Assignment 3, due Feb 6Solutions
Part of
the homework for CS:2630, Spring 2015
On every assignment, write your name legibly as it appears on your University ID card! Homework is due on paper at the start of class on the day indicated (usually Friday). Exceptions will be made only by advance arrangement (excepting "acts of God"). Late work must be turned in to the TA's mailbox (ask the CS receptionist in 14 MLH for help). Never push homework under someone's door!
TITLE "hw3.a by Douglas W. Jones, Jan. 29, 2015" ; -- another demo of the MP1 data structure NULL = 0 ; declare the value used for NULL pointers INT ARRAY ; make ARRAY visible to the test program ARRAY: W ITEM1 ; array[0] points to the record ITEM1 W ITEM2 ; array[1] points to the record ITEM1 W NULL ; array[2], a null pointer ; -- the records: ITEM1: W TEXT1 ; pointer to text H 8, 1 ; X = 8, Y = 1 ITEM2: W TEXT2 H 2, 1 ; X = 2, Y = 1 TEXT1: ASCII "world", 0 TEXT2: B 83 ; * H #7075 ; * W -#FFFF8D9B ; * END
a) What are the values of the identifiers defined by this code (NULL, ARRAY, ITEM1, ITEM2, TEXT1 and TEXT2)? (1 point)
NULL = #00000000 ITEM1 = #0000000C ITEM2 = #00000014 ARRAY = #00000000 TEXT1 = #0000001C TEXT2 = #00000022To see where these values come from, take a look at the assembly listing:
1 TITLE "hw3.a by 2 ; -- another demo of the 3 4 NULL = 0 5 INT ARRAY 6 +00000000:+0000000C 7 ARRAY: W ITEM1 +00000004:+00000014 8 W ITEM2 +00000008: 00000000 9 W NULL 10 11 ; -- the records: 12 +0000000C:+0000001C 13 ITEM1: W TEXT1 +00000010: 0008 0001 14 H 8, 1 15 +00000014:+00000022 16 ITEM2: W TEXT2 +00000018: 0002 0001 17 H 2, 1 18 +0000001C: 77 6F 72 6C 19 TEXT1: ASCII "world", 0 +00000020: 64 00 +00000022: 53 20 TEXT2: B 83 +00000023: 7075 21 H #7075 +00000025: 00007265 22 W -#FFFF8D9B 23 24 ENDIn the above listing (with the tail end of each line deleted to prevent lines from wrapping, the values of the symbols are highlighted where the assembler shows them on the left side of the page.
b) Rewrite the 3 lines of code that are commented with stars to use an equivalent ASCII directive. (For full credit, make sure this directive assembles the correct number of bytes into memory; the obvious answer may fall short.) (1 point)
ASCII "Super",0,0The note the two zeros at the end of string. One would be enough to make the program work correctly, but the original code had a B, H and W directive at the end, so the equivalent ASCII directive must output 7 bytes, with the final two being zeros. We can test that it is equivalent by assembling it and comparing what goes into memory for the original and the new version:
+00000022: 53 75 70 65 20 TEXT2: ASCII "Super", 0, 0 +00000026: 72 00 00
c) Are any of the byte, halfword or word directives used in the above code non-aligned? If so, which ones? (0.5 points)
The H on line 21 assembles into memory address #23, which is not divisible by 2.
The W on line 22 assembles into memory address #25, which is not divisible by 4.
The instruction FEDC16 has the first byte DC16 and the second byte FE16.
The first byte DC16 translates to LIS with register R12 as a destination register, while the second byte is the 8-bit constant -2. So, we can write this code:
LIS R12,-2Check this analysis by assembling it:
1 USE "hawk.h" +00000000: DC FE 2 LIS R12,-2Some students were puzzled that the assembler complains about LIS R12,#FE. That is because the LIS instruction only allows operands between –128 and +127, inclusive. The hexadecimal value #FE is interpreted by the assembler as being +254, which is outside this range. To express -2 as an unsigned 32-bit quantity in hexadecimal, you would have to write #FFFFFFFE, or you could also write -#02.