Machine Problem 3, due October 20
Part of
the homework for 22C:60, Fall 2008
Submit the source file mp3.a (or mp3.txt if you must) for your solution to ICON on or before the indicated date.
The file mp3data.o is an object file containing some null-terminated strings encoded in UTF16 format. The address of these strings are given by the external symbols STRING1 and STRING2. (There are many good web pages on UTF16, the 16-bit encoding of Unicode, including the Wikipedia page.)
First, write a subroutine, call it UTF16TOASCII. This subroutine has 3 parameters.
The subroutine must not ever overflow the bounds of the destination string, and it must guarantee that the destination string is null terminated.
Second, write a main program that allocates a 10 character buffer to hold the ASCII string and then calls your subroutine twice to convert STRING1 and STRING2 to ASCII. After each conversion, print out the converted string.
To link your program, after you have assembled your source file, you will need to type:
link mp3.o mp3data.o