Assignment 3, due Sept 15
Part of
the homework for 22C:40, Fall 2003
Write Hawk code to output, on the screen, the following message, with your name replacing the text NNNN:
*** * Machine Problem 1 Solved by NNNN * ***
The program should terminate by calling EXIT when it is done.
Turn in an assembly listing of your work, on paper and cleanly commented, complete with a title claiming it as your solution to MP1. Grading will be based on reading your code! If there is any doubt that it works, you will be asked to prove it. To make such proof possible, do not edit your solution after you turn it in. If you wish to make changes, copy the source code to a different file first, then make the changes there.
General policy note! You will receive more credit for solutions that acknowledge, in their comments, the bugs you have found or the fact that they do not work, than you will receive for solutions that pretend to work while, in fact, containing major faults.