Biographical Data -- A. C. Fleck
- Ph.D. Michigan State University, Mathematics, 1964
- M.A. Michigan State University, Mathematics, 1960
- B.S. Western Michigan University, Mathematics, 1959
Professional Experience
- 2006- :
Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa
- 1990-2006:
Professor of Computer Science, University of Iowa
- 1984-1990:
Chairman of Computer Science, University of Iowa
- 1974-1984:
Professor of Computer Science and staff member of the
University Computer Center, University of Iowa
- 1973-1974:
Visiting Professor of Computer Science, University of
- 1972-1973:
Professor of Computer Science and staff
member of the University Computer Center, University of Iowa
- 1967-1971:
Associate Professor of Computer Science and staff
member of the University Computer Center, University of Iowa
- 1965-1967:
Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Mathematics
(joint) and staff member of the University Computer Center, University of
- 1964-1965:
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Head of
Systems Programming in the University Computer Center, Michigan State
- 1959-1964:
Research Assistant in the University Computer Center,
Michigan State University
Selected Professional Activities
- Member, editorial board, Computing Letters (
electronic journal)
- Member, editorial board, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering.
- Member, editorial advisory board, Computer Languages,
Systems & Structures (journal).
- Member, editorial board, Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology
(AMAST) series in computing, World Scientific Publishing Co.
- Session chair, 2004 Hawaii Inter. Conf. on Computer Sciences.
- Referee, Computer Languages, Syatems & Structures (journal),
IEEE Software(journal), and annual
ACM conferences(CSC '92, CSC '93, CSC '94 & CSC '95).
- External reviewer, Computer Science graduate program, St. Cloud State
University, 1994.
- Chair, Louisiana Educational Quality Support Fund review panel, Louisiana
Board of Regents, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003.
- Member, National Science Foundation review panel(CISE Directorate), Young
Investigator Awards, 1993.
- External reviewer, Computer Science undergraduate program, College of
William and Mary, 1993.
- Member, program committee (and referee), International Conference on
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST), 1989,
1991, 1993, 2004, 2006.
- Live closed-circuit television teaching of graduate-level computer
science courses, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1993, 2000, 2004, 2005.
- Member, National Science Foundation review panel(CISE Directorate),
Research Instrumentation Awards, 1992.
- Instructor, "Principles of Computer Science II/III", IBM university level
computer science program, 1991.
- Member, Louisiana Educational Quality Support Fund review panel,
Louisiana Board of Regents, 1991.
- Member, National Science Foundation review panel(CISE Directorate),
Research Experience for Undergraduates, 1991.
- Member, National Science Foundation review panel(CISE Directorate),
Research Initiation Awards, 1990.
- Thesis supervision: doctoral 19; masters 2.
- Professional memberships: Association for Computing Machinery,
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science,
Association for Logic Programming.
- Listed in: Who's Who in Computer Education and Research, T. C.
Hsiao(ed.), First Ed.(and on), 1975, Science and Technology Press,
Washington, D.C.; American Men and Women of Science,13th Ed.(and on),
1976, R.R. Bowker Pub., New Providence, N.J.; Who's Who in Technology,
5th Ed.(and on), Gale Research, Detroit, Mich.; Who's Who in the United
States, 1986 Ed., American Publishing, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, Who's Who in the
Midwest, 24th Ed., and Who's Who in the World, 14th Ed.,
Marquis Who's Who, New Providence, NJ.
Further information