; if (! isDir) return dirNFErr; vRefNum = spec->vRefNum; CopyNamePart(Name, fileName, pos); } else return noErr; } } /* * The following functions are taken from MoreFiles. For now these are all I * use; if I end up using lots more I'll include the whole MoreFiles library. */ OSErr GetDirectoryID(short vRefNum, long dirID, StringPtr name, long *theDirID, Boolean *isDirectory) { CInfoPBRec pb; Str31 tempName; OSErr error; /* Protection against File Sharing problem */ if ( (name == NULL) || (name[0] == 0) ) { tempName[0] = 0; pb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = tempName; pb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1; /* use ioDirID */ } else { pb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = name; pb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0; /* use ioNamePtr and ioDirID */ } pb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = vRefNum; pb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = dirID; error = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb); *isDirectory = (pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) != 0; *theDirID = (*isDirectory) ? pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID : pb.hFileInfo.ioFlParID; return error; } OSErr FSpGetDirectoryID(const FSSpec *spec, long *theDirID, Boolean *isDirectory) { return GetDirectoryID(spec->vRefNum, spec->parID, (StringPtr)spec->name, theDirID, isDirectory); }
(links are to index).
Mac header files are assumed to come in from a standard precompiled header.
only returns function pointers not data addresses.
For Win32 more detailed error messages could be obtained using
. Currently a NULL
argument to dlopen
not open a reference to the executable; it should not be too hard to
add this feature using GetModuleHandle
. I'm not sure if this works
only in Win32 or also in Win16.
<Windows dlfcn.c>= #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> static char errbuf[512]; void *dlopen(const char *name, int mode) { HINSTANCE hdll; hdll = LoadLibrary(name); #ifdef _WIN32 if (! hdll) { sprintf(errbuf, "error code %d loading library %s", GetLastError(), name); return NULL; } #else if ((UINT) hdll < 32) { sprintf(errbuf, "error code %d loading library %s", (UINT) hdll, name); return NULL; } #endif return (void *) hdll; } void *dlsym(void *lib, const char *name) { HMODULE hdll = (HMODULE) lib; void *symAddr; symAddr = (void *) GetProcAddress(hdll, name); if (symAddr == NULL) sprintf(errbuf, "can't find symbol %s", name); return symAddr; } int dlclose(void *lib) { HMODULE hdll = (HMODULE) lib; #ifdef _WIN32 if (FreeLibrary(hdll)) return 0; else { sprintf(errbuf, "error code %d closing library", GetLastError()); return -1; } #else FreeLibrary(hdll); return 0; #endif } char *dlerror() { return errbuf; }
(links are to index).
<dltest.c>= #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #if defined(__WATCOMC__) # define foosym "foo_" # define barsym "bar_" #elif defined(__BORLANDC__) # define foosym "_foo" # define barsym "_bar" #else # define foosym "foo" # define barsym "bar" #endif #define DLERRCHECK(x) \ do { \ if (!(x)) { \ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", dlerror()); \ exit(1); \ } \ } while(0) int zip = 0; void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *liba, *libb; void (*foo)(void), (*bar)(void); DLERRCHECK((liba = dlopen("a.dll", RTLD_NOW)) != NULL); DLERRCHECK((libb = dlopen("b.dll", RTLD_NOW)) != NULL); DLERRCHECK((foo = (void (*)(void)) dlsym(liba, foosym)) != NULL); DLERRCHECK((bar = (void (*)(void)) dlsym(libb, barsym)) != NULL); foo(); bar(); DLERRCHECK(dlclose(liba) != -1); DLERRCHECK(dlclose(libb) != -1); } void baz(void); void baz() { printf("baz called; zip = %d\n", zip); }
(links are to index).
The first library, a.dll
, just provides one routine, foo
, to call.
<a.c>= #include <stdio.h> #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_WIN32) # define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else # define EXPORT #endif EXPORT void foo(void); EXPORT void foo() { printf("foo called\n"); }
(links are to index).
The second library, b.dll
, provides the function bar
. In
addition, it calls the function baz
in the main program and
accesses the main program's global variable zip
<b.c>= #include <stdio.h> #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_WIN32) # define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # define IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) #else # define EXPORT # define IMPORT extern #endif IMPORT void baz(void); IMPORT int zip; EXPORT void bar(void); EXPORT void bar() { printf("calling baz\n"); zip++; baz(); printf("done with bar\n"); }
(links are to index).
for building the tests on HPUX is
<HPUX Makefile for tests>= CFLAGS = -Aa +z -I../HP LDFLAGS = -L../HP -Wl,-E all: dltest a.dll b.dll a.dll: a.o ld -b a.o -o a.dll b.dll: b.o ld -b b.o -o b.dll dltest: dltest.o cc $(LDFLAGS) -o dltest dltest.o -ldl clean: rm -f *.o dltest a.dll b.dll
Makefiles for other flavors of UNIX need a bit of diddling to get the
right flags for generating PIC code and the right commands for
creating shared libraries. The Tcl 8.0 configure files and the GNU
stuff should allow this to be automated, but I haven't
done that yet****.
Some UNIX flavors, like AIX, seem to require explicit exporting of symbols.
Some UNIX flavors may add leading or trailing underscores to external symbol names.
It may be possible to support older UNIX systems that don;t have a
shared library mechanism by making a dlfcn
emulation based on GNU
or the COFF ldfcn
code used for MIPS architectures. I
should be able to test the COFF stuff on our SGI, but I won't bother
unless there is lots of demand (and then I'll look for
The Mac does not seem to allow a shared library to have unresolved symbols, but you can handle references into an executable by linking the library against the executable. You also need to take some action to export external symbols; fortunately this is easy. I have not yet explored what happens when files are moved around, search pat issues, and the like ****.
To allow all external symbols in a program or library to be
referenced, choose All globals
form the Export Symbols
menu in
the project PPC PEF
entry of the Linker
section of the
Target Settings Panel
. To allow a shared library to reference
globals in an executable, add the executable's file to the project
and in the File Mappings
entry of the Target
section of
the Target Settings Panel
make the ``Compiler'' for APPL
whatever th appropriate type in under CFM68K) be PEF Import
. It's only three or four mouse clicks---of course it takes hours
to find out which three or four mouse clicks.
function (for Win32---it needs to be a little different for Win16).
<dllstub.c>= #include <windows.h> int APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hdll, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved ) { switch( reason ) { case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return( 1 ); }
(links are to index).
Now the fun part. There are lots of compilers available on Windows,
each with its own little idiosyncrasies. Windows on the whole seems
less than thrilled about resolving symbol references at runtime with
no compile time hints. Watcom seems able to handle that, but I haven't
been able to figure out how to do it on other compilers. The approach
I have used instead is to produce a .lib
file for the main
executable, analogous to th e import library for a DLL, and to link
that file with DLL's that need to do callbacks.
Some issues that need to be considered:
files, seem to allow
renaming, so it would be possible to adopt a standard naming
convention (e.g. MS VC's which has no underscores).
(which of course have to be different because of the underscore
differences). It looks like Watcom may not support .def
but wlink
has an export directive that can be used. ****
from an executable. MS VC seems to do it
automatically if there are exported symbols. With Borland use
; with Watcom use wlib
, a stack-based scheme with certain
conventions on return values and callee-saved registers. I
think MS VC's is the same. Watcom's is very different and I
found no way to make Watcom use __cdecl
conventions for all its
functions. There is a -3s
switch that makes Watcom use
stack-based conventions, but it seems to do floating point returns
differently and have different ideas about who saves what registers
than __cdecl
. All three seem to support the __cdecl
for explicitly specifying that a function uses this convention.
This is probably why Splus only supports DLL's compiled with Watcom.
. For functions this is
optional, but produces more efficient code; for data it is mandatory
according to the MS VC docs.
