Using CS Workstations

All class members have class accounts established on the CS workstations. The public class directory is /group/class/c181. If you haven’t received account info, contact A. C. Fleck

We will be using software installed on the CS cluster of Linux workstations. These machines are located in B5 and 301 MLH. While 301 is an open lab, B5 is a studio classroom and only serves as an open lab when no class is in session. The times when B5 is reserved are posted at

Assistance with general machine/system problems is available in the 301 lab on this schedule.

The workstations are multi-user machines, and can be accessed remotely over the Internet. An ssh session to Linux uses host names
301lab -> l-lnx100 through l-lnx132 or
b5lab -> l-lnx000 through l-lnx015;
from off-campus you need to access and then connect to one of the machines indicated above;
All these machines are served by the same file server, so the particular machine used does not matter.