Assignment 4, due Sept 19
Part of
the homework for 22C:60, Fall 2008
Remember to write your name on what you turn in! Homework must be turned in on paper and in class!
a) 00010010001101002 = 123416
b) 11001101000100102 = CD1216
b) 10111100110111102 = BCDE16
b) 10101011110011012 = ABCD16
b) 11011110111100012 = DEF116
There are many ways to do this. You can rewrite this data as a sequence of H directives, assemble it with SMAL, load it in the Hawk emulator, and then view memory as machine instructions. Or, look up the instructions in the appendix of the Hawk manual. You can check your work this way.
LIS R1,1 ADD R2,R1,R1 LIL R3,3#10 ADDI R4,R1,3 MOVE R5,R3 ADDSI R5,2#10 LIS R6,0 ORIS R6,6
a) This assembles to a sequence of 10 halfwords in memory. Give the values of those halfwords in hexadecimal. You may use the SMAL assembler to help, but you should learn to do it by hand. (0.1 points per halfword)
b) After this sequence of instructions has been executed, what values are in what registers. You may use the Hawk emulator to solve this problem, but you should learn to do it by hand. (0.5 points)
a) Explain why the value of the symbol qREGISTERq never matters even though it is used in every reference to a register. (0.3 points)
If the value of qREGISTERq never matters, why is it there? That is, why not use the simple version in Chapter 4 of the notes instead of the version in hawk.macs with its strange use of this odd symbol? (This is a deliberately hard question.) (0.2 points)