With these issues in mind, I will probably stick with Borland as the
compiler for XLISP-STAT since it will use __cdecl
. I will need to
resolve how to handle the exported symbol names for callback. They can
either be renamed to MS conventions (no underscore) in the .def
file, or a DLL header file can handle the renaming. THe header is
needed in any case to put the __declspec(dllimport)
in front of
Here are some details on making (or trying to make) the test code work
with Metrowerks, Watcom, Borland, and VC. I have not yet tried Cygnus
or lcc
CW Pro 1 doesn't seem to use .def
files, and I can't seem to make
a .lib
from a .exe
. It doesn't like what Borland's implib
file for exporting symbols from .exe
(it may work somehow) but an
linker directive works.
C functions compiled with default calling conventions (nonstandard
register-based) get a trailing underscore; data get a leading
underscore. Using wlib dltest.lib +dltest.exe
creates the .lib
file. I'm not sure if Watcom includes a utility for finding external
symbols automatically; maybe pedump
or the Tcl 8.0 dumpexts
can be used.
Here is the Watcom Makefile for the tests.
<Watcom Makefile>= SRC = .. DLFCNDIR = ..\..\WIN INCLUDES = F:\h;F:\h\nt;$(DLFCNDIR) DEBUG_CFLAGS = -w4 -e25 -zq -od -d2 CODEGEN_CFLAGS = -5r -bt=nt -mf DLL_CFLAGS = -i=$(INCLUDES) $(DEBUG_CFLAGS) $(CODEGEN_CFLAGS) -bd EXE_CFLAGS = -i=$(INCLUDES) $(DEBUG_CFLAGS) $(CODEGEN_CFLAGS) DEBUG_LDFLAGS = d all op inc op m op maxe=25 op q op symf DLL_LDFLAGS = $(DEBUG_LDFLAGS) SYS nt_dll EXE_LDFLAGS = $(DEBUG_LDFLAGS) SYS nt all: dltest.exe a.dll b.dll a.obj : $(SRC)\a.c .AUTODEPEND *wcc386 $(SRC)\a.c $(DLL_CFLAGS) dllstub.obj : $(SRC)\dllstub.c .AUTODEPEND *wcc386 $(SRC)\dllstub.c $(DLL_CFLAGS) a.dll : a.obj dllstub.obj .AUTODEPEND @%write a.lk1 FIL a.obj,dllstub.obj *wlink name a $(DLL_LDFLAGS) @a.lk1 wlib -n -b a.lib +a.dll dlfcn.obj : $(DLFCNDIR)\dlfcn.c .AUTODEPEND *wcc386 $(DLFCNDIR)\dlfcn.c $(EXE_CFLAGS) dltest.obj : $(SRC)\dltest.c .AUTODEPEND *wcc386 $(SRC)\dltest.c $(EXE_CFLAGS) dltest.exe : dlfcn.obj dltest.obj .AUTODEPEND @%write dltest.lk1 FIL dlfcn.obj,dltest.obj @%append dltest.lk1 *wlink name dltest $(EXP_LDFLAGS) exp baz_,_zip @dltest.lk1 dltest.lib : dltest.exe wlib dltest.lib +dltest.exe b.obj : $(SRC)\b.c .AUTODEPEND *wcc386 $(SRC)\b.c $(DLL_CFLAGS) b.dll : b.obj dllstub.obj dltest.lib .AUTODEPEND @%write b.lk1 FIL b.obj,dllstub.obj @%append b.lk1 LIBR dltest.lib *wlink name b $(DLL_LDFLAGS) @b.lk1 wlib -n -b b.lib +b.dll clean: -del *.exe -del *.dll -del *.lib -del *.obj -del *.lk1 -del *.map -del *.ilk -del *.sym
conventions are used and symbols have a
leading underscore; I think this can be turned off with a flag.
can be used to make .lib
file for .exe
. tdump
can be used to get a listing of external symbols.
