Assignment 5, due Sept 29

Part of the homework for 22C:40, Fall 2003
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

Machine Problem II, due Oct 8

Do problem x from Chapter 6 of the notes. Turn in a cleanly commented and legible assembly listing of your code, with a title saying "22C:40 MP2 Solved by ..." with your name substituted for the elipsis. If you run it for f(6) you should get this output:


Note again that once you turn in your listing, you should not touch your source file (except to make a copy of it to another file). You can use the command chmod mp2.a -w to make the file mp2.a read only, protecting it from being modified in order to preserve the evidence that you completed the assignment on time.

For Maximum Credit

Incorporatie solutions to problems s, t and u from the notes into your code.

The Homework, due Sept 29

  1. Do the following exercises from Chapter 6 of the notes: