Assignment 8, due Oct 24
Part of
the homework for 22C:60, Fall 2008
Remember to write your name on what you turn in! Homework must be turned in on paper and in class!
a) Draw out the truth table for this logic circuit. (0.2 points)
b) Design a circuit that performs this comparison using two exclusive-or gates to perform the comparison and just one more gate to combine their outputs. (0.2 points)
c) Evaluate the speed of the above circuit, in terms of the number of gates a change in the input must pass through to make a change in the output. The longest path from input to output determines the answer, and in speed evaluations, it is safe to assume that the exclusive or gates are made of and, or, nand, nor, and not gates. (0.2 points)
d) Present a design for a circuit that implements the desired function with only 3 levels of delay. Do this by examining the circuit you constructed in order to answer part c above and optimize it by performing some algebraic simplifications that result in a 3-level circuit. (0.2 points)
e) Suppose you used the brute force approach to converting the truth table into a 3-level circuit, with an and array and an or array. How many inverters, and gates and or gates does this circuit require. The answer can be determined by examination of the truth table. (0.2 points)