Machine Problem 2, due October 6
Part of
the homework for 22C:60, Fall 2008
Submit the source file mp2.a (or mp2.txt if you must) for your solution to ICON on or before the indicated date.
The file mp2data.o is an object file containing an array of 2-word records. The first word of each record is a pointer to a null-terminated character string. The second word of each record is an integer key. The final record of the array is identified by the fact that it contains a null pointer. The external symbol ARRAY is the address of the first word in the first record of the array.
Write a program that traverses the array and outputs the (non null) string pointed to by the array element containing the largest key.
To link your program, after you have assembled your source file, you will need to type:
link mp2.o mp2data.o