<Borland Makefile>= .AUTODEPEND # # Borland C++ tools # IMPLIB = $(TOOLBIN)\IMPLIB BCC32 = $(TOOLBIN)\BCC32 TLINK32 = $(TOOLBIN)\TLINK32 # # Directories # TOOLS = F:\BC5 TOOLBIN = $(TOOLS)\BIN LIBDIRS = $(TOOLS)\LIB INCDIRS = $(TOOLS)\INCLUDE;$(DLFCNSRC) SRC = .. DLFCNSRC = ..\..\WIN # # Runtime Options # # This is for using the Borland runtime DLL (single threaded) # Drop the _RTLDLL and use cw32.lib for static runtime RTDEFINES = -D_RTLDLL RTLIB = cw32i.lib # # Options # DEFINES = $(RTDEFINES) -DSTRICT EXE_CFLAGS = -w -v -H=dltest.csm -WC -I$(INCDIRS) $(DEFINES) DLL_CFLAGS = -w -v -H=dltest.csm -WD -I$(INCDIRS) $(DEFINES) DLL_LDOPTS = -L$(LIBDIRS) -Tpd -aa -c $(TOOLS)\LIB\c0d32.obj EXE_LDOPTS = -L$(LIBDIRS) -Tpe -ap -c $(TOOLS)\LIB\c0x32.obj # # Dependency List # all: dltest.exe a.dll b.dll dltest.lib : dltest.exe $(IMPLIB) dltest.lib dltest.exe dltest.exe : dlfcn.obj dltest.def dltest.obj $(TLINK32) @&&| /v $(EXE_LDOPTS) dlfcn.obj dltest.obj $<,$* import32.lib $(RTLIB) dltest.def | a.lib : a.dll $(IMPLIB) $@ a.dll a.dll : dllstub.obj a.obj $(TLINK32) @&&| /v $(DLL_LDOPTS) dllstub.obj a.obj $<,$* import32.lib $(RTLIB) | b.lib : b.dll $(IMPLIB) $@ b.dll b.dll : dllstub.obj dltest.lib b.obj $(TLINK32) @&&| /v $(DLL_LDOPTS) dllstub.obj b.obj $<,$* dltest.lib import32.lib $(RTLIB) | dlfcn.obj dltest.obj : cfgexe.cfg dllstub.obj a.obj b.obj : cfgdll.cfg dlfcn.obj : $(DLFCNSRC)\dlfcn.c $(BCC32) +cfgexe.cfg -c -o$@ $(DLFCNSRC)\dlfcn.c dltest.obj : $(SRC)/dltest.c $(BCC32) +cfgexe.cfg -c -o$@ $(SRC)/dltest.c dllstub.obj : $(SRC)\dllstub.c $(BCC32) +cfgdll.cfg -c -o$@ $(SRC)\dllstub.c a.obj : $(SRC)\a.c $(BCC32) +cfgdll.cfg -c -o$@ $(SRC)\a.c b.obj : $(SRC)\b.c $(BCC32) +cfgdll.cfg -c -o$@ $(SRC)\b.c # Compiler configuration files cfgexe.cfg : Copy &&| $(EXE_CFLAGS) | $@ cfgdll.cfg : Copy &&| $(DLL_CFLAGS) | $@ # Remove all generated files clean: -@erase *.exe -@erase *.lib -@erase *.dll -@erase *.obj -@erase *.cfg -@erase *.map
<Borland dltest.def>= EXPORTS _baz _zip
seems to make a .lib
for a .exe
automatically if there are exports. dumpbin
produces information
on external symbols. I think the default calling convention is
<Microsoft VC++ Makefile>= TOOLS = f:\devstudio\vc CC=$(TOOLS)\bin\cl.exe LINK32=link.exe DLL_CFLAGS=/nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FD EXE_CFLAGS=/nologo /ML /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /FD\ /D "_MBCS" -I..\..\win DLL_LDFLAGS=$(STDLIBS) /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:no\ /machine:I386 EXE_LDFLAGS=$(STDLIBS) /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no\ /machine:I386 STDLIBS=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib\ advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib\ odbccp32.lib SRC = .. all: dltest.exe a.dll b.dll a.obj : $(SRC)\a.c $(CC) $(DLL_CFLAGS) -c $(SRC)\a.c b.obj : $(SRC)\b.c $(CC) $(DLL_CFLAGS) -c $(SRC)\b.c dllstub.obj : $(SRC)\dllstub.c $(CC) $(DLL_CFLAGS) -c $(SRC)\dllstub.c dlfcn.obj : ..\..\win\dlfcn.c $(CPP) $(EXE_CFLAGS) -c ..\..\win\dlfcn.c dltest.obj : $(SRC)\dltest.c $(CC) $(EXE_CFLAGS) -c $(SRC)\dltest.c a.dll : a.obj dllstub.obj $(LINK32) @<< $(DLL_LDFLAGS) /out:a.dll a.obj dllstub.obj << b.dll : b.obj dllstub.obj dltest.lib $(LINK32) @<< $(DLL_LDFLAGS) /out:b.dll b.obj dllstub.obj dltest.lib << dltest.exe dltest.lib : dltest.def dlfcn.obj dltest.obj $(LINK32) @<< $(EXE_LDFLAGS) /def:dltest.def /out:dltest.exe dlfcn.obj dltest.obj << clean : -@erase *.obj -@erase *.dll -@erase *.exp -@erase *.lib -@erase *.exe -@erase *.idb
