Homework 3
22C:122, Spring 1998
Due Friday Feb 20, 1997, in class
Douglas W. Jones
Consider the following annoyingly simple instruction set for a simple
| Opcode | Operand |
LOAD address AC = M[address]
LOADI immediate AC = immediate
ADD address AC = AC + M[address]
ADDI immediate AC = AC + immediate
SUB address AC = AC - M[address]
SUBI immediate AC = AC - immediate
SUB address AC = AC - M[address]
STORE address M[address] = AC
JMP address PC = address
JMPN address if AC<0, PC = address
JMPP address if AC>0, PC = address
JMPZ address if AC=0, PC = address
CALL address AC = PC; PC = address
JMPX address PC = AC + address
NOP do nothing!
First, propose how you would pipeline this machine. A rough block diagram
showing what is in each interstage register and where the functional units
and other registers go is sufficient.
Second, assuming that the pipeline is not interlocked, how many branch delay
slots, operand delay slots and so forth must the programmer account for.
Third, write assembly code for the following program fragment, taking into
account all the delay slots you've identified.
for (i=1; i++; i<10) x = x + i;
Forth, note what fraction of your instructions in the above code fragment were
NOPs. This gives you a rough idea of how close to the theoretical efficiency
you can get with this architecture. Then, suggest what (mis)features of this
architecture would have to be corrected in order to get better performance.