The address 0x1663B (9170710) is in the Hawk's RAM.
[see page 35 of the course notes]
The HW3.l file should look like this, but with the student's
name in the place of "Student":
^LSMAL32 (rev 9/03) "Student" 00:37:59 Page 1
Wed Sep 19 2007
1 TITLE "Student"
3 ; The following assembles into 100 to 107
4 . = 100
000064: 00 6 B 0 ; 100
000065: FF 7 B -1 ; 101
000066: 0F0F 8 H #0F0F ; 102 and 103
000068: 55555555 9 W 8#12525252525 ; 104 to 107
11 END
no errors
When the 'A' is added the locations of all subsequent bytes,
halfwords and words are offset by 1 byte (become 1 byte higher).
This does not matter for bytes, but if the new memory location is
no longer even for a halfword, or
no longer divisible by 4 for a word, then an aligment problem
will occur because the halfword or word will span over two valid
halfwords or words. The Hawk does not support non-aligned data
so there may be an error when a misaligned program is assembled.
[see page 35 of course notes]
- The new HW3.l file should look similar to this
directives bolded):
^LSMAL32 (rev 9/03) "Student" 00:51:43 Page 1
Wed Sep 19 2007
1 TITLE "Student"
3 ; The following assembles into 100 to 111
5 USE "hawk.macs"
7 . = 100
000064: 00 9 B 0 ; 100
000065: FF 10 B -1 ; 101
000066: 41 11 B 'A' ; 102
12 ALIGN 2 ; skip to next valid halfword location
000068: 0F0F 13 H #0F0F ; 104 and 105
14 ALIGN 4 ; skip to next valid word location
00006C: 55555555 15 W 8#12525252525 ; 108 to 111
17 END
no errors