<Microsoft VC++ dltest.def>= EXPORTS baz zip
, -4s
, or -5s
calling convention option, which uses
stack based calls. In any care, V&R seem to indicate that DLL's with
Watcom stack calling and MS standard (i.e. __cdecl
I think) can be
used interchangeably, and that callback to things like unif_rand
works. I'm a little concerned and confused about this. Here is what
Watcom's dosumentation says about their stack-based convention used
when compiled with the 3{r|s}
option set to s
If theAbout the calling convention that goes withs
suffix is specified, the following machine-level code strategy is employed.The
- The compiler will pass all arguments on the stack.
- The EAX, ECX and EDX registers are not preserved across function calls.
- The FS and GS registers are not preserved across function calls.
- The result of a function of type ``float'' is returned in EAX. The result of a function of type ``double'' is returned in EDX:EAX.
- The resulting code will be larger than that which is generated for the register method of passing arguments (see ``3r'' above).
- The naming convention for all global functions and variables is modified such that no underscore characters (``
'') are prefixed or suffixed to the symbol name.s
conventions are similar to those used by the MetaWare High C 386 compiler.
they write:
Watcom C/C++ supports theThis doesn't say who is responsible for cleaning up the stack for the Watcom conventions; let's assume it is also the caller. The phrasing about certain refisters not being preserved across calls means these registers may be modified freely by callees.__cdecl
keyword to describe C functions that are called using a special convention.Notes:
Watcom C/C++ predefines the macros
- All symbols are preceded by an underscore character.
- Arguments are pushed on the stack from right to left. That is, the last argument is pushed first. The calling routine will remove the arguments from the stack.
- Floating-point values are returned in the same way as structures. When a structure is returned, the called routine allocates space for the return value and returns a pointer to the return value in register EAX
- For the 16-bit compiler, registers AX, BX, CX and DX, and segment register ES are not saved and restored when a call is made.
- For the 32-bit compiler, registers EAX, ECX and EDX are not saved and restored when a call is made.
(16-bit only) to be equivalent to the__cdecl
Now if Splus (i.e. Watcom s
convention I assume) calls a
function with void
return (as in a .C
) then everything should work fine -- the registers the
callee modifies without saving are a subset of those the caller knows
it preserves. Return values are not an issue if all calling is of
functions. Integer-like return values may work fine -- I'll
need to check this. So using ``simple'' DLL's compiled with
might work.
On the other hand, suppose the __cdecl
DLL calls back into the
Watcom s
program. First there is a concern about the two registers
the callee might mess with but the caller thinks are safe, GS
. These are segment registers, so maybe this isn't an issue with
32-bit code, I don't know. But if you re calling unif_rand
, or
some other function returning double
, I don't see how this will
work: the two conventions return their results in completely different
places. Probably there is something I don't understand here.